e-Mail Newsletters

Mar 17, 2010 6:16 pm

Have they worked for you?

How many e-mail addresses do you believe you need in order for it to be worth while?

I'd be interested in them if they work, but I've got a feeling that they would get discarded quickly.

Mar 17, 2010 7:12 pm

Whoa had a conversation there all by yourself..

You know you can't blanket email without permission from the individual right? If you have his email call him on the phone and tell him about what is in your newsletter and why it will help him.

Mar 17, 2010 8:33 pm

E newsletters help to attract customers back to your site by keeping them engaged. You need as many as possible.

calgary catering

hot tubs

Mar 17, 2010 9:18 pm

If you need permission to e-mail then someone is breaking a bunch of laws. I don't know of any "do not e-mail list", but I could be wrong. How would I get a good e-mail list broken down by zip code?

Mar 17, 2010 9:44 pm

Email is a great tickler as a follow up to a call, but don't expect it to reel in assets by itself.

Mar 17, 2010 9:56 pm

I've had a number of clients and prospects request that I contact them by e-mail. But it was hard to do considering compliance guidelines. But I would love to get my hands on a good e-mail list of local people. Have any of you found a good e-mail list provider? It's a lot cheaper than mail.

Mar 17, 2010 10:41 pm


If you need permission to e-mail then someone is breaking a bunch of laws. I don't know of any "do not e-mail list", but I could be wrong. How would I get a good e-mail list broken down by zip code?


You are... it is called spam... 2003 Can-Spam law 80 pages says pretty clearly you aren't allowed to do it..

However i think the bigger point is, that people who send 1,000s of emails to people in the hopes that they will get a call or positive response is just insane...

How do you feel when you have to delete crap?

Mar 18, 2010 1:49 am

Squash, you beat me to it. To add just a bit, the can-spam law says you not only need the receivers permission, but you also need to provide, within the email itself a method for the receiver to opt out of future emails

With that said, i find email newsletters, articles, etc useful in keeping my name in front of clients and prospects. As long as you are careful not to overdo it, and you send information of value, you should get a decent open rate. I keep three email distribution lists - one for Prospects, one for existing clients and a third for CPA's and Attorneys. And i try to keep the emails to each one to twice a month max.

I do get replies, so i know they are being read.

Mar 18, 2010 6:11 pm

Thanks Bob.

Mar 19, 2010 4:38 pm

Thank you. 

I'm not looking to add people to a list that never requested the newsletter.  I'm just wondering from those people that use them how many prospects/clients actually read them and don't unsubscribe from them.

Mar 19, 2010 7:22 pm

I use one.  I find that very seldom do clients unsubscribe.  Prospects sometimes do.  I don't know how often they are read and it makes no difference to me.  I do know that I have gotten direct business from mine.  Additionally, they have been very good at taking someone from cold to warm.