Failed S7 3x (unforeseen Circumstances)

Aug 22, 2019 11:22 pm

Where do I begin?

So, about 8 months ago I was sponsored through a brokerage for the S7. Everything was going great and I passed the SIE with ease. Unfortunately, 3 weeks after my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and found out she was terminally. Doctors said the cancer was spreading fast and she had limited time. Within weeks her health started to deteriorate as she started undergoing treatment. It was my obligation to make my mother my priority above all else and I couldn’t fully commit to my studies not to mention I became emotionally wrecked and overwhelmed mentally. I called HR and explained to them my situation and asked for some leniency regarding their expectations of me completing the exam and requested time off. My request was denied and was told that as a new hire I was not eligible for any FMLA or paid family leave and that I was still expected to pass the exam within the following 90-day threshold. So, I was forced to take the exam with no other choice. First attempt I scored a 69, Second attempted 70, third attempt 71…failed by 1 point. As a result, I was terminated.

It wasn’t because I was unwilling or incapable of passing. In fact, I have almost 10 years in the financial industry working as a banker, analyst and accountant with a BBA in finance (concentration in equities). I was also at the head of my class in the firm’s study program consistently scoring in the mid 80’s on my practice exams until this shit arose.

Some of you can relate from your own experience knowing Mom/Dad is terminally sick. It’s borrowed time and this weighed heavily on my shoulders. I couldn’t escape my own thoughts knowing what was to come… It was mentally and physically exhausting to the point where I couldn’t do the simplest tasks. I was in a bad place consumed by my own thoughts making it almost impossible to concentrate.

Anyways, it’s not my intention to get too personal and I’m not playing my violin. But I think it’s important to explain the situation I was in and why…It all happened at the wrong time.

That being said. My question is: How hard will it be for me to get sponsorship again through another firm after failing 3 times? Has anyone else failed more than 3x. How can this affect me now that it’s on my u5? Also, can potential employers see how many times I attempted the exam?

I’m adamant in becoming a FA and aspire to become CFP eventually. I’m just hoping this won’t keep me from doing so. If anyone can give me some insight or constructive advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,
