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Pitch a Product, Ask for the Damn Order, And Open the Account NOW!

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Dec 2, 2011 3:18 am

Transaction pitch is Best (95% of the time) 

Right now we're offering ... Let me put you down for...

or sometimes try "we are providing a Free report, 8 ideas yielding over 8%"

(How's your portfolio holding up, err how big is it...)

Which gets them talking and may lead to a meeting, meetings are always best. (used 5% of the time)

This is still a sales job... If we can honestly show you an approach that has provided a 12% return for over 40 years

(SGENX, or a bond paying almost 6% tax free...)

would it worth 10 minutes of your time to learn how to get that done? ,

Grab a piece of paper Mr Jones... and I'll walk you through the numbers...

Open the damn account!

My 1st month in the business I opened up 10 new accounts.

My 2nd month I opened up 18.

Now I struggle to open up 2-3 a month; albeit they are normally over 1mm.


I say qualify for money (Crucial)  ; as per my post 2 weeks ago

and once you have verified that the client is substantial and fits your profile ; Ask them to buy something!

I can't count how many cases I've had three lenghty meetings to try and capture the $1.6mm account and somehow it never happened, They wen't out of town for the holidays and  after the first of the year they were unreachable...

If I just had said " I hope to earn your confidence and business, and really do a good job, but I'd also really like to show you my process and how my staff interact and the quality of our statements.... so lets get started with a token amount  in something that will fit nicely in your portfolio ( Some Verizon stock or a Utility preferred)...

and then  we'll take it from there ok?


After you open the account, we can discuss fees versus commissions or the collapse of the Euro or ;

there's lots of time if they already have something invested with you ; some "skin in the game"

So open the damn account ; even if you make nothing up front. (google ~ puppy dog approach)

My 2c

Dash at TWEETss

p.s. If you want to open accounts, need to show a big yield and an urgent situation that needs to be handled now!!!

A. This stock is gonna rise soon from $18  (RIMM)

B. This school bond ( We have $330m left, they'll be gone in a day )

C. The Emerging markets are trashed and this fund will respond soon, lock up these prices...)

Yeah, you gotta add some urgency to get them off the fence...

Old School...

Work with me ; You'll look back on this, Very Pleased!

Work with me with a small amount of $, I'll make a million dollar impression , OK?

Remember if you're pushy today , they won't remember,
They don't remember what they ate for lunch...
If you push open the account you may benefit for 20 years and 10 referrals ; so $$#$##$$$ ASK for the ORDER!


I met with $3mm yesterday, opened a $2.5mm account today (he transfered in $750m and I have a meeting with $2.8mm in the am ; so I'm fired up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaargh

Dec 2, 2011 3:42 am

One call close?


I'd bet MORE prospects get annoyed with Advisors that try to be buddies with them and establish weird little "relationships" and don't offer anything than from those being a little to aggressive, slipping a closing question, and asking for business. Anytime somebody calls and doesn't ask for an order, the prospect hangs up and thinks wtf was that? A creeper? Next time you call the momentum is shot.

I would never call to find a "prospect" or "appointment", that's plan B, unless they specifically ask for a time or material. Obviously the call/mail/call or call/appt/close works as people have reported, but I would have 0 motivation to ever call with that in mind.

Believe in your product. And dash, that's alot of accounts :)

Dec 2, 2011 4:20 am


Thanks a million....exactly what I needed to read have it nailed and you are well woth keeping tabs on...........gracias man....really good.

All The Way