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Sep 5, 2005 1:17 am

Well I have been thinking about these damn exams these companies make us take ie. series 7, 66 Life, Accident and Health whatever, and all the professionals I talk to say that bairly use anything they learned in these exams. First question is how do you get around the semantics of these tests, and second is why go through all the stress of studying for them if your not even going to use them?

Sep 5, 2005 6:43 pm

If you want the job, you've got to take the test. PERIOD.

Sep 6, 2005 10:34 pm

I took my last one in June.  When you are in the thick of it, it stinks.  Now it is a dull memory.

Hey you are looking at 10 weeks study tops.  Get it done.

Sep 8, 2005 4:01 am


Well I have been thinking about these damn exams these companies make us take ie. series 7, 66 Life, Accident and Health whatever, and all the professionals I talk to say that bairly use anything they learned in these exams. First question is how do you get around the semantics of these tests, and second is why go through all the stress of studying for them if your not even going to use them?


Clearly you're completely ignorant, and perhaps if you dislike the tests so much you should consider applying for a job as a greeter at Wal*Mart.

You are legally required to pass the tests to obtain the licenses to practice as a sales rep in this industry you RETARD!

Sep 8, 2005 4:34 pm

The tests sort of keep the biggest morons out of the industry.  If
they are that much trouble for you, they appear to be working.