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Adjusted for Risk: Is Dave Ramsey's 12% Expected Return and 8% Withdrawal Rate Reasonable?Adjusted for Risk: Is Dave Ramsey's 12% Expected Return and 8% Withdrawal Rate Reasonable?

Zephyr Market Strategist Ryan Nauman uncovers the truths about these bold and aggressive statements and discusses whether they are realistic.

Ryan Nauman, Market Strategist

December 11, 2023

During this episode of the Adjusted for Risk podcast, Zephyr Market Strategist Ryan Nauman takes a look at Dave Ramsey's proclamations that he has earned a 12% annual return over the past decade, so you should too, and you should also be taking out 8% per year from your investment portfolio.

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About the Author

Ryan Nauman

Market Strategist, Zephyr

As Zephyr’s Market Strategist, Ryan Nauman provides thought-provoking analysis and research on market trends across asset classes, sectors, and regions to help empower better asset allocation strategy decisions. His ability to navigate complex market dynamics and identify emerging trends has made him a trusted voice among investors and industry professionals alike. He is an accomplished investment strategist who has spent the last 22 years in the investment management industry, ranging from working with plan sponsors, managing the investments of retail investors, and providing actionable thought leadership to investment professionals.  

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