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Jul 6, 2006 3:51 pm

In 2 years, I'll have 80k cash saved up, a working spouse who can pay our bills, and 3 years experience selling life products part time.  I want to jump in as an annuity producer with lots of capital.

Jul 6, 2006 3:59 pm


In 2 years, I'll have 80k cash saved up, a working spouse who can pay our bills, and 3 years experience selling life products part time.  I want to jump in as an annuity producer with lots of capital.


That's nice.

Jul 6, 2006 6:35 pm


In 2 years, I'll have 80k cash saved up, a working spouse who can pay our bills, and 3 years experience selling life products part time.  I want to jump in as an annuity producer with lots of capital.


Where do people like this come from?

 Do they come out of the prison system?   

Do they get a a Masters degree in fraud?