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Is this movie about anyone we know?

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Aug 12, 2011 6:31 pm

Watched the movie Cedar Rapids the other night, and the similarities to certain firms gave me the willies and brought back memories.

Here is the movie poster, does he look like anyone you know?


The movie is about an insurance agent who works for a large insurance agency. He is naive and a big believer in the agency (a kool-aid guy), but he's a good insurance agent. He's also in a small town.

He goes to the agency's annual Regional Meeting. The company is self-righteous and moralistic. They also manage through a good dose of intimidation.


**Spoiler Alert:**


Then in the end, he discovers that behind the curtain is hypocrisy and greed.

He responds by, of all things, going independent and starting his own agency.

Aug 15, 2011 6:15 am

Just saw it, and my wife and I both saw the similarities. Her view of the company was from being in the small town and from her attendance of the regional meetings. As also the characters were all SO familiar to a lot of the people I knew at EJ. The importance of the 2 diamond award reminded me of those wooden plaques we used too get at regionals. Remember those? First 10 net month? I was the sh1t, man! One other thing was the roommate in the motel bit. Reminded me of Tempe in KYC class.

I though about EJ the entire movie!

Thanks for post, American Flag, and to EJ, thanks for the Jack Phelan close!
