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Apr 1, 2007 11:31 pm

Does anyone here work for or in the past worked for Chicago Investment Group?  I am looking for start up information.  How is their training?  Salary?  Any information on this company would be appreciated!

Apr 2, 2007 3:04 am

If nobody answered this exact same post two weeks ago, what do you expect to be different?

Have you tried using google?

Is it possible that the total lack of response from the board suggests that they are a very minor player?

OR more likely you’re just trying to drive traffic on your silly small cap stocks website, and you probably also work for the Chicago Investment Group already…

Apr 2, 2007 5:31 pm

[quote=joedabrkr]If nobody answered this exact same post two weeks ago, what do you expect to be different?

Have you tried using google?

Is it possible that the total lack of response from the board suggests that they are a very minor player?

OR more likely you're just trying to drive traffic on your silly small cap stocks website, and you probably also work for the Chicago Investment Group already.....

You got me joe!  Damn.... I've been caught.  Do you really feel if I ALREADY worked for CIG I would be asking questions about the firm?  hmm most likely not.  And driving traffic to a website?   Lets talk about that; the website is not even directed towards FA's so why would I "try" to direct traffic to the website from a FA board?  I once again am asking questions about a firm (hince the name of the forum 'Whats up at FIRMS')  Its not wonder this career has such a bad rep.  Some of you FA's are a**'s.   Its to bad too, I actually read an article the other weekend about how so many people refuse to work with advisors because of their attitude.  Basiclly saying the majority of FA are a** holes and refuse to work with them, they instead are paying companies that they don't ever have to talk to a person one on one  that will make investment choices for them (scottrade, sharebuilder etc..)  be careful guys, your jobs are on the line here might want to straighten up a little.

Apr 2, 2007 5:57 pm


[quote=joedabrkr]If nobody answered this exact same post two weeks ago, what do you expect to be different?

Have you tried using google?

Is it possible that the total lack of response from the board suggests that they are a very minor player?

OR more likely you’re just trying to drive traffic on your silly small cap stocks website, and you probably also work for the Chicago Investment Group already…

You got me joe!  Damn.... I've been caught.  Do you really feel if I ALREADY worked for CIG I would be asking questions about the firm?  hmm most likely not.  And driving traffic to a website?   Lets talk about that; the website is not even directed towards FA's so why would I "try" to direct traffic to the website from a FA board?  I once again am asking questions about a firm (hince the name of the forum 'Whats up at FIRMS')  Its not wonder this career has such a bad rep.  Some of you FA's are a**'s.   Its to bad too, I actually read an article the other weekend about how so many people refuse to work with advisors because of their attitude.  Basiclly saying the majority of FA are a** holes and refuse to work with them, they instead are paying companies that they don't ever have to talk to a person one on one  that will make investment choices for them (scottrade, sharebuilder etc..)  be careful guys, your jobs are on the line here might want to straighten up a little.


Don't have such a thin skin just because I asked some logical questions.  Otherwise you'll find this business to be even harder for you.

My clients like working with me because I have opinions about the markets and what is best for them and I share them in a direct fashion.
Apr 2, 2007 6:35 pm

Makes sense, im just saying FA’s have a very bad rep and im sure if people where to cross this board and read how some advisors act it would not help your case (not being specific to you Joe, im talking about FAs in general). 

Apr 2, 2007 8:09 pm

Basiclly saying the majority of FA are a** holes and refuse to work with them, they instead are paying companies that they don't ever have to talk to a person one on one  that will make investment choices for them (scottrade, sharebuilder etc..)  be careful guys, your jobs are on the line here might want to straighten up a little."

These people are typically not ones we want as clients. They trade their $6K Roth IRA and their $34K brokerage account and think they are heavy hitters and can do it better than pro's...

I giggle at those people because eventually they will blow themselves up... MOST FA's on this board turn those people over to call centers because its not worth our time...

Apr 2, 2007 9:02 pm

[quote=ibfa7] Makes sense, im just saying FA’s have a very bad rep and im

sure if people where to cross this board and read how some advisors act it

would not help your case (not being specific to you Joe, im talking about FAs

in general). [/quote]

Have you ever seen anyone cower so quickly?

Show some backbone, man!