BD Charging for Social Media

Oct 19, 2012 3:22 pm

I work as an FA for a Broker Dealer in Florida. My BD recently implemented a new social media program (for LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook) where each rep has to pay $100 per month just to keep their LinkedIn & Facebook accounts online. They claim this is so that they can monitor you posts/messages.

Is this the norm in the industry? This seems a bit expensive to me. I want to get a pulse of what reps at other firms around the country are experiencing regarding social media and having to pay to use sites such as LinkedIn & Facebook.

Your comments are appreciated.

Feb 14, 2013 6:41 pm

My firm only raised the fee $10.00 for social networking. You are being hosed.

Feb 17, 2013 4:09 pm

LPL arranged monitoring at $60/year per social media account.