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Apr 3, 2009 8:00 am

I’ve been door knocking for more than a month now with close to 400 prospects, but when I look up my area on google maps, it’s nothing but a very small square. And for every prospect I have, there are 7-8 homes where no one was home. If you were to cover 2 mile radius of your intersection and actually try and talk to EVERYONE in that 2 mile radius, it might seriously take you a few years just door knocking 60 hours a week. You would not believe how many houses there are on any given street. Amazing.

  There are 4 new FAs within the 2 mile radius of my intersection. We coordinated and are DKing in each our own quadrant and we're just going to rotate every quarter or so. I personally don't think 3 mo is long enough to cover a quadrant. Yeah, there are also other FAs that's been out for a few years in the neighborhood but they really don't give a rat's ass even if you door knock neighborhoods right behind their offices. Maybe you want to avoid the mall in which the office is located, as a common courtesy. But that's been my experience so far. In fact they encourage you to the point where I was getting suspicious of them having access to my prospects. But of course, that wasn't true.
Apr 3, 2009 12:54 pm

[quote=wind3574]Cold calling works just as well, in fact in alot of cases works better. You can call people from those lists, who you know atleast have money and you can call about 100 people, instead of 25.[/quote]

I’m not disputing the fact cold calling is effective but do tell us your experience with it Windy.  I seem to recall in other threads all you have to do is show up on a door step in a nice suit and people give you their statements and $200,000 transfers.  If cold calling is more effective for you I can’t wait to hear this!

Apr 3, 2009 1:07 pm

Thanks, Sometimes.
Yes, Jones SFS program was helpful in passing the 7.
As far as cold-calling, where did you get your leads? Did you call former contacts? I know in some financial service industries (like life), you can buy leads. But I haven’t heard of such a thing in the investment world…what do you think?

Personally I bought a couple cheap lists (like $.07 a name). It just gave address, phone #, length of time in residence, age, average annual income range, and a few other things. I avoided the lists that promise that people are asking for a call from a broker, both because they were too expensive and seemed to be made up.   I never prospected any family, friends, or former co-workers. I just didn't feel comfortable with it, and I know a lot of people that have family/friends as clients from early on regret it. I have some that are clients now, but they came to me.   The most important thing is that it still takes a while to cultivate a good prospect. It won't happen right away. The amount of work is the same too, it is just different. If anything, it accelerates the number of 'no's' that you hear on a daily basis. If you have specific questions about where to get the info, you can PM me.
Apr 3, 2009 1:36 pm

[quote=norcalstoppy]I’ve been door knocking for more than a month now with close to 400 prospects, but when I look up my area on google maps, it’s nothing but a very small square. And for every prospect I have, there are 7-8 homes where no one was home. If you were to cover 2 mile radius of your intersection and actually try and talk to EVERYONE in that 2 mile radius, it might seriously take you a few years just door knocking 60 hours a week. You would not believe how many houses there are on any given street. Amazing.

  There are 4 new FAs within the 2 mile radius of my intersection. We coordinated and are DKing in each our own quadrant and we're just going to rotate every quarter or so. I personally don't think 3 mo is long enough to cover a quadrant. Yeah, there are also other FAs that's been out for a few years in the neighborhood but they really don't give a rat's ass even if you door knock neighborhoods right behind their offices. Maybe you want to avoid the mall in which the office is located, as a common courtesy. But that's been my experience so far. In fact they encourage you to the point where I was getting suspicious of them having access to my prospects. But of course, that wasn't true. [/quote]     Believe me nobody cares about the boundries. If you run into another EJers client tell them they are with a great guy and have a nice day. Everyone is free game who is not currently a client of EJ. I wouldn't worry at all about the 2 mile radius thing.