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ML Layoffs - No severance?

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Feb 5, 2009 5:29 pm
movin on:

Like justdrastik I also got axed at ML on 1/26. It seems like even if you were making your goals you got canned. As far as severance pay goes, I got none, but would pursue it if there’s a possibility. Doesn’t seem likely.

Apart from EJ who else might be hiring Licensed FA’s w/ 2.5 years experience and many outstanding professional qualifications?


  Sounds like you are not interested in Jones, but at your stage, they would put you on salary and treat you as a new person.  So any assets you bring over will count toward your bonuses.  Not sure your location, but it might be wise to talk to a few local offices.
Feb 6, 2009 2:27 am

Well, unfortunately it looks like my career at ML could be short lived.  I think this goes without saying, but obviously if you are laid off, you do not have to pay back training costs, correct?  I think the only conditions under which you have to pay it back are if you quit or provoke termination by deliberately underperforming.

Is this program going away entirely?  I was declared "the last PMD hire" at my branch, and that there is now a "hiring freeze" with the exception of "recruits" from competitor firms.  Should I start looking...again?    
Feb 6, 2009 3:31 am

Rick, i’m sorry to hear about your situation at ML. If I were in your shoes I think I’d have resumes and the addresses of all other local firms with the BOMs name in my car at all times. Then if I got the word I’d visit every one of those BOMs before I went home that day.

Hopefully it doesn’t come to that for you though. Good luck and best wishes.