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Finra s101 ce

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Feb 2, 2012 4:24 pm

I recently completed enough time-in-service to become "eligible" for the FINRA S101 CE.  I downloaded the content outline and based on that it looks like all of the material from the Series 7 test.  Associates here in the office downplay the CE saying it is merely a series of scenarios followed by questions and studying is NOT required.

But as a detail-oriented fellow I want to make sure I'm not missing anything.

Appreciate any advice or insight into this S101 CE.  Thanks!

Feb 2, 2012 4:43 pm

You can't fail.  No need to study or anything.  Just show up.  Sit thru the test and answer the questions.  If you miss too many, they make you retake that portion.  By the time you walk out, you'll have earned the CE

Jun 12, 2014 4:14 pm

how do you go online and download finra s101 ce