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Career Advice: FA to COMPLIANCE

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22 RepliesJump to last post



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Aug 20, 2007 11:44 pm

 I am considering leaving my job a a FA and going into Compliance. Will my background in financial services help me land a compliance job. And, does the Compliance field pay well? Also, FINRA offers a Compliance Boot Camp. Is it worth attending? Any constructive advice would be helpful. Thanks!

Aug 20, 2007 11:55 pm

compliance? why?

Aug 21, 2007 12:00 am

Compliance seems to be more stable and because of SOX, the need for compliance officers is growing. At least that is what I have been told.

Aug 25, 2007 1:17 pm

Oh my gosh, Guest... That was funny.

Seriously, though. I work in a home office environment and actually one of my closest friends is in Compliance.

 A lot of people, including herself get to work from home atleast 1-2 days a week. They also really only work 40 hours a week unless there is a NASD audit. It seems female-dominated for this reason and easy to work with for people with children.

Pay range (atleast in the Midwest) isn't that exciting. Intro positions pay around 40k-50k. A Director of Compliance makes about $110k (this was told to me by a recruiter).

I don't think that the classes are that impressive. Most of them have to have a Series 24, so I would aim for that instead.

Aug 25, 2007 2:29 pm

I’m confused about what you’d be leaving for compliance.

You said you’re an FA and you also said you work in a home office environment.  Perhaps you need to clarify what you mean by FA.

You’d receive more targeted feedback if we knew what you’re currently doing.

Aug 25, 2007 4:02 pm

I never stated that I work from home. I currently work for EJ and I am looking for a change within financial services. I do pretty well, and wanted to know if compliance was worth changing into financially!

Aug 25, 2007 4:18 pm

NOoooooooooooooo, I spoke to a couple Field Service Types at Jones when I was there and they said they make about 35k a year.  My hairdresser makes more than that!

Aug 25, 2007 7:08 pm

You know the other name for compliance officer?

Failed broker.

Aug 25, 2007 8:50 pm

Aug 25, 2007 9:22 pm

Stan Mikita who is Bobby Hull who is Ferris Bueller who is YAWY seems to have formed an IP net--a website with the chief purpose being to capture IP and email addresses.  Such pairings can be sold for about $10 each--especially if they can be linked to people interested in certain things--such as finance.

If somebody knows your email address they can send anything straight into your computer--turn it on and bingo you've got pop up ads, spam email and viruses that erase your hard drive.

Stick with reputable outfits like Registered Rep magazine.

Please tell us more.

My impression is that this forum (RR) has some unexplained IP data sharing issues which have not been clarified by the administrator.

That allegation may be untrue, but to my knowledge the admin here has not stated the policy regarding IP information.

As for the new web site, my impression is that trust is still the new Admins to lose.

I don't see how making security allegations about the new site increases confidence about security here. Terms like " repuatable outfit" have to be earned and maintained.

Aug 25, 2007 9:36 pm

I think you dodged my question.

So, you're saying that if you give your real e-mail when you sign up, Bobby can sell your e - mail plus IP and you'll be spammed.

Does anyone really register for these forums with their active e-mail?

Since you are making allegations, please enlighten the group about the implications of leaving this forum.

Judging from the initial quality of membership over at the new forum, I am under the impression that it has big potential for facilitating professional growth.

Please clarify your IP issue allegations.

Aug 25, 2007 9:55 pm

Sorry, I guess  I missed it.

Wouldn't your IP address be available at to every internet site you visit? Are you saying that the new web site admin should not see your IP address because he is a criminal who will single out your computer because he knows you are a registered rep?

What has he specifically said that makes you say this?

Aug 25, 2007 10:08 pm

So, you really don't have any specific insight or knowledge into why visiting the new forum would pose a specific security risk.

Or for that matter, why staying here is more secure, other then for the good graces of some unknown admin here, who might be one of the regular posters, for that matter, judging from apparent IP security breaches here in the recent past.

Okay, then.

For that matter, you could be the admin here, right? For lack of a stated IP policy here, I just don't get your attack on the new moderated web site for career financial professionals, to where most of the individuals who have posted meaningful and career related material seem to have moved recently.

If you come up with anything specific, please share for the benefit of the group.

Aug 25, 2007 11:05 pm

Sounds like someone is jealous that he’s excluded from the club…

Aug 26, 2007 1:31 am

Big Easy Flood too

Aug 26, 2007 6:11 pm

and NASD Newbie

Aug 26, 2007 6:37 pm


As you lay your head on your pillow this evening each of you should say a silent prayer.

"Dear Lord, thank you for Put Trader and his wonderful skills at making my addiction to message boards as meaningful as possible."


How about:

"Dear Lord, thank you for all the clients I have helped (while being up-front about my fees) that allow me to enjoy this wonderful pool and hot wife, while feeding my addiction to message boards and posting on the sabbath (sorry about that Lord, it IS an addiciton). Please take care of all the Ramen-eating failed traders who occupy these said boards while posting lies and slander from their dingy studio apartments."

"Oh yeah, and Lord, thank you for WiFi."

Aug 26, 2007 8:28 pm

1. who cares if someone has my ip address. what are they going to do with it, pinpoint the city that I most likely am posting from?> BFD. Give it to spammers? My spam software will block what needs to be blocked. I have nothing to hide. BFD

2. Why are you still feeding these guys. Look at how the volume on this board has dried up since the new sight went up. If you would stop feeding, and just ignore, they (actually he - DATwo seems to be the only one left), will be talking to himself. Just ignore. Lurk if you'd like, for fun, but ignore.

Aug 26, 2007 8:55 pm


The word is site, not sight and not cite.

How can people be so stupid yet be in the business I love.  Idiots like this would have delivered the mail twenty five years ago--maybe.


1. I stand corrected

2. is that the BEST you could come up with genius?

3. It is amazing to me that you actually live here. It actually took you 10 minutes from the time of my post, to respond, including the time it took you to type the response. Do you have any life, dickhead?

4. Dont (scuse me, I mean Don't)(scuse me, I mean EXCuse me), dis the postman, you might be one someday.

5. My bad, no more feeding the trolls, I'm out of here, back to the good webSITE, no more posting here for a while.

Aug 27, 2007 1:42 am


The word is site, not sight and not cite.

How can people be so stupid yet be in the business I love.  Idiots like this would have delivered the mail twenty five years ago--maybe.


1. I stand corrected

2. is that the BEST you could come up with genius?

3. It is amazing to me that you actually live here. It actually took you 10 minutes from the time of my post, to respond, including the time it took you to type the response. Do you have any life, dickhead?

4. Dont (scuse me, I mean Don't)(scuse me, I mean EXCuse me), dis the postman, you might be one someday.

5. My bad, no more feeding the trolls, I'm out of here, back to the good webSITE, no more posting here for a while.


AMEN to 2, 3, and 4...I still have the feed the trolls addiction though, Prato please help me find a 12-step program.