Client mailings

Jul 24, 2005 3:47 am

i just started with a major wirehouse and they have all this market stuff that we can mail to our clients: monthly Newsletters with my picture, and a ton of informative reports.  I never had such a wide array of marketing related materials availabe to me at prior frims.  Does anyone proactively mail newsletters and research to clients with them asking for them?  What is the best way to use this stuff?  I have about 125 households with 80 million in assets.

Jul 24, 2005 2:50 pm

If it is something that your firm provides it is usually generic junk.  The best things are done by independent marketing organizations that would need to be approved by your compliance department.  You could always write original material yourself but that too would need compliance approval.

Jul 25, 2005 1:46 pm

Dewey, let's go on the assumption that Tivo feels the material is quality.  You're right that a lot of stuff from some b/ds is marginal, but that's not universal.  Also, remember that when we as reps are reading something it may seem generic & bland, but to a client it may be enlightening!

Tivo, I use my b/d's materials regularly.  They're customized with my personal information.  I believe it's critical to have constant contact with clients in between personal meetings & phone conferences, so newsletters, "white papers", etc. fit the bill very nicely.  I also use them for dripping on prospects.  While I could pay a lot for third-party material (or do my own) that may be better in many cases, I've found the response to the b/d material is positive, so I'm glad to leverage off of them instead of reinventing the wheel myself. 

For the most part I've gone away from hard-copy mailings to email, now that virtually all my clients regularly use email (my b/d provides the material both in hardcopy & PDF).   Email of course is much more efficient & cost effective (free!) than hard-copy.  I also post newsletters, etc. to my website & so often my emails are just notification of something new on the site that may be of interest to them & give them the link.

I try not to overwhelm them with stuff, so typically limit to no more than two communications of this type a month.  I've tested this with clients & that's the max they typically want.  Of course, there are a few clients that are information gluttons on certain subjects (their industry for example), so they're on established email lists to receive any research on the relevant subject.  Some like to receive our investment strategist's weekly commentaries, so there's  a list of those people.  The point is, to be effective, over time you'll end up with a tailored approach depending on each client's needs/interests.  The wonders of email distribution lists make it all very easy to do!

Jul 28, 2005 3:20 am


Are you still independent?  I haven't been here in a couple of years.