
Sep 3, 2015 7:41 pm

Hello All!

Im graduating in the spring and am looking for a career that could help me become a financial planner in a few years. Because I am relatively young and don't want to be forced to survive off commission straight off the bat, I was attracted to a few positions at Fidelity. One of these jobs is called a "Financial Planning Customer Professional." It would require me to pass the series 7 and 63. My understanding is that the job is just going to companies that have their 401K plans through Fidelity and educating workers on their 401k options and the type of allocation they should be in.

Does anyone have any experience with a job like this? I would do it during the day then go to school to get the education requirements for the CFP. After a few years I would then transition to a full time FA position, either at Fidelity or somewhere else.

Other Questions...

Is the job 100% salary?

Salary estimate?

 I am hoping it is in the ballpark of 40k, otherwise it could be hard to turn down some other offers that pay better but aren't in financial planning.

Thanks for the help