Principal provdider of financial instruments

Dec 27, 2008 12:40 pm

We are principal provdiders in these financial instruments and services: Insurance Guarantees backed by a bank: Let me suggest that you visit our new web site at and select insurance guarantees. Follow the steps on the screen (enter your email address where prompted) and we will provide you wihth the access code to the confidential deails. There you will find 2 pdf files which you can read and print. This will provide you with all details that you will need to see how we can help you with these insurance guarantees. POF - Proof of Funds, Reserved funds, Blocked funds confirmed via MT 799 or MT 760, Bank funding commitments for project funding. If you want us to fund against an instrument: We can only work with any kind of negotiable and immediately saleable instrument issued by an AA rated W. European or US American bank. Bank purchase orders, to buy and sell instruments<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Guarantees for enhancement purposes. We fund projecs only if you provide a valid bank guarantee against our funds. If the above is of interest to you, please contact us with your specific requirements. We are available on Mobil: <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />+44 777 198 4581. Personal meetings can be arranged in London. If you want to meet with us personally then, please call or email Mr. Cenk Muhamad.

The First Credit Enhancement Company -, [email protected]