How the f*** does Cramer stay on TV

Nov 12, 2009 1:36 am

I know I should just ignore him.

He makes me nuts

Just lies

bull on up days

bear on down days

loves gold at 1100

hates it on pullback

just a GD MF bold face liar.

Since he says everything about every market at some point he can away go back and say "i was right"

I would just love to punch the CS as hard as i can right in the face.

booyah this bic*th

not very healthy? is it?

plus Baron’s looked at his hedge fund back in the day.   

Dude just played soft dollar IPO whore stuff.

and when he interupts people.   especially little cutie Erin

the SOB does’nt listen

Nov 12, 2009 1:44 am

booyah to everything you just said sexy shania.  Just one addition. short everything he recommends.  you’ll make some gains that way.  cramer is merely entertainment for dummies.

Nov 12, 2009 2:24 am

Yea he only had clients like steve balmer and eliot spitzer as a broker…im sure your client list is just as robust…love him or hate him he knows more about the market than you could dream of…he is a wall street insider…you can tell a client to buy american funds.

Nov 12, 2009 3:45 am

Yea he only had clients like steve balmer and eliot spitzer as a broker…im sure your client list is just as robust…love him or hate him he knows more about the market than you could dream of…he is a wall street insider…you can tell a client to buy american funds.

read barons article.

yep he was a wall street insider alright......

insider trading.   

IPO flipping.

buy the crap deals then flip em.

pay the firms the soft dollar commis

build up an allocation and get the hot deals.

no skill.    

He is full of crap    

(ps: My partners and I have an audited track record of 14 years. Have not sold a mutual fund in years)

elliot spitzer   funny    Yea he is my dream client
Nov 12, 2009 4:27 am

[quote=WFAt] Yea he only had clients like steve balmer and eliot spitzer as a broker…im sure your client list is just as robust…love him or hate him he knows more about the market than you could dream of…he is a wall street insider…you can tell a client to buy american funds.

I tracked cramer's stuff for 2 years for the fun of it. It was terrible. You might BE Cramer with that comment

"Don't sell Bear Sterns they are liquid"   Great call[/quote]

It's Stearns .... Retard
Nov 12, 2009 12:47 pm

What was his annual return running a hedgie? 28…whats yours…

Nov 12, 2009 1:12 pm

I can only watch him for a few minutes.  He can stay on tv because he’s good at his job.  His job isn’t to be a good stock picker.  His job is to sell advertising revenue.

  Isn't the name of his show "Mad Money"?  The last time that I checked, "mad money" is the money that one has available to blow.  This is money that can be used for the shoe of the month club or for individual stock picks.  It's for money that one can afford to blow.
Nov 12, 2009 1:22 pm

I don’t despise him, but got no respect for him either.  Check this out. Cramer at his best with Jon Stewart. Not!

Booyah SkeeDaddy!

Nov 12, 2009 2:54 pm

What was his annual return running a hedgie? 28…whats yours…

  Yeah, front running large orders. You are a meathead void of original thought.
Nov 12, 2009 3:01 pm
he is full of crap   I'll leave this topic with one more point about Cramer. To his credit, his record at Cramer Berkowitz, his hedge fund, was very good. I believe his investors' returns net of fees were around 24% annually, or something in the mid twenties (I read his autobiography, but it was awhile ago). This number, on the surface, appears to be excellent. However, keep in mind a couple things about that figure.

First, Cramer ran his fund from the early 1980's through the 1990's. Essentially, his time running money professionally overlapped exactly with the greatest bull market our country's stock market has ever seen. I believe the S&P 500 compounded at around 20% per year during his hedge fund days. So, it's not like he was making 20-something percent during a time when making money was difficult.

Second, if you read his autobiography, Confessions of a Street Addict, you'll learn that he made a lot of that money in some pretty interesting ways. Since he was a big player, he made tons with IPO share allotments that he was allowed to flip on the first day of trading, which amounted to free money with little risk. In his book he also talks about how he would get word of analyst upgrades and downgrades before the information was made public to everyone, because his firm was a big client of the investment banks who issued sell-side reports.

If you factor in the market averaging 15% and throw in the other ways in which Cramer was able to make money for his clients with very little effort or insight, you might understand a bit more why his picks on Mad Money have left much to be desired. If you want to learn about the market and be entertained, Cramer can have a lot to offer. For stock picks though, I would not suggest you tune in for that reason alone.

Nov 12, 2009 3:03 pm

[quote=anonymous]I can only watch him for a few minutes.  He can stay on tv because he’s good at his job. 

  His job isn't to be a good stock picker.    His job is to sell advertising revenue.  {/QUOTE]   well put
Nov 13, 2009 12:21 am

What was his annual return running a hedgie? 28…whats yours…

  Don't fool yourself about Cramer's alleged hedge fund returns. Who audited them?    

Editor's Note: James J. Cramer is the keynote speaker at the 6th Annual Internet and Electronic Commerce Conference and Exposition, held today at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City. We're running the full text of that speech here.

 You want winners? You want me to put my Cramer Berkowitz hedge fund hat on and just discuss what my fund is buying today to try to make money tomorrow and the next day and the next? You want my top 10 stocks for who is going to make it in the New World? You know what? I am going to give them to you. Right here. Right now.

OK. Here goes. Write them down -- no handouts here!: 724 Solutions (SVNX Quote), Ariba (ARBA Quote), Digital Island (ISLD Quote), Exodus (EXDS Quote), (INSP Quote), Inktomi (INKT Quote), Mercury Interactive (MERQ Quote), Sonera (SNRA Quote), VeriSign (VRSN Quote) and Veritas Software (VRTS Quote).

Nov 13, 2009 12:35 am


  When you can charge 4 and 40 and not starve to death....ill concede im a methhead. In the meantime, make sure the tire pressure is full on your prius.
Nov 13, 2009 12:44 am

He said meathead.

Nov 13, 2009 1:43 am

thats like saying sterns instead of stearns....learn how to spell big ticket

Nov 13, 2009 1:54 am

Cramer touted Lenny Dykstra “as one of the brightest he has ever seen, a WIZ KID” !! Dkystra could barely form a sentence when he trying to explain a call option buy on the HBO piece a couple years ago.  You could tell is was a sham, yet Cramer was paying Dykstra to put his “picks” on the The  Cramer is a fraud.  Do not understand how stupid people are to listen to him.

Nov 13, 2009 2:00 am

im sure he would compare W-2s with all of you anyday…and at the end of the day isnt that what its all about…let me guess doug kass is an idiot too right?

Nov 13, 2009 2:08 am

im sure he would compare W-2s with all of you anyday…and at the end of the day isnt that what its all about…let me guess doug kass is an idiot too right?

I have no opinion on Kass, at least he finally came clean last week on CNBC and somewhat told the truth that he has been short the market since April (after cnbc assumed he was long the whole time).  But dont know enough about him to say anything about his character.    Cramer is a shady, does not mean he is broke, far far from it.  I think whatever he makes legitimately from the tv show, he makes 100X that in side deals from stock pumps.  For instance after T Boone Pickens came on to pump up his CLNE, which had run from 5 to 17, Pickens comes on TV for a 30 minute pump session with Jimbo..stock goes up $2.00 the next day, then amazingly that same day Pickens and his wife Madaline sell 3,000,000 shares at the high, then it drops in 9 points the next few months.  Sure there was a "thank you" for Jimmy on that one.
Nov 13, 2009 2:09 am

mlgone.....what is your best stock pick moving forward this year...

Nov 13, 2009 2:13 am

Fritz…i can agree with some of that but you assume everyone watches cnbc…the fact is guys like cramer, kass, cashin etc. get people excited about the market…AND OPENLY SAY CALL YOUR BROKER…call them pikers all you want but a guy like cramer who was a broker for gs is not an idiot. we would all kill to be brokers at gs.

Nov 13, 2009 2:21 am

Fritz…i can agree with some of that but you assume everyone watches cnbc…the fact is guys like cramer, kass, cashin etc. get people excited about the market…AND OPENLY SAY CALL YOUR BROKER…call them pikers all you want but a guy like cramer who was a broker for gs is not an idiot. we would all kill to be brokers at gs.

He is one smart mother f++.  He knows how to work the system, did it at his hedge fund, now working another angle.  He is brilliant, because he gets away with it.  In the video out there on youtube he talks about how he builds a stock position, gets an "idiot like Bob Pisani to run with some bogus rumor they feed him then sell the stock."  But he said he does not do that anymore, that was a long time ago.  Now he just lets people come on TV and manipulate their stock for personal would have to be naive to think he is "in the dark" on these shananigans.
Nov 13, 2009 2:22 am

Fritz…i can agree with some of that but you assume everyone watches cnbc…the fact is guys like cramer, kass, cashin etc. get people excited about the market…AND OPENLY SAY CALL YOUR BROKER…call them pikers all you want but a guy like cramer who was a broker for gs is not an idiot. we would all kill to be brokers at gs.

  He never said Cramer is a piker. He said Cramer knows how to work the back end. You know.....The way you make BIG hits. Cramer is an idiot. I'll say it. He made all his money ( except tv personality ) in shady IPO deals. Dudes a loser, and if he wasn't hatched outof the proper place, he could tell you how to lay the line.( block laying ) Fritz, you're a smart dude, what was that stock deal that came out recently where the major share holder bumped up his sell after the offer price was lowered. WFAt, that is how you get PAID
Nov 13, 2009 2:25 am

Fritz…i can agree with some of that but you assume everyone watches cnbc…the fact is guys like cramer, kass, cashin etc. get people excited about the market…AND OPENLY SAY CALL YOUR BROKER…call them pikers all you want but a guy like cramer who was a broker for gs is not an idiot. we would all kill to be brokers at gs.

How can you compare Cramer to Cashin?  Thats like comparing that Miss Caliornia Carrie Prejean to Nancy Pilosi.
Nov 13, 2009 2:26 am

well im sorry you would not kill to be a broker at gs...i would. has nothing to do with not being happy where im at....has to do with dealing with hnw clients...tons of em. NOT trying to be an ass....just think its too easy to critique guys like cramer etc. god knows if all my trades were critqued id look like an buy bank preferreds that went to 3 from 25....

Nov 13, 2009 2:28 am


well im sorry you would not kill to be a broker at gs...i would. has nothing to do with not being happy where im at....has to do with dealing with hnw clients...tons of em. NOT trying to be an ass....just think its too easy to critique guys like cramer etc. god knows if all my trades were critqued id look like an buy bank preferreds that went to 3 from 25....

[/quote]   UNTRUE. Cramer said in mid-April to BUY a four year CD and not to touch the stock market. Anything after a statement like that is meaningless.
Nov 13, 2009 2:31 am

still waiting for you stock pick…just to prove how great you are…

Nov 13, 2009 2:31 am


well im sorry you would not kill to be a broker at gs...i would. has nothing to do with not being happy where im at....has to do with dealing with hnw clients...tons of em. NOT trying to be an ass....just think its too easy to critique guys like cramer etc. god knows if all my trades were critqued id look like an buy bank preferreds that went to 3 from 25....

[/quote] the difference is with the preferred you hosed your client for .50 cent sales credit.  Jimbo is making HUGE RIPS on this gig.  If you had two weeks to build a position on a stock that trades 20,000 shares a day, and then go on TV and say BUY BUY BUY and have the CEO come on and lie about how great things are for 15 minutes that is how you some sick cash.  Stock opens up 3.00 and you sell everything to the morons who buy the next day, that is how you make money..not buy some preferred your syndicate desk shoots you an email on..make .50 cents and then give 60% back to your shop.
Nov 13, 2009 2:34 am

still waiting for you stock pick…just to prove how great you are…

    Piece of cake. SHORT spy. do not buy an ETF the PPT is gonna screw us all with those quickly. You now have my pick. Oh ya, I'm not a great timer, I was wrong on the NASDAQ by 50%, but I am still 50% above where I bailed.
Nov 13, 2009 2:37 am

SHORT THE SPY, after buffet says the market has great value....god bless your clients, but we all know you dont have the balls to call your clients and tell them that

Nov 13, 2009 2:38 am


well im sorry you would not kill to be a broker at gs...i would. has nothing to do with not being happy where im at....has to do with dealing with hnw clients...tons of em. NOT trying to be an ass....just think its too easy to critique guys like cramer etc. god knows if all my trades were critqued id look like an buy bank preferreds that went to 3 from 25....


the difference is with the preferred you hosed your client for .50 cent sales credit.  Jimbo is making HUGE RIPS on this gig.  If you had two weeks to build a position on a stock that trades 20,000 shares a day, and then go on TV and say BUY BUY BUY and have the CEO come on and lie about how great things are for 15 minutes that is how you some sick cash.  Stock opens up 3.00 and you sell everything to the morons who buy the next day, that is how you make money..not buy some preferred your syndicate desk shoots you an email on..make .50 cents and then give 60% back to your shop.[/quote]


I LOVE you. I'm not kidding. It is nice to hear from someone that knows the game. WFAt, I am not talking smack. You don't get it.......the wealthy place GARAUNTEED bets. NO risk. I will be in NYC will a former VP of derivatives at GS and he tought me the game. Oh ya, I passed on his offer.

Nov 13, 2009 2:40 am


SHORT THE SPY, after buffet says the market has great value....god bless your clients, but we all know you dont have the balls to call your clients and tell them that

[/quote]   Buffet says the market has great value..that is awesome. 
Nov 13, 2009 2:42 am


SHORT THE SPY, after buffet says the market has great value....god bless your clients, but we all know you dont have the balls to call your clients and tell them that

[/quote]   You're kidding???????? Buffet palced no bets on US stocks. Maybe he thinks the dollar will collapse, maybe banks will collapse, maybe he will only lose 50% OF THE INVESTMENT instead of 90%, NEVER talk to me about Buffet! The guy is Gordon Gecco not some old sweatheart. Also, he has had the benefit of a 20 year bull mkt. How did he do last year? DOWN 39% just like the S&P. Gangster tactics cannot save you from a deflationary bear mkt.
Nov 13, 2009 2:52 am

[quote=howboutshoeshine] [quote=WFAt]

SHORT THE SPY, after buffet says the market has great value…god bless your clients, but we all know you dont have the balls to call your clients and tell them that


You’re kidding??? Buffet palced no bets on US stocks. Maybe he thinks the dollar will collapse, maybe banks will collapse, maybe he will only lose 50% OF THE INVESTMENT instead of 90%, NEVER talk to me about Buffet! The guy is Gordon Gecco not some old sweatheart. Also, he has had the benefit of a 20 year bull mkt. How did he do last year? DOWN 39% just like the S&P. Gangster tactics cannot save you from a deflationary bear mkt.[/quote]

mel from the internet chat board

or the guy that spend 40 Billion in 15 minutes.

Honey, i have a great idea.

what dear?

I think Ill buy BNI today!

OK sweetie. good for you

have fun dinner is at 6   
Nov 13, 2009 2:56 am

Warren Buffet is puppet face for the financial media…They put his face up there as somone who you should do what he does.  He made the bulk of his money in a 30 year bull market, without that no one cares about what he has to say.  If he started in 1998 with 10 mill, 100 mill, 1 billion whatever does not matter.  Bottom line is would have made nothing, would not be in position to hold a pistol to broke companies head and give them money in exchange for preferred stock yielding 4% over other corperate preferreds they have and get free options for the heck of it. 

Nov 13, 2009 2:59 am

Cramer touted Lenny Dykstra “as one of the brightest he has ever seen, a WIZ KID” !! Dkystra could barely form a sentence when he trying to explain a call option buy on the HBO piece a couple years ago.  You could tell is was a sham, yet Cramer was paying Dykstra to put his “picks” on the The  Cramer is a fraud.  Do not understand how stupid people are to listen to him.

  Good point.  I read up on Dykstra a few years ago being a big sports fan and in the business.  I remember Cramer backing him pretty hard, then this year it all fell apart for Dykstra.  If a common journalist could see through what a joke Dykstra was how could Cramer not have?
Nov 13, 2009 3:07 am

Warren Buffet is puppet face for the financial media…They put his face up there as somone who you should do what he does. He made the bulk of his money in a 30 year bull market, without that no one cares about what he has to say. If he started in 1998 with 10 mill, 100 mill, 1 billion whatever does not matter. Bottom line is would have made nothing, would not be in position to hold a pistol to broke companies head and give them money in exchange for preferred stock yielding 4% over other corperate preferreds they have and get free options for the heck of it.


he is one of the smartest, peaceful,wise, humble and fair men in the history of humans

how can you trash him?      
Nov 13, 2009 3:09 am
Shania Twain:

[quote=fritz] Warren Buffet is puppet face for the financial media…They put his face up there as somone who you should do what he does.  He made the bulk of his money in a 30 year bull market, without that no one cares about what he has to say.  If he started in 1998 with 10 mill, 100 mill, 1 billion whatever does not matter.  Bottom line is would have made nothing, would not be in position to hold a pistol to broke companies head and give them money in exchange for preferred stock yielding 4% over other corperate preferreds they have and get free options for the heck of it.  [/quote]


he is one of the smartest, peaceful, humble and fair men in the history of humans

how can you trash him?      

Not trashing him..I agree with everything you said.  He is no soothsayer, like some make him out. he will tell you that I think.  I like him.
Nov 13, 2009 3:14 am
LA Broker:

[quote=fritz]Cramer touted Lenny Dykstra “as one of the brightest he has ever seen, a WIZ KID” !! Dkystra could barely form a sentence when he trying to explain a call option buy on the HBO piece a couple years ago.  You could tell is was a sham, yet Cramer was paying Dykstra to put his “picks” on the The  Cramer is a fraud.  Do not understand how stupid people are to listen to him.

  Good point.  I read up on Dykstra a few years ago being a big sports fan and in the business.  I remember Cramer backing him pretty hard, then this year it all fell apart for Dykstra.  If a common journalist could see through what a joke Dykstra was how could Cramer not have?[/quote] Believe me Cramer is not stupid, he knew the guy barely understood what an option is. Cramer was from Philly (Cramer sold peanuts at the ballpark), him and Dykstra probably had the con in the works for years, they decided to run with it.  The problem was that HBO piece where Bernie Goldberg and Bryant Gumble were onto it fast.  The end for Dykstra was that night, the rest was just a matter or time. 
Nov 13, 2009 3:15 am

Cramer is worth about 200 mil. So he’s done something right

Nov 13, 2009 3:17 am

Cramer is worth about 200 mil. So he’s done something right

Can you read???????????  I am not disputing that.    Bernie Madoff was worth billions, he must be doing something right??    Neither made their money reading a balance sheet and holding stocks till the x dividend date.
Nov 13, 2009 3:25 am


thats like saying sterns instead of stearns....learn how to spell big ticket


If you’re going to point out spelling errors, especially if you’re going to be concerned about spelling errors in proper names, perhaps you could learn some basic rules of grammar yourself. Start with rules about capitalization and punctuation.

Nov 13, 2009 3:26 am

[quote=muttley]Cramer is worth about 200 mil. So he’s done something right

Can you read???????????  I am not disputing that.    Bernie Madoff was worth billions, he must be doing something right??    Neither made their money reading a balance sheet and holding stocks till the x dividend date. [/quote]   Fritz,   I am elevating you to the smartest man on this thread. DIPSH!TS.......Cramer makes money the smart way!!! with no risk! it's all in the back end. If any of you knew anything or had real clients, you would know that back-end garauntees land BIG fish! I am drunk and saying to much, so I will stop. I LOVE fritz.
Nov 13, 2009 3:31 am

[quote=muttley]Cramer is worth about 200 mil. So he’s done something right

Can you read??? I am not disputing that.

Bernie Madoff was worth billions, he must be doing something right??

Neither made their money reading a balance sheet and holding stocks till the x dividend date. [/quote]

This board is for people that know what they are talking about and have the proper facts before shooting off their mouths

Cramer started privately investing in the stock market during his time at law school,[1] using his student loans. Cramer began leaving stock picks on his answering machine, impressing The New Republic owner Martin Peretz, who gave him $500,000 to invest; Cramer earned Peretz $150,000 in two years.[5]

His track record helped Cramer obtain employment in 1984 as a stock broker in Goldman Sachs’ Private Wealth Management[9] division. Cramer’s success in this position led him to found his own hedge fund, Cramer & Co. (later Cramer, Berkowitz, & Co.), in 1987. The fund operated out of the offices of hedge fund pioneer Michael Steinhardt’s Steinhardt, Fine, Berkowitz & Co., and early investors included Eliot Spitzer (a Harvard classmate and one of his oldest friends),[10] Brill, and Peretz.[11]

A year later, Cramer married Karen Backfisch-Olufsen, a trader with Steinhardt’s firm.[citation needed] Cramer’s fund had one down year from 1988-2000 while he ran it, in 1998, a year that was disastrous for many in the industry. Cramer, Berkowitz finished down 2-3% and they did not charge a management fee that year to their clients. In 1999 the fund returned 47%; in 2000 28%, beating the S&P 500 by 38 percentage points.[5] Cramer retired from his hedge fund in 2001, finishing with a 24% average annual return over 14 years and having “routinely [taken] home $10 million a year and more.”[5] The fund was taken over by his former partner Jeff Berkowitz after Cramer’s retirement.
Nov 13, 2009 3:45 am
Shania Twain:

[quote=WFAt] Yea he only had clients like steve balmer and eliot spitzer as a broker…im sure your client list is just as robust…love him or hate him he knows more about the market than you could dream of…he is a wall street insider…you can tell a client to buy american funds.[/quote]

read barons article.

yep he was a wall street insider alright…

insider trading.   

IPO flipping.

buy the crap deals then flip em.

pay the firms the soft dollar commis

build up an allocation and get the hot deals.

no skill.    

He is full of crap    

(ps: My partners and I have an audited track record of 14 years. Have not sold a mutual fund in years)

elliot spitzer   funny    Yea he is my dream client

the above were part of returns.  The other portion is the part he would not want you to know about.
Nov 13, 2009 3:46 am

Buffett, while I don’t agree with is politics, has been the model value investor and there's little to knock him on. Yes, he benefits from a system where he's viewed as a god when it's more fair to say he's just a demi-god, but that's no reason to hate the guy. When the world was buying anything with “internet” connected to it, he was buying the kind of value stocks he understood and when asked why he was honest enough to admit he didn’t understand the valuations of highfliers of the day and would stick to what he understood.

Art Cashin has more street wisdom in his little finger than the entire readership of Registered Rep will ever have. He’s always self-effacing, always calm and reasonable he leaves space to disagree with others without making everything a “mine‘s bigger than yours“ contest. You can disagree with his day to day views on the market from time to time, but the man’s a class act. Five decades on the floor, boys. Respect that and respect the way the man carries himself. I’d consider myself lucky as hell if I ever got the chance to marinate some ice cubes with the guy. Serious old school.

Jim Cramer is a clown. The rolled up shirt sleeves first thing in the morning, the loose tie trying to signify the “I’ve been working all night following the Asian markets” when it’s really just a costume makes me ill. The “BOOOYA” and “SKEEDADDY” nonsense is more professional wrestling and entertainment than anything else. But the thing that ticks me off the most about this fool is the emotionalism. He’s as bad as some of my worst clients. When the market’s up, he’s a super-bull, when it’s down he wants to buy a four year CD. Worse yet, he will never acknowledge how much of a manic-depressive he is on stock picks. If the market’s off 300 points, he’s there telling people how he’s warned them away from stocks. When it’s up, he’s practically giddy, talking about how he found you that bull market he’d promised. Had anyone else made calls like “Don’t sell Bear Stearns” and “Lenny Dykstra is a talented money manager” with the over the top conviction he uses, their career would be over. His appearance on The Daily Show should have been the final nail in his coffin.

Nov 13, 2009 3:46 am

ooohhh mama. I don’t know what to say. You must be from the holsome midwest?? ( directed at muttey)

Nov 13, 2009 3:52 am


Buffett, while I don’t agree with is politics, has been the model value investor and there's little to knock him on. Yes, he benefits from a system where he's viewed as a god when it's more fair to say he's just a demi-god, but that's no reason to hate the guy. When the world was buying anything with “internet” connected to it, he was buying the kind of value stocks he understood and when asked why he was honest enough to admit he didn’t understand the valuations of highfliers of the day and would stick to what he understood.

Art Cashin has more street wisdom in his little finger than the entire readership of Registered Rep will ever have. He’s always self-effacing, always calm and reasonable he leaves space to disagree with others without making everything a “mine‘s bigger than yours“ contest. You can disagree with his day to day views on the market from time to time, but the man’s a class act. Five decades on the floor, boys. Respect that and respect the way the man carries himself. I’d consider myself lucky as hell if I ever got the chance to marinate some ice cubes with the guy. Serious old school.

Jim Cramer is a clown. The rolled up shirt sleeves first thing in the morning, the loose tie trying to signify the “I’ve been working all night following the Asian markets” when it’s really just a costume makes me ill. The “BOOOYA” and “SKEEDADDY” nonsense is more professional wrestling and entertainment than anything else. But the thing that ticks me off the most about this fool is the emotionalism. He’s as bad as some of my worst clients. When the market’s up, he’s a super-bull, when it’s down he wants to buy a four year CD. Worse yet, he will never acknowledge how much of a manic-depressive he is on stock picks. If the market’s off 300 points, he’s there telling people how he’s warned them away from stocks. When it’s up, he’s practically giddy, talking about how he found you that bull market he’d promised. Had anyone else made calls like “Don’t sell Bear Stearns” and “Lenny Dykstra is a talented money manager” with the over the top conviction he uses, their career would be over. His appearance on The Daily Show should have been the final nail in his coffin.

[/quote] My clients put some money, big money with a hedge fund manager he had on back about 8 years ago.  North of a million, the guy had alleged huge returns (30% annual) wrote a column on Street ..  Anyway there was a fast run on the money, cftc came in and said the money is gone and the returns in the past where all lies.  The money which was supposedly in the markets was in an orange crop in Peru according to the CFTC.  They could never track down the people they hid the money in such a complicated way, it was genius.  Client got back 40,000 for his 1,000,000.. 
Nov 13, 2009 3:52 am

Cramer is worth about 200 mil. So he’s done something right

  That means as much to me as the fact that the Jonas Brothers have convinced a large group of people that they make music or that people care about what Paris Hilton's doing.    
Nov 13, 2009 3:54 am

[quote=muttley]Cramer is worth about 200 mil. So he’s done something right

  That means as much to me as the fact that the Jonas Brothers have convinced a large group of people that they make music or that people care about what Paris Hilton's doing.    [/quote] Think if Madhoff had 2 billion does that make him 10 times as successful??
Nov 13, 2009 3:55 am

Think this video will clear things up
Nov 13, 2009 4:01 am


Think this video will clear things up[/quote]   Nice. No confusion here kids! ENJOY. You are the man Fritz  
Nov 13, 2009 9:39 pm

 A minute or so in you get Jimbos opinion of Lenny...Booyah.  One of the top 4-5 stock minds he knows.
Nov 13, 2009 10:28 pm

He is a liar. period

his numbers are bulls***

IPO flipping is not skill and is basically not ethical

front running upgrades and downgrade is illegal

he is a cleaned up ivy league educated con man   period

utube the guy

there a million total ass contradictions

i hate the sob

Santilli had the stones to say what all those people want to say. ur a mf poser

Nov 13, 2009 10:30 pm


Buffett, while I don’t agree with is politics, has been the model value investor and there’s little to knock him on. Yes, he benefits from a system where he’s viewed as a god when it’s more fair to say he’s just a demi-god, but that’s no reason to hate the guy. When the world was buying anything with “internet” connected to it, he was buying the kind of value stocks he understood and when asked why he was honest enough to admit he didn’t understand the valuations of highfliers of the day and would stick to what he understood.

Art Cashin has more street wisdom in his little finger than the entire readership of Registered Rep will ever have. He’s always self-effacing, always calm and reasonable he leaves space to disagree with others without making everything a “mine‘s bigger than yours“ contest. You can disagree with his day to day views on the market from time to time, but the man’s a class act. Five decades on the floor, boys. Respect that and respect the way the man carries himself. I’d consider myself lucky as hell if I ever got the chance to marinate some ice cubes with the guy. Serious old school.

Jim Cramer is a clown. The rolled up shirt sleeves first thing in the morning, the loose tie trying to signify the “I’ve been working all night following the Asian markets” when it’s really just a costume makes me ill. The “BOOOYA” and “SKEEDADDY” nonsense is more professional wrestling and entertainment than anything else. But the thing that ticks me off the most about this fool is the emotionalism. He’s as bad as some of my worst clients. When the market’s up, he’s a super-bull, when it’s down he wants to buy a four year CD. Worse yet, he will never acknowledge how much of a manic-depressive he is on stock picks. If the market’s off 300 points, he’s there telling people how he’s warned them away from stocks. When it’s up, he’s practically giddy, talking about how he found you that bull market he’d promised. Had anyone else made calls like “Don’t sell Bear Stearns” and “Lenny Dykstra is a talented money manager” with the over the top conviction he uses, their career would be over. His appearance on The Daily Show should have been the final nail in his coffin.


well put.   i dont think u belong here.
Nov 15, 2009 4:23 am

utube cramer

Watch this video in a new window

Jim Cramer: The Flip-Flop that Ought to be Illegal

Nov 15, 2009 2:19 pm



Nov 15, 2009 4:47 pm

[quote=Shania Twain]utube cramer

Watch this video in a new window

Jim Cramer: The Flip-Flop that Ought to be Illegal[/quote]

LOL!  Nice

Nov 16, 2009 12:36 am

A buddy of mine’s brother called in and managed to stump the idiot with a question (eventhough the questions are given to him prior to the show).  He danced around the question and never gave an answer. 

  What an ass hat.
Nov 16, 2009 2:01 am


LET IT RAIN![/quote]

spee futures up 9

monster up week

bye bye 08 gap

bye bye USD 06 lows

a little more ca pit u fukc u lation from the shorts


Nov 16, 2009 3:12 am

Cramer is host of CNBC’s Mad Money and co-founder of According to the January 27, 2006 episode of High Net Worth on CNBC, Cramer has accumulated a net worth of over $100 million

There sure is a huge amount of jealousy towards Cramer on the this board

Nov 16, 2009 12:50 pm

Cramer is host of CNBC’s Mad Money and co-founder of According to the January 27, 2006 episode of High Net Worth on CNBC, Cramer has accumulated a net worth of over $100 million

There sure is a huge amount of jealousy towards Cramer on the this board

  That makes him worth, what, 1/2 of the Olsen twins? The fact the guy has cash doesn't change what he is.
Nov 16, 2009 12:53 pm



Nov 16, 2009 12:55 pm

There are a lot of entertainers worth 100 million.  50 cent among them.  Maybe he should have his own talk show.  Or mumble show.

Nov 16, 2009 1:20 pm



  Is it necessary to find crap like this in a forum of professionals? Really - would you expect to find such trash on a CPA forum?   Time for the administrators to take out the trash.
Nov 16, 2009 2:37 pm

There are a lot of entertainers worth 100 million.  50 cent among them.  Maybe he should have his own talk show.  Or mumble show.

  net worth is not my scorecard in this world   soros DMX roman polanski leona hemsley bennie madoff alan standford etc etc   cramer is an Ivy league educated used car salesman 
Nov 16, 2009 2:48 pm


Is it necessary to find crap like this in a forum of professionals? Really - would you expect to find such trash on a CPA forum?

Time for the administrators to take out the trash.[/quote]

I agree, I get tired of having to look at all these post from meletio, and permabear. I am a 28 year old professional and it really upsets me and frustrates me when people come hear to discuss things that do not relate to our business. Plus I wear I size 13 shoe
Nov 16, 2009 2:52 pm




Nov 16, 2009 2:54 pm

Again, the crap from this meletoi guy is ruining my life. I try to ignore it but just weighs on my mind all day. It is very frustrating.

Nov 16, 2009 2:56 pm


Nov 16, 2009 3:06 pm




Nov 16, 2009 3:14 pm

I believe the reasonable people on these forums need to assert themselves. Simply select the post/poster, and report them to the moderators.

This is really too tedious for grown ups.
Nov 16, 2009 4:36 pm


I believe the reasonable people on these forums need to assert themselves. Simply select the post/poster, and report them to the moderators.

This is really too tedious for grown ups.[/quote]   Couldn't agree more.   Just ignore Meletio or whatever the name-of-the-day is and let's move on guys.   I am about to abandon this forum because of the constant back and forth mickey mouse stuff with this crank.    
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