Thoughts on Pass Perfect vs Kaplan for Series 7?

Jan 22, 2019 4:10 am

So i'm new here and i'm sure the Series 7 has been spoken about extensivley elsewhere, so sorry if this has been asked before.

My firm had me buy the Pass Perfect study material for the 7 a week ago, I had been using Kaplan on my own previous to that. I don't have the Q banks, I just have the quizzes and exams in the book itself. After about going through Pass Perfect for a week i've become pretty discouraged. The exams on Pass Perfect seem to be incredibly difficult compared to the Kaplan exams. They had a whole section in Pass Perfect dedicated to CMO and PACs which I thought was kind of extreme. I mean yeah, maybe you'll get a question on CMO's, but to have a whole section dedicated to it seemed pretty extreme.

Any thoughts on Pass Perfect vs Kaplan? Am I right in feeling like they just got overboard with the amount of information?