LPL to FiNET........anyone?

Feb 10, 2016 8:29 pm

Has anyone made this move?  Been with LPL for a long time - and it is a totally different company that it used to be.  They seem to now cater to the small producer and their service center is a nightmare.

Has anyone moved from LPL to FiNet ?       Has anyone moved from LPL to RJ? 


Feb 23, 2016 7:40 pm

I’m with LPL as well. Not happy either. Been looking at other places but haven’t looked at FiNet. I am staying put until the DOL rule comes out. If have to “repaper” 1000 accounts anyway, that might be my move.

Sep 10, 2016 10:30 pm

I’m about to sign with LPL… Why are you thinking of leaving? What types of problems have they been having? Can I set up quick phone call?