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Insights on transitions, independence and advisor growth.

Mindy Diamond on Independence: 10 Emerging Trends for 2023Mindy Diamond on Independence: 10 Emerging Trends for 2023

Mindy Diamond and Louis Diamond share predictions for 2023 regarding recruiting, deals, M&A and more.


In an annual review for advisors, Mindy Diamond and Louis Diamond look at the past year and how activity and trends are already coloring what we expect to see as the driving forces of change for 2023.

They dive into details on recruiting, where advisors went, the state of deals and M&A, and much more in their recap of 2022—then explore their predictions and expectations for 2023, including:

  • Where recruiting deals are headed—and how changing competition will further impact offers.

  • The shifting recruiting pendulum—and where more advisors will move to in the coming year and why.

  • The rise of competitive deals from high-end RIA firms—and how they will rock the market amongst those serving high net worth and ultra-high net worth clients.

  • Retire-in-place incentives—and why big firms are expected to push advisors to sign now more than ever.

  • Increased compliance scrutiny—and how it will drive vulnerability and movement.

  • The new hot commodity in the advisor talent pool—and why more activity is expected amongst this group.

  • An acceleration of breakaways from RIAs—and why these independent advisors are the next “wave” of movement in the space.

  • The popularity of multiple affiliation models—and why this is expected to be one of the hottest growth areas in the market.

  • The expanded role of independent broker dealers and independent platform firms—and how this expansion will attract more advisors to the independent space.

  • A shake-up in the custodial space—and how names like Goldman and others will provide the cachet many elite advisors have been looking for.

  • The changing appeal of banks—and how that will further shift movement.

  • And much more for advisors and business owners alike.

We expect that 2023 will be the year that advisors take a step back and conceptualize not just how to maximize the value of their business and annual compensation, but how that translates into achieving their best business lives.

That is, every advisor will have the opportunity to maximize their career enterprise value. Listen in and learn how.

Download mentioned in the episode: MaxCeV™: How to Maximize Your Career Enterprise Value

This formula seeks to provide a process by which an advisor can “calculate” the sum total of 4 key factors—to conceptualize what their career enterprise value really is and how to achieve it.

Download a transcript of this episode…

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Listen to more episodes of Mindy Diamond on Independence: A Podcast for Financial Advisors Considering Change.

About the Authors

Mindy Diamond

Columnist: Career Moves, CEO, Diamond Consultants


Mindy started Diamond Consultants in 1998 from her bedroom floor—and today it’s known as one of the leading consulting and recruiting firms for the industry’s top financial advisors. Drawing from her own entrepreneurial experience, the firm employs a unique relationship-driven approach that helps individuals and organizations achieve what she refers to as their “Best Business Lives.” Mindy hosts the popular podcast series Mindy Diamond on Independence, is a prolific writer and regular media contributor.

For more information, visit: https://www.diamond-consultants.com/team/mindy-diamond/

Louis Diamond

President, Diamond Consultants

Louis has guided many of the top teams in the industry as they’ve transitioned to other employee-model firms or launched RIA firms. And as a next-gen leader himself, Louis has a passion for representing complex multi-generational teams. His strong business acumen, refined analytical skills and objectivity also make Louis an ideal advisor to independent business owners who want to accelerate growth via mergers, acquisitions and recruiting.

A George Washington University magna cum laude graduate with a BBA degree in Finance and International Business, Louis’s resume includes roles at Ernst & Young, Morgan Stanley and UBS.

For more information, visit: https://www.diamond-consultants.com/team/louis-diamond/

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