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May 21, 2009 2:16 pm


May 21, 2009 2:29 pm

Wind, you’re like the drunk guy at a bar that just WON’T SHUT UP.  You end up saying the wrong thing to the wrong guy’s girlfriend, and then get your a$$ beat.  Do you actually re-read your posts?

May 21, 2009 2:34 pm

[quote=buyandhold] Speaking of seminars, I hosted one recently and was struck by the level of anger and hostility toward the entire investment community, Wall Street and political structure. We had a pretty lively Q&A and even some of the sweet old ladies are suspicious, scared, confused. I mean, I knew that attitude was out there, but to see it in a group setting was startling.


I have seen similar results. I try to compare it to the insanity of the internet boom, and how people were buying stocks in companies that sold 100# bags of dog food. I make the point that this time the shoe was on the other foot.

May 21, 2009 2:52 pm

You encounter very few braggarts at Jones and I imagine it’s the same at most places. I’ve know Seg. 5s who might have a 100k month and if you ask them how they’re doing, they’ll say ‘OK’ and change the subject. I’ve known trainees who have qualified for PDP and won’t tell you.
I would say that wind and weddle are the only true blowhards I’ve ever come across in this firm. No wonder weddle is reaching out to him.
Another thing that is disturbing about this guy is that we’re told a) it’s a RELATIONSHIP business and b) it’s a KNOWLEDGE business but here is this guy a) who nobody likes and b) doesn’t know anything about investing other than what you learn at Eval Grad (which is zilch) and he claims to be doing great business.

May 21, 2009 2:57 pm

I don’t have to defend myself…I’ve already proved my performance to Spiff…everyone knows…if you perform well, the wholesalers come crawlin…and nevermind that I called quite a few just after eval/grad to meet with, so i could get to know them and their funds (and not just preferred funds)…You don’t know me dude or what I do…Morphius…Kindly refer to the post as well and spend your time trying to criticize someone else, who honestly gives a f***…Otherwise, you’ll just keep wasting your time…

I think i’ll repost a quote I posted awhile back…

“Arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics. Even if you win, you’re still retarded”

  [quote=wind3574]Spiff thanks alot. I could really care less what these dudes say about me anymore. I  have no reason to defend myself. I've shown you my numbers so they would shut up and they have tripled since then. I work hard and with the success I have received, have learned alot more than the average joe broker because of the amount of accounts/money/trades I have dealt with.  4 months is not a long time. But when your overly successful and have dealt with wholesalers from many different fund familes, (which by the way, American funds in my region alone has 1 major wholsaler, the internal, and 1 wholsaler for each segment, so all these dumb comments about me saying most are idiotic). I don't know EVERYTHING, but obviously i am doing something right, or I wouldnt be getting attention from Jim Weddle and the GP's at PDP which is where I am right now, considering i haven't posted.   You guys honestly need to grow up. I posted a very what I thought, informative post and again got bashed. I made no grave to lay in. I said a few things, that everyone called me a liar on, I proved them and now its time to shut up about it. Find someone else to spend your days worrying about. Actually, I could use some advertising checks from for bringing the ratings up.....[/quote]   [quote=wind3574]Maybe it's a southern thing, but people here don't want an advisor that talks over their head, talks analytically, and constantly talks investments. Most of the Clients and Prospects I have, want someone who can get things done with their investments, but most of all CARE ABOUT THEM.  You don't talk about that fishing trip Joe just went on, that he'd been savin all year for, then he could give a sh*t about you. Just the way things are...... It's funny because the only reason I ever start defending myself, is when I get pricks like you who start running your mouth off about me...Some people like to hear the good news..and find it uplifting...I know thats how I operate..I like to hear someones doing makes me motivated......But I' dont really care much anymore...Your at the same place as me Voltmoie.......but are you sittin at $30,000 gross in 3-4 months? $12,000 this month so far? 700% of standard maybe? NO!...low hanging fruit my ass.....I work hard...and I'm not about to mistake hard work for you.....and thats why you continue your crap with me....Just ignore the posts when I post for people....Maybe other people actually think I give good advice....or not...but there are some that might appreciate the help....So shut up...   If I remember correctly, you were pmming me to call you and give you some pointers...hmmm.....[/quote]   [quote=wind3574]Lets not forget studying for Insurance Exam, since my state takes forever. I don't care anymore what people say about me. Read the whole post. She got attacked for no reason, and I was just explaining it to her thats all.  Funny thing is, It's all true! Any problems with that, I don't care.  I spend a total of about 15-20 minutes throughout the day looking at this forum, although it may be a few different times, that in no way equates to all day. The rest of my day is on a strict schedule unless i am out of town. There is a difference in working hard and working smart..... The smarter you work, the less stress you have and well the more successful you are.   I am not abrasive. Actually a really nice guy. It would be hard to be doing as well as I am and be a jerk...don't ya think? I just come here looking for more positive attitudes. I'm not about to switch names and this and that just to make you guys quit. When you are tired of arguing amongts yourself, you will. I'm just here to share ideas and stuff. Like I said I am not replying to anymore of those hateful posts, so lets keep em that way and use this site for what its for. I might learn alot from you guys and vice versa.[/quote]   [quote=wind3574]I'm getting accounts because I care about the people and talk to them. Regardless of whether or not you beleive me, I don't care. I am just trying to be encouraging and my numbers are 100% correct. I know this market is tough, but if you get out and talk to people, point out where they could be better off...It's not that hard to bring in accounts in a market like this. The hard part is keeping accounts after being in the business for quite some time. It's easy for a nice looking, very personable, small town boy, who graduated from a local Big 12 college to come in and swoop accounts out from under an advisor with $100M book, who hardly calls them and charges them a wrap fee.....   I thank the Jones guys for trying not bash my statements.  Just because you other guys didn't learn the processes before your can sell and you can't bring that in within 2 months , doesn't mean I can't.  I wish I could just post my numbers from Joneslink, to make you look like idiots for arguing in 3 pages, instead of encouraging people who might be having a rough time.[/quote]   [quote=wind3574]This is the kind of negative postings that I am talking about. There are always a bunch of people who take someone elses success and say its bs. You guys don't have to believe me, I am the one who's dealing with it everyday. I am just trying to tell the guy who posted this, that there are success stories out there. Regardless of the negative crap that is posted by most of you non-jones guys who jump firm to firm. Do your little calculations and try and figure out my numbers, I don't care. Bottom line is my can sell was the beginning of the year and I am sitting at $2M in assets. I have grossed $20,000 since then. Just because it's transfered over, doesn't mean you get paid on it. If your such a veteran, you would know that. I just love the  "Its not possible" attitude that is in your posts. Thats EXACTLY how you encourage people to do well.   I don't follow the Jones script. I found that difficult in the beginning, so I just kind of made it my own and it has been really successful for me. Regardless of what you think, facts are thats were I am......Last week I pulled in a $1M account thats not even added to the $2M in assets yet, so my third month alone could very well be a $20,000 gross by itself with all the other things I have working. [/quote]   Man, for someone who claims to not feel the need to defend himself or care what other posters think about him...
May 21, 2009 3:13 pm

Man, I almost feel bad for him now…

May 21, 2009 3:59 pm

Weddle has no clue who windy is.  He might have told him “great job, keep it up” because someone told him windy was doing well.  Five seconds later he’s onto the next issue.  Plenty of CEOs said similar crap to me.  After I got a little experience under my belt and a nice title I was giving them the people to recognize just as my leaders had done before.

Windy, man you are a hot head.  Drink a couple of beers this weekend.

May 21, 2009 4:48 pm

[quote=B24]Someone’s goin’ Postal.

  Wind, you might just want to go join another forum.  You just lost Spiff's support.  At this point, you could post a comment about how cute your dog is, and you will still get bashed.    Honestly, your posts show a complete lack of maturity.  Everyone else is just having fun at your expense.  I'm happy for you that you're doing well.  But just let it go.[/quote]   He still has my support as a fellow EDJ FA.  However, I believe I'm done going on the defensive for him.    Wind, seriously, create another screen name.  Don't talk about your performance.  I don't know that I've ever posted what my numbers are or how much AUC I have.  I think it's irrelevant.  I'd lie about it anyway to make myself harder to track.  Now, if this is just a distraction for you and you really enjoy the negative vibe, then by all means keep it going.  But it's honestly getting old.  Let the old wind die over the weekend and when you come back on Tuesday create a new name and start over. 
May 21, 2009 5:26 pm

Let the old wind die over the weekend and when you come back on Tuesday create a new name and start over. [/quote]

Might I suggest the name “allsortsofhumble”

May 21, 2009 6:00 pm

Good advice, spiff, although he doesn’t really sound like the type of guy who is likely to accept good advice, being so overly successful and brilliant and all.   He certainly is further proof of the old adage about advice:  the wise don’t need it, and the foolish won’t heed it.

And unless he can reign in his ego and attitude, and … learn … grown up …… spaellling … n … punkshuashen …  skills … it … won’t  … do …him …much  … good … anyway.  

May 21, 2009 6:19 pm


May 21, 2009 8:12 pm

Wind, you aren’t done.  People who are done being defensive don’t put up a defensive post talking about how they are done being defensive. 

  When you have to take crap, just take one.  You don't tell everybody.    Nobody will be happy if you make a new name or not.  We don't care.  The suggestion was made because you have already been outed on this board so you aren't posting anonymously.  There is no benefit to you in having people know who you are.    Also, if you care about being treated seriously, it may not happen with your current name.  The suggestion was to be helpful and not to make anyone happy.    You need to realize that for the most part, even when we are being jerks, it is meant to be helpful.  Sometimes, it is to be helpful to the poster and sometimes to other readers.
May 21, 2009 9:56 pm
[quote=wind3574]Noone here truly knows me, my specific educational background, knowledge base, personality, or work ethic. You only know how long i've been out and that doesn't tell you much. [/quote]
You wish that were the case.

Unfortunately, we know everything we need to know about you - and more - simply from what you have so naively posted here. 

For example, we know your production, we know your exact age, that you just graduated, that your got your degree in Psychology w/ minor in criminology, that you have an mba, how much you were paid at your last job, that this is your first commission job, and what city you live in.  There's much more, of course, but I don't want to see a repeat of what already happened when we even learned your identity and location precisely because of your own appalling lack of judgment and discretion that led you to reveal far too much personal information.  

We know nothing but how long you've been out? 

We know how desperately you crave to be accepted as a successful FA among people here, even as you insist for the umpteenth time that you don't care and don't have to defend yourself.  But then you continue to show how much you care by continuing to try and defend yourself.

Most importantly, we would know all we need to know about you simply by virute of the painful and repeated display of your immature and arrogant attitude that suffocates almost every word you write.  Well, that plus the revelation that you are "overly successful." 

And finally, we know you completely and utterly miss the fact that even if you "proved" your production nubers as you keep desperately trying to do, it changes nothing, because it's never been about your production - it's been about your attitude and arrogance.  That's why even having Spiff 'vouch' for your numbers means nothing - because nothing he can say or do can alter that.

I could go on but what's the point?  You're too busy defending yourself to hear what you need to hear.

All we know is how long you've been out?  

All we know is you're a real piece of work, lad.

Here's another friendly piece of advice for you to ignore: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!!
May 22, 2009 12:45 am

I have contributed my share to flaming Windy, however I think the most telling thing about this particular spat is that he is unwilling to listen to the only vet on this board willing to stand up for him.  Windy, a piece of actual advice; you don’t have to win every argument.  You don’t always have to respond to criticism.  God gave you two ears and one mouth, act like it. 

May 22, 2009 2:01 pm

I feel like this is the show ‘SuperNanny’, where the parent continues to put the unruly child in the corner over and over again, just to have the kid jump up, stomp around, and kick the parent in the shin.

May 22, 2009 2:04 pm

Yes, but if your a fan of the show (my wife loves it) you also know that while the kids are sometimes unruly or downright mean, the nanny often reprimands the parents because they aren’t playing nice either.  Most often it’s a two way street.

May 22, 2009 2:27 pm
Spaceman Spiff:

Yes, but if your a fan of the show (my wife loves it) you also know that while the kids are sometimes unruly or downright mean, the nanny often reprimands the parents because they aren’t playing nice either.  Most often it’s a two way street.

  Would you be considered the parent on this thread?  I know no one else around here is claiming that guy as one of their own.
May 22, 2009 2:58 pm
Spaceman Spiff:

Yes, but if your a fan of the show (my wife loves it) you also know that while the kids are sometimes unruly or downright mean, the nanny often reprimands the parents because they aren’t playing nice either.  Most often it’s a two way street.

  Spiff, seriously.  How many posters have you seen act like Wind?  I mean, this board has it's share of flakes, but half of them are just doing it to for their own amusement (trolls).  Wind just can't seem to shut up about himself.  It's like he doesn't even see what he's doing.  He's like my 4 year-old when he throws a tantrum.  I think you have kids, so you know what I'm talking about.  You know, can't control themselves, hyper-ventilating, flailing.  That's Wind.  He's not an adult.  Just because he's an employee of the same firm, doesn't mean he's not a flake.  If he was at any other firm, you would be bashing him. I've seen you bash some of the people on this board for far lesser evils (not that Wind is evil - he's just immature).    Not sure of your background, but you ever watch the new guy that comes into the office, thinking he is "all that", talking about how great he is, before he ever does sh!t?  That's Wind.  He's "That Guy".   Bottom line - if Wind said "Hey, I did X production my first few months, how does that compare?"  People would probably be giving him an "attaboy".  And when people ask him how he's doing it, he says "just working hard, banging on doors, talking to lots of people".  He needs to show a little humility.  
May 22, 2009 3:32 pm

“As the hero B24 inches ever further away from his Jones compatriots…”

May 22, 2009 4:09 pm

“As the hero B24 inches ever further away from his Jones compatriots…”

    Whatever happened to that thread! Man, that was awesome!