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Taking clients from Jones

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Jan 20, 2007 4:21 am

Did any of you Ex-Jones guys have any trouble bringing clients over from Jones to your new home?  I don't mean actually convincing the clients to come over, but legally.

What techniques did you use?  How did you get in touch with them?  How long did you wait, if you waited at all?  Did Jones threaten or follow through with any action pertaining to your non-solicitation agreements?

Jan 20, 2007 5:04 am


What techniques did you use?  How did you get
in touch with them?  How long did you wait, if you waited at
all?  Did Jones threaten or follow through with any action
pertaining to your non-solicitation agreements?


I did what worked the first time…

I just visited them at home, and told them I was opening up a new office in the area.

Jan 20, 2007 5:06 am

[quote=AllREIT] [quote=TheDude]

What techniques did you use?  How did you get in touch with them?  How long did you wait, if you waited at all?  Did Jones threaten or follow through with any action pertaining to your non-solicitation agreements?


I did what worked the first time...

I just visited them at home, and told them I was opening up a new office in the area.


..and no problems??  What about out of towners?