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Calling a departed reps book?

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Mar 1, 2007 4:22 am


I have never been a huge fan of inherited acoc**ts, but it sounds like there is true opportunity there. If the guy was indeed a HACk, it will give you a chance to position your services in a better light to the clients. Offer a full portfoilio review, make appropriate suggestions, and try to gather more assets or referrals. Referrals would be key since they may not hae been willing to refer their friends, etc to the departed rep.

At the end of the day- in business its war, and you have to do your best to retain these clients and develop the relationship.


HAhaha, ok so you're saying there are great non hack advisors who get the boot?

What difference does it make if he's a hack or not? At the end of the day it's simple, you treat the clients right and play it smart, you stay in this business regardless whether you're a "hack" or not (survivors are anything but hacks)

Can it not be argued that the clients are apt to receiving better service simply because they're being serviced by someone who has what it takes to still be with the firm?

Mar 1, 2007 4:39 am

I guess you don't really have any solutions to our little "issue" with this industry, then whomit.

Mar 1, 2007 5:56 am


I’m not sure Joe even knows the one who I used to be yet. He knows the two that I am only because I told him.

And not everybody needs to strain their brain for thirty minutes before they can concoct bon mots like "You may be right, adn if you are, then somebody has WAAAAAAAAY too much free time on their hands, and a morass of "issues" as well, IMHO."

Sometimes when I read your posts Joe, I can almost see the arteries on the sides of your head popping out from the strain! It's like you're trying to take a poop through your fingers!


"I am not sure Joe even knows the one I used to be...."

WTF?  Who do you think you are?  You sound like you think you're some G-D-MN mythological character!  Are you going to start posting in Yoda-like phraseology next?

In actuality I was pretty certain I knew "who you used to be" within a day or two of your initial posts.  But here's the funny thing...I pondered the matter for a grand total of 15 seconds or so, and then just decided that I didn't really care....not one whit!  It simply wasn't important to spend any more time or energy on your latest persona.  I am not going to waste my life away in some childish "who am I now" guessing game.

I probably spend a little more time than I should posting on this board, but in fact I have a business to run and a very full life outside this board.  Unlike you-apparently-I spend my days firmly grounded in reality.

I suppose it should have been a dead giveaway when you start spouting off silly stuff about "Godwin's Law" and other cultish internet bulletin board insider terms.  Most likely we found you here because you've been permanently banned for being a pain in the behind on a series of other boards.  After all, I suspect in the end that the topic is not of great import to you, as long as you can monopolize and hijack threads, demonstrate your "intellectual superiority", and just plain draw attention to yourself.

I feel no need to use "scrabble words" and obscure references to demonstrate my intelligence and boost my self-esteem.  I am fairly comfortable in my own skin, if you can understand such a simple, colloquial reference.  Those who know me, and who are important to me(including a few friends from this very board) most likely know how smart I might(or might not) be.

Your would probably be a pretty interesting person to chat with if only you weren't so obviously shallow(and did I forget arrogant?).  Much like the elbows on a cheap suit, your act has worn thin.

And so, with that....I'm done feeding the trolls.....I'm hoping you'll go away but I won't get my expectations too high.

I only wish Judge had prodded me "awake" a week or two ago....
Mar 1, 2007 12:12 pm

Such anger. Such jealousy. Such a fragile self image.

Poor Joe.

Mar 1, 2007 12:38 pm


I have never been a huge fan of inherited acoc**ts, but it sounds like there is true opportunity there. If the guy was indeed a HACk, it will give you a chance to position your services in a better light to the clients. Offer a full portfoilio review, make appropriate suggestions, and try to gather more assets or referrals. Referrals would be key since they may not hae been willing to refer their friends, etc to the departed rep.

At the end of the day- in business its war, and you have to do your best to retain these clients and develop the relationship.


HAhaha, ok so you're saying there are great non hack advisors who get the boot? Get the boot? The guy quit a loser firm that he had problem with the management of.

What difference does it make if he's a hack or not? At the end of the day it's simple, you treat the clients right and play it smart, you stay in this business regardless whether you're a "hack" or not (survivors are anything but hacks) Yeah, I've seen it happen. A BOM comes in and doen't like the way the guy looks and decideds to flex his management muscles by forcing the guy out. Happens all of the time. (Which you would know if you had better better depth perception.)

Can it not be argued that the clients are apt to receiving better service simply because they're being serviced by someone who has what it takes to still be with the firm? Anything can be argued, I wonder if you'll be willing to argue in favor of this lame proposition? I will argue that a significant number of accounts are given to the manager's "pets." Mostly, a pet is the broker who does the things that makes the manager look good downtown. What makes the manager look good with "Mitch and Murray" is that his ratable numbers are up (How many shares of crapola in house fund the branch owns, how many checking accounts, how many "on-line" how much Managed Money" etc etc etc).

Neither of these things are intrinsically wrong, but the history of firms shows that they are not in the clients best interests (unless it is co incidental that their interests are alligned).

Mar 1, 2007 12:58 pm

Imagine that!

Bye bye then.

Mar 1, 2007 2:09 pm ;PN=1&TPN=2

Where our (joe's and mine) discussion started.

" After all, I suspect in the end that the topic is not of great import to you, as long as you can monopolize and hijack threads, demonstrate your "intellectual superiority", and just plain draw attention to yourself."

I wasn't hijacking a thread, I wasn't monoplolzing I asked an open ended question that could have gone in any number of constructive directions. You didn't grasp the essence of the question.

I called you on it and you turned this into a series of personal attacks on me. You make unfounded leaps of "reasoning" and refuse to offer anything other than invective to back up your position. You adopt each piece of information that serves your purposes and backdate that "knowledge" as if you were operating with it all along, regardles of the fact that this "Act" is obviously an act given the herky jerky continuity in your posits.

As to my writing style. What you are engaging in is populist pandering. This is an ad hominem tactic of the worst sort in that what you are saying is that there is something wrong with being intelligent. I write the way I write because I write the way write. I use the words I do because they are the words that fit the situation (far as I know), because they are not the same old phraseology, and because we should never be afraid to aspire to the better itself.

Would you be happy if we spoke in Ebonics here? Of course you wouldn't, but you are derisive of someone who doesn't speak the Joe dialect of Joe Chardonnay (who is just this much "ll" more so than Joe Six Pack).

I have stayed on point and addressed each (non personal) point brought up by all posters. This does tend to draw attention to me (and draw my attention away from my other work) I won't lie to you, I enjoy the intellectual stimulation of it. It's like it was facing off against the entire sixth grade. Did I mention that I was bigger and stronger then all of them too (having failed first second and third grade twice each)? (actually, that's not true, but I tough I'd give you something to hang your hat on).

I'm not an interseting person to chat with. I hate chatting! Chatting is for customers' men. I discuss, I don't chat. I don't chit chat! I don't like chit chatery! Bull chitters chit chat! They talk about cars and sports and weather. I couldn't give a chit less about any of those things.

I riff! I love to riff, and I love it when I run into someone who is better at it than I am. Riffing is a brain game, chatting is mind numbing!

As to bannings. I've made enemies on a couple of sites around the web. But in my decade of internet blathering I was banned once because I was the target of a hive attack where Yamamoto (I think that was his name) and his crew swooped down on a board I was using and, if you defended the board you were branded as racist and all the bees in the hive then just kept repeating the slur until you yourself weren't sure! It was bizzarr, i was reinstated and I forced the admin to admit their mistake and take down the offending posts. (Yamamoto was infamous for this behavior. It had nothing to do with reality.) Once I was banned because I used the handle __God__ to post in a Religious Reich forum. Apparently somebody else had just been banned while using the handle _God__, so they figured I must have been him.

And this time, when I got tossed for trying to bring some levity to the "usual gang of idiots"'s response to someone they thought was best dealt with by direct blows.

If they throw me, I really don't care (except that you'll then slither out from under your rock and cast aspersions at my undefended character, like you did last time.)But the facts remain that I am in this business, I am successful in this business, I disagree with the status quo in this industry, and I'm damned entertaining. If/when they toss me, it's their loss. I'm one of the French, without me (without us), the forums will be more plain vanilla!

Mar 1, 2007 3:55 pm

"But in my decade of internet blathering...."

You are a joke..

"But the facts remain that I am in this business, I am successful in this business, I disagree with the status quo in this industry, and I'm damned entertaining. If/when they toss me, it's their loss. I'm one of the French, without me (without us), the forums will be more plain vanilla!"

There are some deep issues there. This from a guy whose wife probably left him years ago, drives the run-down '88 Subaru to the office, sits in his cubicle all day and noone talks to him, and posts on these websites to fuel his illusions of grandeur. What a life.....

Mar 1, 2007 4:11 pm

Yeah, that's prolly it!

It probably isn't that he is who he says he is, it's much more probable that he's the typical internet putdown stereotype.

You don't even have the creativity to come up with an original insult.

BTW, they LOVE to come into my cubicle, all the usual morons who know they couldn't win an argument with me one by one but when they have four guys... We have a great time (or at least  they did and we did until I left the wirehouse and now I run my own multiman branch and people HAVE to pretend they like me!)

And it was a '91 Volvo, but now its the wife's 07 Mercedes (which the company leases! The company that I own.)

Thanks for playing.

Bye Bye Then!

Mar 1, 2007 4:27 pm


“But in my decade of internet blathering…”

You are a joke..

There are some deep issues there. This from a guy whose wife probably left him years ago, drives the run-down '88 Subaru to the office, sits in his cubicle all day and noone talks to him, and posts on these websites to fuel his illusions of grandeur. What a life.....


Blarm-You have probably struck close to home as regards his mental state if not his car, considering his response.

I understand the temptation to "feed the troll", but try to resist, as I have.  It is interesting to watch some of the truth seep out from behind his carefully constructed facade, as he admits to having been banned from at least 2 boards so far.  Of course-it was all due to someone else's behavior, not his.

Since he keeps signing up with hotmail addresses and the mods don't want to do anything about it, let's just ignore him.  Attention is what he wants, and if he doesn't get it perhaps he'll just move on to greener pastures.
Mar 1, 2007 4:36 pm

There was a post, " All of you veteran financial advisors", put up by Closer the other day.

I was re reading it, and thinking about some of the above remarks about the culture of this forum, which is what you are really talking about.

Reminds me of a Chinese friend who runs a coffee shop. His wife is the "scowling face" Some customers really like that. He is the smiling face - others relate. This philosophy runs the shop.

Closer wanders in - really is just looking for a little advice. Does he get a smile, a scowl, or double teamed in some fashion?

Whomit, you like to play. Just not sure if the culture of

You don't even have the creativity to come up with an original insult.

and all of that, it takes a special kind of energy.

Most of us are bored, so I guess there is a market.

So you play in the fireplace, you really miss the old wirehouse cooler. Did you leave by choice, or did you get booted and you're angry about it? Or do you just like messing with people. Be honest.

My observation is, you come off like you want to dialog with the big intellect, but you don't really listen - so it comes off as being a bit disingenous.  FWIW.

Mar 1, 2007 4:48 pm

My observation is that some posters with multiple personality disorder also are manic depressive.    I’ve had to deal with people like this in my life.  Fortunately we don’t have to deal with them in the virtual world.   Fear my back button!!!

Mar 1, 2007 6:00 pm

Iff, then, good point, compassion is the order of the day.

Mar 1, 2007 7:17 pm

<?:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /><o:p>

Look, if you want to make a specific thread about me, make it.

I addressed Jodabrkrs' comments and now I'm gonna be mired in a whole slew of "Me Too's"?

I don't have multiple personalities; I post under this one handle only, except for a slip that was explained. Nor did I try to hide the relationship between the last handle and the one before. I don’t ask anyone to play “Who am I”.  I was only pointing out Joe’s inconsistency vis a vis what is he knows about me and what he assumed about “Whomitmayconcer(n)”. Joe know who I work with and yet he expressed surprise that I would have a “Indy” mindset. That went to show me that he didn’t make the connection, which was something I did not try to hide (and my style is unique enough that I’m easily seen). 

No matter how many times you people repeat a non truth, it is still a non truth.

I'm only at issue here because Joedabrker can not carry his end of a conversation and so he constantly focuses on the style and never the substance of the discussion.

Mar 1, 2007 8:21 pm

Then we're back to the culture of the forum. What you have here is everything from rational professional discussion to flaming. No one controls it, but the moderator tries to form the channel walls.

A very successful forum, by industry standards. Also call tawdry by some, but not entirely boring, given the #s.

Are you being the intelligent, overly expressive, analytical, overly sensitive Woody Allen. As a thinking person, you will always be accused of having too much time on your hands. Do you threaten the culture.  

I worked in a school for inner city teen agers once. We identified various roles: positive leader, negative leader, comedian, authority etc.. The negative leader always had " Sergeants" to do the double teaming dirty work. If you wanted to change the culture, you worked on the Sergeants first. You threaten the culture, you get double team.

Being negative is more immediate and fun, like candy. Channeling positive creative energy is rewarding longer term.

Little fish tank, big industry. The only thing worth doing is stuff which is better for our clients.

Here we have the American people, with a negative savings rate, in big trouble. The only people who can truly help them are professionals. These professionals spend a lot of time and energy being detracted by emotional and intellectual red herrings. If we ever get it together, it will be a transformational experience. But maybe we'll die of either boredom or adrenaline addiction before it happens.

Mar 1, 2007 8:47 pm

"... Did you leave by choice, or did you get booted and you're angry about it? Or do you just like messing with people. Be honest. "<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

I'm ALWAYS honest. I have not told so little as a half truth (save the tongue in cheek comments like the one about failing elementary school) in any post. I am BRUTALLY honest at times. I am honest beyond the scope of ordinary honesty, for example:

Did I leave by choice or did I get booted? I left by choice, because the environment was being made more and more toxic around me so that I would make my move. And yet they were surprised and offended when it happened. I was seen by management as being the ringleader of the malcontents (I can't imagine why!) even though I was actually the rah rah guy among the malcontents (which was just about everybody in the branch).

They thought I was the bad seed because the brokers were constantly in my office spitting about this or that or, more often, just wasting theirs and my time. But our branch management was so paranoid that anytime they saw three brokers talking they were sure they were planning a coup d' etat (this is mostly because all the managers were guys who had jumped from Merrill and its normal human behavior to assume others are like you).  My office was the meeting place, and yes, we were wasting time arguing politics and world affairs and stock selection and mutual funds v. managed money and Barneys versus Brooks Brothers and whatever. Almost never did any of us discuss leaving (until it became time to make the final move). 

Because of this, and the fact that I am not cut from the Merrill Lynch cloth (I worked at Shearson) and management was guys from Merrill that took a deal that included going into management. I was targeted.  I don't disagree with their assessment, I was never going to be a team player for the team they wanted the branch to become. And when I left, management tried to make an example of me (it didn't work, and quite the contrary worked to their disadvantage in that when their predictions of my imminent demise didn't come to pass, it made it easier for others to leave behind me, including joining me at my firm).

Now here's a little honesty for you:  "My observation is, you come off like you want to dialog with the big intellect, but you don't really listen - so it comes off as being a bit disingenuous.  FWIW"

I listened and I tried to dispel your errant notions but, you clung doggedly to them. You wanted to believe with all your being that I am angry over what took place. I'm not. The passion that I have had in our conversation is directed towards those who will not see that there is a need for a collective bargaining group that represents the interests of brokers. You couldn't seem to get past the notion that I was upset over the 20% that didn't follow and that I should instead focus on the positive of the 80% that did. I'm far past caring about the 20% and I'm in a situation where I never have to worry about it ever again (unless I decide to take a huge check to join a wirehouse again). The tree frog has a PAC! There are lobbying groups for golfers, and yet we sit waving in the breeze because upper managements say "We're advocating for you!" Where has this advocation ever come down on our side? they say they are our advocates but every time they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar they say it was our fault and they'll make it harder for us to reach the cookie jar next time!

Am I right or wrong?

To be honest, it is YOU who does not listen.

To be honest, there are times when I can't follow your "sound of one hand clapping" fragmented sentence esoterica. It's your style, for sure and I don't ask you to change it. But being honest, there are times when you are unintelligible.

Mar 1, 2007 8:57 pm

Good post. No one is required to read it, so don't even start in with the " too much time" crap.

But anyone could relate to your experience.

So, you have your own shop now with an independent (sorry if I missed that)?

I totally agree with you that the b/d industry needs to change - for its own survival, and the good of the American citizen, these are the same things. Just not sure how.