Legacy Platforms: Why They're So Ingrained and What to Consider When Upgrading

Jun 4, 2018 8:30 pm

At Resolute Technology Solutions, we've just about completed a full series of content around Technology in Financial Services. The article we posted today covers:

What to Consider When Upgrading or Replacing Your Financial Services IT System

<a href=" https://www.resolutets.com/upgrading-replacing-legacy-financial-services-system">What to Consider When Upgrading or Replacing Your Financial Services IT System</a>

Would love to get some feedback on if you find this content helpful, if you have to deal with any legacy technology, or if you've found a way around the hurdles it can create. Useful contribuitions will be credited in our article!

Jun 4, 2018 8:32 pm

Pardon the formatting! Didn't expect the link to appear like that.