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Be careful what you wish for

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Oct 10, 2008 3:42 pm

AS little as six weeks ago people were bitching and moaning about gas prices wishing they would come down. Well, you wanted it, you got it! This moring unleaded regular in the great state of New Jersey -  $2.85/gallon. (BP RT 70 Cherry Hill NJ)

  Next time any of you are talking to your Genie and wishing for something make sure you've got the all the bases covered first. I feel like I'm living an episode of the Twilight Zone.   You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the twilight zone...dodododododododododododododododododo
Oct 10, 2008 3:47 pm

VIX @ 72.  I think I’m getting drunk on the fear

Oct 10, 2008 4:09 pm

BG , I was listening to Report On Business ( Canada  ) about a week ago and they were discussing the Alberta Oil Patch and world prices per barrel. One of the panelists suggested that " we may get our wish of oil at 50.00 USD per barrel , but you may have cheap gas at the pumps , unfortunately unemployment will soar , so that is your choice ". BURP!!!

Oct 10, 2008 4:15 pm

[quote=BondGuy]AS little as six weeks ago people were bitching and moaning about gas prices wishing they would come down. Well, you wanted it, you got it! This moring unleaded regular in the great state of New Jersey -  $2.85/gallon. (BP RT 70 Cherry Hill NJ)

  Next time any of you are talking to your Genie and wishing for something make sure you've got the all the bases covered first. I feel like I'm living an episode of the Twilight Zone.   You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the twilight zone...dodododododododododododododododododo[/quote]   I miss NJ gas.....   When I lived in NYC in the 90's, I can remember regular being 90c/gal.  I could fill up with a $10 bill.   Oh, the good ol' days....
Oct 10, 2008 4:21 pm

B24 could also get a McDonalds Single Burger for .25 and a Cheesburger for .30

Oct 10, 2008 4:32 pm

The price of gas is “right now”, the price of securities is longer term, in a sort of Twilight Zone of time. The temporary decline of the price of very positive. Trump is all excited about it, for example.

  An analogy might be, Americans, right after 9/11, were open to some leadership on the issue of energy independence. Will we squander this opportunity, or will we take some steps forward?   I think the Pickens plan is at least an example of specific steps toward a definite goal - there are many paths - this will require a little leadership from the central government, perhaps around the issue of unemployment and economic stimulus.   Folks need a focus - an energy financial plan, to get their mind off other aspects of this meltdown.
Oct 10, 2008 10:09 pm

I wonder what the next crisis will be five or ten years from now.  Or, put in another way, who else is going to screw up our system after Enron in 2001, and now Fannie Mae/Mac, Countrywide, etc. in 2007-8.  Again,  it’s always about some idiots breaking the law or abandoning all reason and ethics to feed their greed.  We all pay for their stupidity with more government regulations and bailout packages.

Yes, let’s be careful what we wish for, but we should also look out for the next bunch of idiots out there who’ll screw us all up again.  End of rant.  I can breathe again.