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Ten Best Mobile Apps for AdvisorsTen Best Mobile Apps for Advisors

Financial advisors recommend their favorite apps for getting work done on the go.

John Kador

September 25, 2018

11 Slides
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Financial professionals, like their clients, are increasingly mobile and less tethered to a desktop workstation. The best tools are, likewise, mobile and as close as your smartphone or tablet. Here are 10 mobile apps, all of them recommended by working advisors, that will keep you plugged into the cloud as you serve your clients securely from wherever in the world you happen to be. 

About the Author

John Kador

John Kador is a business author focused on leadership, finance, and technology.  He is the author of over 15 books and has been a contributing editor to Wealth Management since 1995.  He received an MS degree in public relations from The American University and a BA in English from Duke University.  He lives in Lewisburg, PA.  Contact him on his website, www.jkador.com.    

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