EDJ Prospecting week

May 1, 2009 2:52 am

I'm finding that about 85% of my scheduled calls for eval/grad so far (1 day left) are to people I met only once on their doorstep because I've had a hard time getting a hold of second contacts. Our ATL said our 125 contacts for prospecting week needed to be a combination of first AND second contacts. Bottom line is that I still need my weekly 125 and if I spent all day every day chasing people down for a second contact I wouldn't meet the expectation. Did any of you have this same problem? Did any of you still find that some of the people you met only once at the door step where receptive to you when you called them from STL during eval/grad?<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Here's my scary statistics for eval/grad week:


- 206 calls to people I met only once at their doorstep

- 17 calls from a repeat contact where they weren't too upset that I came back by and said I could call them when I found something that could help them with retirement, taxes, etc

May 1, 2009 3:16 am

Don’t ASK for their permission to follow up. GIVE yourself permission to do it.

What is the difference and what do I mean by that? When you ask permission to contact them again, you are setting yourself up for them to put another road block in the way.  Take control of that by...instead of asking permission - make it concrete that you will be back to visit or back in touch.   "So - Mrs. Jones, I understand you believe you are all set. What I will do is stop by from time to time to make sure that is still the case. " Then shut up. Don't say is that OK; don't say does that sound alright to you. Just shut up.   OR - What are the investment tools you use most? Stocks? Bonds? Mutual FUnds? What are your favorites? What I'll do is come by when I see something that will be of interest to you.   OR - What is your e-mail address? I will not put you onto a bulk e-mail or anything, but what I will do is send you occasional insights or ideas that will be useful for you (not might be useful, or may be of interest. Emphasize the "will be")   OR Ask them about their car/house/yard/etc as you stand their observing. Look for a pain point. Like a hanging gutter. "wow Mrs. Jones, looks like you have a gutter that got damaged over the winter. . Then say, I know someone who can fix that. I don't have their number handy, but I'll be by with their infomation for you. Add value. 
May 1, 2009 1:03 pm

NOBODY IN MY CLASS DID MANY REVISITS DURING PROSPECTING WEEK!  Its hard to find people home the 2nd time for some reason.  And I found myself  irritating people since I was just there 3 weeks before.  Most people in my classes took prospecting week as an opportunity to get more new contacts.  I did all businesses that week.

  don't sweat it, its normal.
May 1, 2009 1:26 pm


I'm finding that about 85% of my scheduled calls for eval/grad so far (1 day left) are to people I met only once on their doorstep because I've had a hard time getting a hold of second contacts. Our ATL said our 125 contacts for prospecting week needed to be a combination of first AND second contacts. Bottom line is that I still need my weekly 125 and if I spent all day every day chasing people down for a second contact I wouldn't meet the expectation. Did any of you have this same problem? Did any of you still find that some of the people you met only once at the door step where receptive to you when you called them from STL during eval/grad?<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Here's my scary statistics for eval/grad week:


- 206 calls to people I met only once at their doorstep

- 17 calls from a repeat contact where they weren't too upset that I came back by and said I could call them when I found something that could help them with retirement, taxes, etc

 [/quote]   DON'T worry about whether you only contacted them once or twice.  Almost none of mine were 2nd contacts yet.  During prospecting week, most of the contacts were new contacts.  Just keep getting new prospects, then start dripping on the ones you'e got.  Just don't worry and keep prospecting.