Using a monthly e newsletter

Sep 23, 2014 3:40 pm

Pk, So I am 3 months in.  I am an independent.  I am 6/63 Life and I now am interested in learning how to build my business.  I am being advised to start a monthly E newsletter to prospects.  The service I am considering is FOrefield.  Its custom.  An FA can choose logo, pic and choose from 100 articles every month.  It seems like a great marketing tool to send to clients emails monthly.

 Questions are Does anyone have experience in this enewsletter service ? Do I try and brand myself if I am an independent solo FA not on a team ?  Any advice or thoughts are much appreciated !

Oct 21, 2014 1:26 pm

I have not used them, but my assistant sends out a weekly newsletter via email every Monday and people for the most part like it.