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ML China Says Prices "Out of Control"

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May 20, 2007 5:55 am CcbF5Opw&refer=funds

[quote]May 18 (Bloomberg) -- Merrill Lynch & Co.'s China chairman said investors should pare their holdings in the nation, where the benchmark stock index has rallied 84 percent this year.

``Valuations are too high and it's getting out of control,'' Liu Erhfei told a private equity conference in Beijing. ``This is a good time to exit, which by definition means it's a bad time to invest.''[/quote]

When the man from Merrill isn't bullish....

May 21, 2007 10:31 am

I think it was Goldman that came out earlier calling it [Chinese stock market]

a speculative bubble. But I predict no slow down in toilet paper sales.