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Wealth Management IQ and ISS Market Intelligence (ISS MI) have compiled a list of RIAs growing fast while keeping sight of their priorities: the client experience and the sustainability of the business.

Understanding, Supporting and Reaching Next-Generation TalentUnderstanding, Supporting and Reaching Next-Generation Talent

In a challenging labor market, attracting and retaining talent remains a top priority for firms.

June 11, 2024


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In this fastchat, David Armstrong, editorial director for Informa Connect’s Wealth Management Group, talks with Leslie Tabor, director, Business Consulting Services at Schwab Advisor Services, about emerging trends and effective strategies  firms are adopting to address challenges in finding new talent. From prioritizing internal talent development to engaging with the next generation of workers, firms are making significant strides in their approach to talent acquisition. Learn how understanding generational priorities and investing in career development can lead to higher engagement and better retention.

Key Insights:

  • How investing in the growth of existing employees increases engagement and builds a committed workforce.

  • What Gen Z values in career development and why tailoring recruitment strategies can lead to better results.

  • Why providing clear career progression opportunities attracts both new and existing talent.

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