Opinions Please

May 19, 2007 3:09 pm

Have you tried any of these marketing sites? It's been years since I've tried any specific marketing program, having gotten burned a couple of times. 

I'm interested in the various experiences some of you may have had or are having with these marketing programs. Some of these, I've pulled from these boards, others I've found on my own.

Be honest with your opinion. If the marketing program requires you do A, B, C, & D and you'll get this result, but you only did A & B and got bad results, tell me that.

Your opinions are appreciated and will help me decide which of these programs will get implemented in the coming months.



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CEG Worldwide


Bob Dunwoody


Broyles Top Producer


Never Cold Call


Oechsli Institute


Paul Karasik

http://www.paulkarasik.com/speakers/spproduct.asp?pid=19&amp ;c=909&l=3617891

Impact Communications


High Net Worth Insight


Jeffrey Gitomer


Bill Good Marketing


Bill Cates Referral Marketing


May 19, 2007 3:31 pm

Only one I've used is Bill Good -- I've been using their system for four years and LOVE it.  However, I love it for a ton of reasons besides the marketing -- client management, compliance, etc. 

I haven't bought into any of their seminar systems, etc. so I'm no help there -- but the Gorilla System will fully manage your own seminars. 

May 19, 2007 10:18 pm

Bill Cates has done some program(s) tailored toward Ameriprise in reference to turning existing clients into referral generators, and I think he’s very good.