Which STC Series 7 self-study program to buy?

Sep 23, 2015 7:07 pm

I've decided to self-study for series 7 using STC. They offer about 2 dozens of programs, each program is a combination of some of these components:

Virtual Class On-Demand Lecture Study Manual (Print) Final Exams (online, CD-ROM, or Print) Online Flashcards (Expires 90 days from first use.) Online Progress Exams

I'm going to skip the Virtual Class and On-Demand Lecture, I learned that the Study Manual and Final Exams are the 2 most important components, and electronic Final Exams (online or CD-ROM) are probably better than print because you receive immediate feedback.

My questions:

What's the difference between CD-ROM and online Final Exams? Do they expire? Are the online Flashcards worth getting? Are the online Progress Exams worth getting? Am I missing anything?