Six Reasons Why Financial Advisors Should Visit Clients at HomeSix Reasons Why Financial Advisors Should Visit Clients at Home
Your strongest client relationships come from those whose homes you have visited.

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ORLANDO — “While listening to you this morning it just dawned on me that my strongest clients relationships are the ones in which I’ve dropped off documents at their home,” Joseph blurted out with one of those ah-ha expressions. He then finished his train of thought with “I know exactly what I need to do with the rest of my top clients … make a home visit.”
Joseph’s epiphany grabbed everyone’s attention. Here was a successful veteran financial advisor sharing his take-away from a 3-hour workshop on Mastering Affluent Client Acquisition—home visits!
None of this is new. Forty years ago this was standard training in the insurance industry—sitting across the kitchen table. Whereas the standard training of stockbrokers in yesteryear was to be in the office and on the phone. All of this has been disrupted.
Here are the benefits of home visits.
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