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Nov 26, 2009 3:20 pm

A lot of complaining going on out there, probably with some good reason. Change is never easy and we’re all going through it. But in this business, there is still plenty to be thankful for- 

  Success still has high rewards. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to do well, and its better that you're not one. Overthinking doesn't help here. Judging by this forum, that's not a problem for most of us.   You get paid what your worth for your effort, no more or less. Think of all the people you know who didn't get that and bombed out of the business. They're working for the Department of Recreation and Parks, where they belong.   You don't have to ask anyone for a raise. Just buckle down and go make it happen. You could make 25% more next year just by will power. Think that will happen to anyone in healthcare, or any other industry that you can think of?    Look at it this way: You run a business with something around 35 to 50% pre tax profit margins. Most small business owners would absolutely kill for that.   You have more value than anyone in the next three layers of management and they all know it. Most of them tried to do what you do and couldn't.   Don't like who you work for? You can walk away more easily than most professions and get paid to do it. I just did it- why the he77 did I wait so long?   If you're reasonably competent, most of you could have 5 job offers tomorrow. The next time you're out of the office for a day, let it be known that you're going to New York or maybe St. Louis to "meet some people". Make your boss sweat a little.   Despite all of your screwups too numerous to mention, you have clients who still love you.   Be thankful for idiots like Jim Kramer. He and others like him will ultimately ruin people to the point that they will see your value.     Walk out of the office whenever you want - go play golf or watch your kids stumble around on the soccer field.  Don't pass up the opportunity because you may not get a second chance.   A year ago, you thought it was the end of the world. It's still pretty screwed up, but we'll see the other side. (Art Cashin said "Don't invest for the end of the world. It only happens once.")   You're still in a great business! Go hug your family today and be thankful for a great career in a great country. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Nov 26, 2009 7:21 pm

well said!

Nov 26, 2009 7:46 pm


Nov 26, 2009 8:05 pm


You don’t have to be a rocket scientist .

Judging by this forum, that’s not a problem for most of us.


well put

Nov 27, 2009 1:38 pm

I hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday season. Next year is just around the corner, and hopefully it will be a good year for everyone.

Nov 27, 2009 1:51 pm

You guys are living in a dream world. Your clients don’t love you…they don’t even like you. You rent them until someone tells them a better story. They don’t give a damn about you little pie charts or you generic

asset allocations. If your any good at what you do then your clients are wealthy before they even met you. The little 1 million dollar accounts that they have with you are for fun. They want someone who is entertaining to talk to them and judging from you bonehead’s post…you sound like a bunch of door post. So my bet is a soon to be very ugly mkt combined with your lacking in personality will make this your last Happy Holiday…

Nov 27, 2009 2:04 pm

[quote=pop] You guys are living in a dream world. Your clients don’t love you…they don’t even like you. You rent them until someone tells them a better story. They don’t give a damn about you little pie charts or you generic

asset allocations. If your any good at what you do then your clients are wealthy before they even met you. The little 1 million dollar accounts that they have with you are for fun. They want someone who is entertaining to talk to them and judging from you bonehead’s post…you sound like a bunch of door post. So my bet is a soon to be very ugly mkt combined with your lacking in personality will make this your last Happy Holiday… [/quote] kid…you seriously need to find a friend. go rescue an animal or something, become a greeter at wal-mart. something.

meletio, you do notice that the only responses you elicit on these forums are those that bash you, laugh at your idiocy (ie. my last 75 posts), and basically refer to you as a retarded little cowpoke? you do notice that right? i’ll continue to serve it up to you b/c I do get a charge out of it, but on somewhat of a serious note…for the holidays, and moreso for the new year, do something for yourself and try to get well.

Nov 27, 2009 2:05 pm

Who is Meletio ?