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Jan 26, 2007 11:10 pm

[quote=worth6788]I would probebly save 50k a year paying 7-8 bucks for unlimited shares over at fidelity or scott trade...[/quote]

Sure you would, Mr. Rockefeller...

Jan 26, 2007 11:16 pm

Indy, what are you talking about? 20-30 decent sized round trip trades would equate to that. Im sure you know first hand since you manage money. Im not sure why you would compare someone that is worth 7 figures to a billionaire? Not very fair if you were trying to make a point of some type.

Jan 26, 2007 11:16 pm


[quote=worth6788]I would probebly save 50k a year paying 7-8 bucks for unlimited shares over at fidelity or scott trade…[/quote]

Sure you would, Mr. Rockefeller...


Some of the wires don't have very generous discount policies, but 50k a year?

Well I find that a little hard to swallow as well.
Jan 26, 2007 11:23 pm

I spend 1-2k on RT trades; It is simple, and yes unfortunate.

Jan 26, 2007 11:37 pm

Well that sucks, but I guess it's the price of being able to make 5-6 figure trades...

I'll confess my skepticism...assuming you are what you profess to be, my jab was less than fair.  As you profess to be a 20-year vet, I'd love to hear your work history...I always appreciate a good learning experience...

Jan 27, 2007 1:56 am

Yeah, it does kinda suck that I have that compliance issue, oh well, when I retire I will have some ‘found’ money.

I am curious to see you guys list firms you know for a fact give you the option to maintain a seperate discount brokerage account. Most likely this will be firms you currently work at or have in the past?

Ones I would be most interested in hearing about are AGE, SB, RJ … others would be great as well.

ps. For you rookies, I would not recommend running to your BM on monday asking about this topic especially if you havent been producing an excessive amount. (They will see this as a distraction)

Jan 27, 2007 6:07 am

[quote=worth6788]WADRED I was talking to the piker who places 5k trades
and works for EJ saying he gets unlimited shares for $30.

Can we kindly get some facts into this discussion? How much does EDJ
charge for client trades vs broker trades? How much does ML charge?

I find it hard to beleive that per trade costs are still so high, but
perhaps after working with %age of AUM accounts for so long I’ve lost

I remember when discount brokerage ment $45 per trade.

Jan 27, 2007 6:13 am

[quote=worth6788]I spend 1-2k on RT trades; It is simple, and yes unfortunate.[/quote]

One can only imagine what that costs the clients.

Jan 27, 2007 6:22 am

[quote=worth6788]Yeah, it does kinda suck that I have that compliance issue, oh well, when I retire I will have some ‘found’ money.

I am curious to see you guys list firms you know for a fact give you the option to maintain a seperate discount brokerage account. Most likely this will be firms you currently work at or have in the past?

Ones I would be most interested in hearing about are AGE, SB, RJ … others would be great as well.

ps. For you rookies, I would not recommend running to your BM on monday asking about this topic especially if you havent been producing an excessive amount. (They will see this as a distraction)


The wires will not, nor AGE.  That’s pretty much a given.  Wirehouse compliance is too tight.

LPL does.