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A Best-of-All-Worlds Model: Full-Service Independence with Equity UpsideA Best-of-All-Worlds Model: Full-Service Independence with Equity Upside

A Conversation with Jim Gold, CEO and Founding Partner of Steward Partners

Mindy Diamond, Columnist: Career Moves

March 22, 2019

With over two decades in the wealth management industry, Jim Gold watched “the quality of life erode dramatically” at the wirehouse and felt that the window of opportunity to build something better was open. So in 2013, he left the senior leadership ranks at Morgan Stanley and along with several others built Steward Partners as a “reaction to the cultural shift inside of the traditional firms,” and with a nod to the best of “the old Wall Street model of a partnership.”

A full-service independent employee-owned partnership, Steward is designed for advisors who like what independence stands for yet are not interested in building something from scratch. And this quasi-independent model – with the infrastructure of a wirehouse and the flexibility of independence – is resonating with prospective breakaways all over the country.

The firm has experienced explosive growth and is accelerating its trajectory: Just as this episode launched, Steward announced that it is taking in outside capital for the first time in order to facilitate expansion. Jim shares some inside baseball on that decision, as well as how he sees it impacting the firm’s future.

Jim and Mindy discuss:

  • What really inspired him to make the leap to independence—and why he feels that advisor movement is driven not by changes at a particular brokerage firm but by changes to the brokerage model overall.

  • Why Steward is described as a “best of all worlds” environment—and the types of advisors who are the right fit for the firm’s culture and community.

  • The benefits of their employee-owned partnership model—and the role equity plays in it.

  • Why they chose Raymond James as a partner—and the resources the firm brings to the table.

  • How the value of equity has changed in the industry—and why advisors are now opting for less cash up front in return for the opportunity to build wealth through equity.

  • Why he thinks that we are still in the early innings of the movement to independence—for both advisors and management.

Jim candidly shares his experience with a good dose of reality and provides sage advice for advisors considering independence: “You have to shed all your preconceived notions because the world has changed dramatically in the last five to 10 years.”

Listen in to learn more about how those changes are creating opportunities for advisors at all levels.

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About the Author

Mindy Diamond

Columnist: Career Moves, CEO, Diamond Consultants


Mindy started Diamond Consultants in 1998 from her bedroom floor—and today it’s known as one of the leading consulting and recruiting firms for the industry’s top financial advisors. Drawing from her own entrepreneurial experience, the firm employs a unique relationship-driven approach that helps individuals and organizations achieve what she refers to as their “Best Business Lives.” Mindy hosts the popular podcast series Mindy Diamond on Independence, is a prolific writer and regular media contributor.

For more information, visit: https://www.diamond-consultants.com/team/mindy-diamond/

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