CRM Software

May 1, 2014 12:50 am

I am curious as to what CRM all of you guys use in your practices. Also what are the pros and cons, etc. What do you wish it did that it didn't etc.

Thank you!

May 30, 2014 4:42 am

Hi Jon,

I imagine for most advisors it comes down to what fits your preferences and what fits the scale of your business.

I’ve actually found a lot of advisors I am talking to are using Salesforce. The big reason often cited is because it is a highly extensible platform. Salesforce works with EVERYTHING. If there’s another app you want to, or need to, use then there is almost certainly a Salesforce plugin in for it.

Whatever you decide to go with though I highly recommend you make sure it has a social CRM plug-in of some kind. Increasingly you are going to need to interact with prospects, clients and referral partners via social networks and you will want to capture those engagements for CRM and for compliance purposes.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.


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