How do I start Wealth Managment in a Bank with no lisence or experience?

Sep 8, 2017 2:00 pm

I have a unique experience and story. I am 32 year old and was recently hired at a bank to develop a wealth management branch. Yet I have no experience in the industry and my bank is not registered with FINRA. My ceo wants me to get my series 7 but we are having a problem with finding a broker that will sponsor me to take the test. I understand why we are having difficulty finding a broker to affiliate with to sponsor me to take the series 7 test considering we want to become our own broker and would basically un-affiliate once we could pass the requirements to register as a FINRA member firm. I have asked my CEO if he considered hiring a principle to get the registration started but that is not the route he wants to go in. So my question is what are the steps I need to take to get the ball rolling? I have considered trying to take my series 65 and 63 since I do not need a sponsor to take them. Any information or opinion would be greatly appreciated.