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Who will be dems 2012 nominee?

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Dec 10, 2010 1:59 pm

We need real leaders who are for the people.

American people fear the future of our country, so we handed our powers to the government to protect us.  This power should SOLELY be in place to protect the rights of our citizens.  Any governing body that uses this power to intimidate, lie, and oppress individuals in order to push government agenda is unworthy, malefic, and devilish.

The government should exist to SERVE THE PEOPLE.  Their job is to keep us safe, keep peace with neighboring nations, and keep our economy stable..and that should basically be it.  And what do we have? a military driven country that serves special interest?  Why is our government racking up trillions in debt? 

The government has many ways of creating revenue from us, so is it a business? does the government have the right to be raising debt on this level?  Also why so much secrecy behind our backs and police us heavily for years that it became the norm?

I still believe the government is supposed to be a vehicle for justice, and fairness amongst its citizens.  If I count my taxes, it's out of control, greater than 50%.  Income tax, local tax, state tax, property tax, sales tax, fuel tax, medical tax, etc.  At the same they are racking up debt like piles of pancake at ihop using our tax dollars for special interest and war...which is completely unncessary.

Worse than all this, they manipulate us what to eat, drink, smoke or don't smoke.  And now they manipulate us how to think!  They back corrupt corporate big shots, when these big shots can't even run a fiscal balance properly.

They expect us to run a perfect balance and personal.  And if you hiccup you will be penalized by the banks and government, at the same time feeding more than 50% of your income to the big brother..also another huge huge chunk when you are 6 feet under.  All the while, they can't keep a balance sheet, and by their rules you'll lose your freedom if you ran your finance like the big brother runs a multi trillion dollar budget.

"money is the root of evil" is so damn right.  It's ALL ABOUT MONEY!!  Look at what's going on in the world and you'll have the truth.  The big brother blows millions for photoshots at the airports,meetings. They blow millions on useless government project that achieves absolutely nothing, and flying around all over the world while the entire world laughs at us.  They go on fancy dinners with powerful people, and they want US to pay for it and if we don't they'll come into my house with guns and force me to?  Take away my house, throw my family on the streets and throw me in jail if I don't?

Does this sound like what gangsters do?

Ok sorry for venting but I had to let it out...having a tough friday morning.

Dec 10, 2010 2:44 pm

Well said.  And I'm sure most of us agree with you. 

Not to be nitpicky, but the verse is actually "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil."  Your point remains the same, but the problem isn't money.  It's the love of money, the power money holds over people that is the root of all evil.  Money is a great tool.  But when you start to worship the almighty dollar instead of the Almighty, then there are going to be issues.  That's where we find ourselves in this country.  The "people" said we don't want God in our schools, our businesses, our government, our holidays (a derivative of holy days, BTW), our vacations, or our lives.  God said, OK.  Here we are.  

Dec 10, 2010 4:19 pm

[quote=Spaceman Spiff]

Well said.  And I'm sure most of us agree with you. 

Not to be nitpicky, but the verse is actually "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil."  Your point remains the same, but the problem isn't money.  It's the love of money, the power money holds over people that is the root of all evil.  Money is a great tool.  But when you start to worship the almighty dollar instead of the Almighty, then there are going to be issues.  That's where we find ourselves in this country.  The "people" said we don't want God in our schools, our businesses, our government, our holidays (a derivative of holy days, BTW), our vacations, or our lives.  God said, OK.  Here we are.  

