Calling with Preferred Stock as Product Pitch

Jan 19, 2012 9:22 pm

Is there anyone out there who has been doing this with success and would be willing to share their approach on the phone?

What hot buttons do you hit on first? How do you position the preferreds?

Thanks in advance for the input.


Jan 23, 2012 6:21 am

Xyz (Recognizable Name) has available

an offering that can provide almost 8% income paid qtrly. (over 8 times what the savings accts are paying... today)

For Every $25,000 you invest

It will provide $2,000 a year paid qtrly

Over the next 5 years ;  potentially over $10,000 back in income alone.

This will look great in your portfolio!

Why don't we get started with  $50,000 today, ok?

and lets put these shares in your account!

All we need is your ss# to get started... ( shut up and wait for them to say Yes!)

Old School
I probably opened 100 accounts like this...

Open the F#$#$#$ account you p>>>>>>>ies   all the tools to stay informed...

You can always fallback to ...

PFF  ' The 100 largest preferred stocks in the US Preferred index , can provide over 7% , monthly pay...

Over the next 10 years this 7 billion dollar index of preferred's could potentially return over 70% of your capital back to reinvest ,
and has 100's of issues so credit risk is lower here...

If you Invest $38 and you get back $20-30 back over next 10 years... Doesn't seem too bad? , maybe , potentially,could be, pehaps....

see "Historical Prices" and hit "dividends only ; useful tool!!!! to see every dividend a stock or etf has paid over the last 20+ years... I use it constantly

Jan 25, 2012 3:27 am

Thank you very much Dash. 

Dec 20, 2012 4:41 am

Almost 8% of the income paid is on a quarter basis. It is more than 8 times what the savings acts are paying now days. For every $25,000 you should invest in different products and around $2,000 will be paid quarterly. It has a potential to provide $10,000 back in income alone.This will look great in your portfolio! You can also start with an income of $50,000.

preferred stock