Bonus? Here's how your congressman voted

Mar 20, 2009 8:40 pm

The 328-93 roll call Thursday by which the House passed legislation to slap punishing taxes on big employee bonuses from AIG and other firms bailed out by taxpayers.

A "yes" vote is a vote to pass the bill.

Voting yes were 243 Democrats and 85 Republicans.

Voting no were 6 Democrats and 87 Republicans.

X denotes those not voting.

There are 3 vacancies in the 435-member House.


Democrats — Bright, Y; Davis, Y; Griffith, Y.

Republicans — Aderholt, Y; Bachus, N; Bonner, N; Rogers, Y.


Republicans — Young, Y.


Democrats — Giffords, Y; Grijalva, Y; Kirkpatrick, Y; Mitchell, N; Pastor, Y.

Republicans — Flake, N; Franks, N; Shadegg, N.


Democrats — Berry, Y; Ross, Y; Snyder, N.

Republicans — Boozman, Y.


Democrats — Baca, Y; Becerra, Y; Berman, Y; Capps, Y; Cardoza, Y; Costa, Y; Davis, Y; Eshoo, Y; Farr, Y; Filner, Y; Harman, Y; Honda, Y; Lee, Y; Lofgren, Zoe, Y; Matsui, Y; McNerney, Y; Miller, George, Y; Napolitano, X; Pelosi, X (the speaker by tradition often does not vote); Richardson, Y; Roybal-Allard, Y; Sanchez, Linda T., Y; Sanchez, Loretta, Y; Schiff, Y; Sherman, Y; Speier, Y; Stark, Y; Tauscher, Y; Thompson, Y; Waters, Y; Watson, Y; Waxman, Y; Woolsey, Y.

Republicans — Bilbray, Y; Bono Mack, Y; Calvert, Y; Campbell, N; Dreier, N; Gallegly, Y; Herger, Y; Hunter, N; Issa, N; Lewis, Y; Lungren, Daniel E., N; McCarthy, N; McClintock, Y; McKeon, N; Miller, Gary, X; Nunes, N; Radanovich, X; Rohrabacher, Y; Royce, Y.


Democrats — DeGette, Y; Markey, Y; Perlmutter, Y; Polis, Y; Salazar, Y.

Republicans — Coffman, N; Lamborn, N.


Democrats — Courtney, Y; DeLauro, Y; Himes, Y; Larson, Y; Murphy, Y.


Republicans — Castle, Y.


Democrats — Boyd, Y; Brown, Corrine, Y; Castor, Y; Grayson, Y; Hastings, Y; Klein, Y; Kosmas, Y; Meek, Y; Wasserman Schultz, Y; Wexler, Y.

Republicans — Bilirakis, Y; Brown-Waite, Ginny, Y; Buchanan, Y; Crenshaw, Y; Diaz-Balart, L., Y; Diaz-Balart, M., Y; Mack, N; Mica, Y; Miller, N; Posey, N; Putnam, Y; Rooney, Y; Ros-Lehtinen, Y; Stearns, Y; Young, Y.


Democrats — Barrow, Y; Bishop, Y; Johnson, Y; Lewis, Y; Marshall, Y; Scott, Y.

Republicans — Broun, N; Deal, N; Gingrey, N; Kingston, N; Linder, N; Price, N; Westmoreland, N.


Democrats — Abercrombie, Y; Hirono, Y.


Democrats — Minnick, N.

Republicans — Simpson, N.


Democrats — Bean, N; Costello, Y; Davis, Y; Foster, Y; Gutierrez, Y; Halvorson, Y; Hare, Y; Jackson, Y; Lipinski, Y; Rush, Y; Schakowsky, Y.

Republicans — Biggert, Y; Johnson, Y; Kirk, Y; Manzullo, Y; Roskam, Y; Schock, Y; Shimkus, Y.


Democrats — Carson, Y; Donnelly, Y; Ellsworth, Y; Hill, Y; Visclosky, Y.

Republicans — Burton, N; Buyer, N; Pence, N; Souder, X.


Democrats — Boswell, Y; Braley, Y; Loebsack, Y.

Republicans — King, N; Latham, Y.


Democrats — Moore, Y.

Republicans — Jenkins, N; Moran, Y; Tiahrt, N.


Democrats — Chandler, Y; Yarmuth, Y.

Republicans — Davis, Y; Guthrie, Y; Rogers, Y; Whitfield, Y.


Democrats — Melancon, Y.

Republicans — Alexander, Y; Boustany, X; Cao, Y; Cassidy, Y; Fleming, Y; Scalise, N.


Democrats — Michaud, Y; Pingree, Y.


Democrats — Cummings, Y; Edwards, Y; Hoyer, Y; Kratovil, Y; Ruppersberger, Y; Sarbanes, Y; Van Hollen, Y.

Republicans — Bartlett, N.


Democrats — Capuano, Y; Delahunt, X; Frank, Y; Lynch, Y; Markey, Y; McGovern, Y; Neal, Y; Olver, Y; Tierney, Y; Tsongas, Y.


Democrats — Conyers, Y; Dingell, Y; Kildee, Y; Kilpatrick, Y; Levin, Y; Peters, Y; Schauer, Y; Stupak, Y.

Republicans — Camp, Y; Ehlers, Y; Hoekstra, Y; McCotter, N; Miller, Y; Rogers, Y; Upton, Y.


Democrats — Ellison, Y; McCollum, Y; Oberstar, Y; Peterson, Y; Walz, Y.

Republicans — Bachmann, N; Kline, N; Paulsen, N.


Democrats — Childers, Y; Taylor, Y; Thompson, Y.

Republicans — Harper, N.


Democrats — Carnahan, Y; Clay, Y; Cleaver, Y; Skelton, Y.

Republicans — Akin, N; Blunt, Y; Emerson, Y; Graves, N; Luetkemeyer, N.


Republicans — Rehberg, Y.


Republicans — Fortenberry, Y; Smith, N; Terry, N.


Democrats — Berkley, Y; Titus, Y.

Republicans — Heller, Y.


Democrats — Hodes, Y; Shea-Porter, Y.


Democrats — Adler, Y; Andrews, Y; Holt, Y; Pallone, Y; Pascrell, Y; Payne, Y; Rothman, Y; Sires, Y.

Republicans — Frelinghuysen, Y; Garrett, N; Lance, Y; LoBiondo, Y; Smith, Y.


Democrats — Heinrich, Y; Lujan, Y; Teague, Y.


Democrats — Ackerman, Y; Arcuri, Y; Bishop, Y; Clarke, Y; Crowley, Y; Engel, Y; Hall, Y; Higgins, Y; Hinchey, X; Israel, Y; Lowey, Y; Maffei, Y; Maloney, Y; Massa, Y; McCarthy, Y; McMahon, N; Meeks, Y; Nadler, Y; Rangel, Y; Serrano, Y; Slaughter, Y; Tonko, Y; Towns, Y; Velazquez, Y; Weiner, Y.

Republicans — King, N; Lee, Y; McHugh, Y.


Democrats — Butterfield, Y; Etheridge, Y; Kissell, N; McIntyre, Y; Miller, Y; Price, Y; Shuler, Y; Watt, Y.

Republicans — Coble, N; Foxx, N; Jones, Y; McHenry, N; Myrick, N.


Democrats — Pomeroy, Y.


Democrats — Boccieri, Y; Driehaus, Y; Fudge, Y; Kaptur, Y; Kilroy, Y; Kucinich, Y; Ryan, Y; Space, Y; Sutton, Y; Wilson, Y.

Republicans — Austria, N; Boehner, N; Jordan, N; LaTourette, N; Latta, N; Schmidt, Y; Tiberi, Y; Turner, Y.


Democrats — Boren, Y.

Republicans — Cole, N; Fallin, N; Lucas, N; Sullivan, N.


Democrats — Blumenauer, Y; DeFazio, Y; Schrader, Y; Wu, Y.

Republicans — Walden, Y.


Democrats — Altmire, Y; Brady, Y; Carney, Y; Dahlkemper, Y; Doyle, Y; Fattah, Y; Holden, Y; Kanjorski, Y; Murphy, Patrick, Y; Murtha, Y; Schwartz, Y; Sestak, Y.

Republicans — Dent, Y; Gerlach, Y; Murphy, Tim, N; Pitts, N; Platts, Y; Shuster, N; Thompson, N.


Democrats — Kennedy, Y; Langevin, Y.


Democrats — Clyburn, Y; Spratt, Y.

Republicans — Barrett, N; Brown, Y; Inglis, N; Wilson, N.


Democrats — Herseth Sandlin, Y.


Democrats — Cohen, Y; Cooper, Y; Davis, X; Gordon, Y; Tanner, Y.

Republicans — Blackburn, N; Duncan, Y; Roe, Y; Wamp, Y.


Democrats — Cuellar, Y; Doggett, Y; Edwards, Y; Gonzalez, Y; Green, Al, Y; Green, Gene, Y; Hinojosa, Y; Jackson-Lee, Y; Johnson, E. B., Y; Ortiz, Y; Reyes, Y; Rodriguez, Y.

Republicans — Barton, Y; Brady, N; Burgess, N; Carter, N; Conaway, N; Culberson, X; Gohmert, N; Granger, N; Hall, N; Hensarling, N; Johnson, Sam, N; Marchant, N; McCaul, Y; Neugebauer, N; Olson, X; Paul, N; Poe, N; Sessions, N; Smith, Y; Thornberry, N.


Democrats — Matheson, Y.

Republicans — Bishop, N; Chaffetz, N.


Democrats — Welch, Y.


Democrats — Boucher, Y; Connolly, Y; Moran, Y; Nye, Y; Perriello, Y; Scott, Y.

Republicans — Cantor, Y; Forbes, Y; Goodlatte, Y; Wittman, Y; Wolf, Y.


Democrats — Baird, Y; d***s, Y; Inslee, Y; Larsen, Y; McDermott, Y; Smith, Y.

Republicans — Hastings, N; McMorris Rodgers, Y; Reichert, Y.


Democrats — Mollohan, Y; Rahall, Y.

Republicans — Capito, Y.


Democrats — Baldwin, Y; Kagen, Y; Kind, Y; Moore, Y; Obey, Y.

Republicans — Petri, Y; Ryan, Y; Sensenbrenner, N.


Republicans — Lummis, N.

Mar 20, 2009 9:35 pm

Yeah my guide voted yes…

  So what who cares does it really matter?
Mar 20, 2009 9:36 pm

yes means screw financial services industry

no means don’t screw financial services industry

this is the site where you email your rep and tell them whether or not they are a jagoff:

Mar 20, 2009 9:37 pm

So did mine, and next time He asks me for money, I will say No.

Mar 20, 2009 9:38 pm

I don’t work for a firm that got a bail out… I didn’t get a bonus, so why should I care…

Mar 20, 2009 9:39 pm

I don’t work for a firm that got a bail out… I didn’t get a bonus, so why should I care…

because you're next
Mar 20, 2009 9:40 pm

Liddy is a bigger problem then the bonus money…The guy was president of Allstate… Now he runs AIG??? I can see why they picked him, Allstate is very similar in structure and products… And by similar I mean exact opposite.

Mar 20, 2009 9:43 pm

[quote=Squash1] Liddy is a bigger problem then the bonus money…The guy was president of Allstate… Now he runs AIG??? I can see why they picked him, Allstate is very similar in structure and products… And by similar I mean exact opposite.


that’s how clueless washington is. They heard insurance company so they thought “oh just like allstate”
Mar 20, 2009 9:54 pm


I do not work for a firm that got a bail out, nor am I getting a bonus, but that is not what drives my decision to never give any money to my congress man ever again. (I have given him money in the last five elections). The reason I am so upset is that I think it is a bad policy decision. I also think it is unconstitutional. I strongly believe that contract should be honored.

Mar 20, 2009 10:25 pm

If this goes all the way through you will see a massive exodus of high producers to indy firms, guaranteed.

Mar 21, 2009 12:09 am

“I don’t work for a firm that got a bail out… I didn’t get a bonus, so why should I care…”

  I hope that was a rhetorical question.    Where happened to the part of the law that said that all politicians that accepted contributions from companies receiving Tarp funds or employees from those companies would be taxed 90% on the contributions?
Mar 21, 2009 2:03 am

I don’t work for a firm that got a bail out… I didn’t get a bonus, so why should I care…

  Squash, I hope you're joking.  You should care for the same reason you should care if your neighbor's house is seized by the government because it's in a nice location (emminent domain). It's not your house, but it's still wrong, and it could be your house tomorrow. If Congress starts to randomly enact legislation due to the loudness of crowds, say goodbye to the good ole USA. We're fricked.   My congressman voted no, so I wrote him and told him how proud I was of him.   Also, is it just me, or would anyone else love to have the gold medalist in bowling from the Special Olympics run the country for a while. He would have to do a better job than Obama.
Mar 21, 2009 3:06 am

[quote=Squash1] I don’t work for a firm that got a bail out… I didn’t get a bonus, so why should I care…

because you're next[/quote]

You've got to be joking Joe.  If you think for one minute that you or anyone on this forum runs in the crowd that gets those types of bonuses, you are seriously deluded.

Mar 21, 2009 3:21 am

[/quote]You’ve got to be joking Joe.  If you think for one minute that you or anyone on this forum runs in the crowd that gets those types of bonuses, you are seriously deluded.

  What are you saying?? You don't have to be getting a bonus of $12,000,000 to be affected by this.  $250,000 income kicks starts the penalty box.  I would bet that a good number of posters here will be affected.    But, on a bigger picture - this whole thing could set a precident that who knows where could end.   This is crazy and infuriating.  It appears that the current administration is creating sacrificial lambs to progess an agenda.   Scary!!
Mar 21, 2009 3:25 am

Why not harang your congressional offices for demands that terms be limited for all of the walking talking rectums in either house or senate seets.

  Absolute incompetant blowhards.  I want to meet everyone of you fools that support the moron Barney Frank.  Why hasn't  gotten ahold of this idiot yet?  Dodd, what the flock is up with him?  2010 cannot come fast enough.
Mar 22, 2009 2:51 pm

Congress should have just let them all go under.  As soon as the feds started paying trillions of dollars to “save Wall Street”–THAT was the moment we started to become like our Socialist pals in Eastern Europe.  And some of us knew that this is exactly the kind of thing that would happen.

So maybe you guys remaining behind at the wires can go to you doctor, get a prescription filled for some testosterone boosters, and say goodbye to this broken, Socialized system you work for, that your clients loathe, and that you think is now so unfair.  Until then, realize who it really is paying you the salary and bonuses.  And if you STILL don’t know, it AIN’T CitiMorg or Merrill.

Mar 22, 2009 3:10 pm
  I am new to this blog over the weekend and from the responses it sounds like it is the wirehouse people versus the indys.  Obviously every agrees that the AIG situation was unfortunate and once the government owned 79% of it  then they should have evaluated the situation.- so Citi/Freddie and Fannie are in a different place.   For the rest of all the financial institutions the goverment does not own 70% of  them.  All financial advisors  (Who were not involved in this mess) should care about this no matter where you work since if they are starting with this then they will eventually start taxing  all people at a certain level....which could be you  next   it is just a matter of time.   Here is a quote that I found and put on the tax-retention blog...   These lawmakers apprear to have done in less than 60 days what the Soviet Union couldn't do in our own country in 60 years- turn us into a communist like dictatorship.   I agree none of us on this blog are the ones that got these huge bonuses but most of us will be effected.  Also if you make $150M and your spouse makes $100M then you included for any additional payments/bonuses that you make.  So we should all be watching carefully what happens this week.  My take is even if it passes the Senate the supreme court will shoot it down due to the unconstitutionality of the bill.