Permanent Portfolios

Sep 11, 2008 10:02 pm

Anyone know anything about teh Permanent Portfolio family?  I had a meeting with a prospect last night who has it in his portfolio and I’ve never heard of them before.  I haven’t done much searching, but I can’t find a homepage for them.  Just curious if any of you use them or know anything about them. 

Sep 22, 2008 4:37 am

Go to yahoo finance and look up PRPFX.  It’s their flagship fund and is pretty impressive.  They basically mix gold, silver, dividend paying stocks and t-bills.  I think they’re up this year and have average about 12% per year for the past 10.  I think it’s no load, so most commision based reps won’t benefit from it, but it works very well for a portion of a wrap account for indy’s, RIA’s, etc.

Oct 25, 2008 3:13 pm

Very good fund, constantly rebalance their holdings, so the percentages are always the same… try