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Jan 24, 2009 7:43 pm

I am just getting started in this industry as of this month, I have passed my 66 and 7… I was “staked” by an indy b/d OSJ who will take a portion of my payout until we reach the agreed upon levels.

  Having work as an SA for a while, I am familiar with the investments..   My question is for someone just starting their business today, what is a good way to get started, as far as prospecting goes.   I am willing to hear from anyone, indys, wires,jones, whoever.. specifically if anyone got started last time the market crashed and how they built their business..   Thanks   PS read the 500 day war already..  
Jan 24, 2009 8:04 pm

Talk to as many prospects as possible.  Do it now.  It really is that simple.

Jan 24, 2009 8:33 pm
Sam Houston:

Talk to as many prospects as possible.  Do it now.  It really is that simple.

  But how can he do that if he has to sit in front of a computer monitor all day analyzing charts and graphs?
Jan 24, 2009 8:39 pm

[quote=Sam Houston]Talk to as many prospects as possible.  Do it now.  It really is that simple.

  But how can he do that if he has to sit in front of a computer monitor all day analyzing charts and graphs?[/quote]   For the most part he is alerted when there is a "big" trend change.  Being alerted 3 times in the last decade or whatever it is isn't that much.   But it's still not immune from fluctuations in the market.  The goal is to hit/miss the big trends. 
It's just a different way of doing business.    I've found that the more I enjoy what I'm doing, the less I care about what others are doing.  In fact, I should send them thank you cards for not doing the same thing as myself.
Jan 24, 2009 8:45 pm

Well said, snags.

Jan 24, 2009 8:55 pm

Here here Snags.

Jan 25, 2009 1:05 am

Hit the phones get some production, then do some seminars… start networking with cpas, lawyers etc…

Jan 25, 2009 8:15 pm

I went into production the first time in 2000, became a wholesaler in 2002, saved a sh*t load of money, went back into production March 2008.  Brought in $7mm and opened up 95 accounts thus far. 

  All my accounts were opened by cold calls, now clients are starting to bring in more money and send referrals.   You have 2 options, unfortunately most rookies choose the latter.  Either fight to make it, by telling your story to 25 people per day, have at least 1 meeting per day....everyday.  Or sit there and feel sorry for yourself because the guy on the phone made you feel bad...and fail.   It is your choice.