How do non-Jones new FA's get started?

Sep 26, 2008 4:01 am

I’m curious, as Jones is my only ‘real’ investment career (outside of one of the big discount places): how do ML or Smith Barney new FA’s get started? You’re all familiar w/ Jones doorknocking gig, but how do the other places do it? Does a new FA get a book of business? Cold call?  As you also probably know, there’s a huge failure rate of new-new Jones people, and I’d like to see it changed. Yes, I think new FA’s should get a starting book, but that’s me. Believe me, I know that getting ‘an office’ can also be a killer.

And spare me the "Jones is stupid" stuff. I've heard plenty. Many thanks.
Sep 26, 2008 12:16 pm

Huh? Cold calling?! With brands like ML and SB?!  You didn’t know that at ML and SB new FAs are handed a $25 MM book to start, and they get all their new clients from walk-ins begging them to please manage their money? 

  Don't tell anyone I told you about this then, I was supposed to keep that a secret from all Jones people.  Mums the word! 
Sep 26, 2008 1:29 pm

Gross generalization:

Jones: Door knock Wirehouse: Cold call Insurance company: Call friends and family and get referrals from them
Sep 26, 2008 2:12 pm

One big difference is that many wirehouse advisors join teams, and aer "handed" a portion of the book.  Like a Jones Goodknight plan, they are often the samller, neglected accounts that the team no longer has time to service, but if they want you to stay, they will generally give you enough assets in order for you to clear your probationary "hurdles".

I'm sure it doesn't always happen this way, I am just basing it on conversations with some friends at Merrill.   I talked to a friend at Morgan the other day (really more of an acquaintance).  He's in the biz 25 years.  We were talking about what's been going on lately.  He said he has actually been cold calling again.  I couldn't believe it.  25 years in thie biz, and he doesn't have enough assets to sustain himself and has to cold call??
Sep 27, 2008 4:21 am

Here we go again…“Jones sucks”.  “I wanted one of them there brokerage jobs that gave you clients”  “This is America.”  “Where is my free money”.  “How do them there other firms give away free clients, especially in times like this?”  Jezzzusss Renter, remove your head from a lower part of your body.  Read your own question.  Dumb eh?  You could have been working while you were typing.  I know this is harsh but these are, to quote just about everyone, “unprecedented times”.  Those of us who survive this will be the incredibly hard workers.  All others will fail.  We will reap huge rewards.  Enough of these stupid questions and go back to work.  People are scared shitless and they need you.  This forum does not need more stupid questions.  It has enough without you.  Ok, I have pissed off enough members for tonight.  Sorry, just telling the truth.

Sep 27, 2008 4:58 am

Hey ytrewq, you dumb prick, I thought I made it clear that I didn’t need any negative rhetoric, but let me make it clearer: I have 500 households, I don’t want for much. I have numerous residential rental properties and 1 commercial property. I have a successful business; one that has won several customer sat. awards. As I said, I don’t want for much. I know you’re gonna laugh & say “customer sat. doesn’t mean anything, blah blah blah” but to me, it means a lot. I’m well into 6 figures a year, in an area whose average household income is under $50k a year. I’m under 40 years old & my home is almost paid for. I’ve done this work for 11 years, so I think I’m going to be okay. I’m well aware that people need me, and have already proactively contacted my clients during this debacle & hear “thank you so much for calling.” I not only read my question, I wrote it, you dumb prick, and it’s not a dumb question. The phrase “I’m just curious . . . how other firms do it” should have clued you in. I could have been working while I was typing? It was 11pm you dumb prick, I don’t work at 11pm. In the future, please don’t respond to my posts, you dumb prick, unless you can do it in a somewhat decent way. I’d be happy to get along, but it seems you have issues to work out first.

Sep 27, 2008 5:43 am

I didn’t mean to make you this mad.  I know I was pretty blunt.  I was really commenting on the “Yes, I think new FA’s should get a starting book” comment you made.  I was not attacking your success as a person.  I guess the point was in this environment where is that book gonna come from?  Who is the person to give it up?  I am sure you realize that it was a human being that built it from scratch.  Why would they give it up to someone else?  Why would they not expect someone else to build their own?  I know I was a “blunt prick” for sure.  “Dumb prick”.  I don’t think so.  Somebody that gave you their hard work for no reason would be the “dumb prick”.  With 500 households you do not need anyone’s hand me downs.  I sincerely apologize for coming across as hard as I did.  I did not mean my post as an attack.  No excuse but work has been a bit harder than usual, as I am sure you realize.  Once again I apologize for offending you.  I hope you can take it as I mean it.

Sep 27, 2008 5:49 am

Let me be a bit more clear.  I am sorry for being a jerk.  No excuses.  My tone was not necessary.  I am sorry.

Sep 27, 2008 1:30 pm

ytrewq, apology accepted, thank you for admitting to it. Let’s let bygones be bygones. See, you’re right - work has been tough on not just us, but also on one of my trainees. He’s a new/new, and very good guy who’s also very capable in this business (doing right by the customers, etc.). He just doesn’t seem to be doing as well at landing new clients to hit the commissions. Yes he doorknocks, he’s involved in the community. I even told him I’d go doorknocking with him again to help. My thoughts were that I wonder how many truly good people we lose because of the new/new startups. Frustrates me to see him struggle with a wife & 3 kids. He’s pulling money from his IRA now to stay afloat (under age 45). I’d happily give some clients to him, but I’m too far away. So my wondering was: if the other wirehouses give something to get someone started, I’d be all for it here, too. I also know that you know how hard it is starting new/new. Thanks for listening.

Sep 27, 2008 1:39 pm

The bottom line is that most firms do not prepare new/new’s for the tough road.  Even at Jones, with all of their warnings, they still paint too rosey a picture.

Sep 27, 2008 1:50 pm

Renter - at wirehouses, unless someone is hired to join an existing team or to be a junior broker under someone (partnership arrangement), they start out just the way your new-new does - no book, no clients.  The wire doesn’t care how they get their clients, but are mainly taught and encouraged to cold call.  They can cold walk.  They can also conduct seminars (but the wirehouse & wholesalers generally won’t help with these costs and most news don’t have the funds to pay for their own).  The washout rate at Jones I would guess is basically the same as the rest of the industry.  I agree it is idiotic. 

Sep 27, 2008 1:59 pm

As OldLady said: Wirehouses are still strongly encouraged to cold call.  You can reach out to meet the most people this way, however, actually talking to someone is a whole different story. 

  Coaches like to talk about playing in traffic as many ways as you can and eventually you will get hit.  Cold call, networking, seminars, cold walking, and more.  I've tried every way and cold calling has been the most successful for me.
Sep 27, 2008 2:51 pm

I have found networking with business owners, CPA’s, and doing seminars/teaching to be most effective. You can’t get in front of the most people, but it is a faster way to the referral business. The problem with cold-calling, is that it takes much longer to start generating referrals this way.

Sep 30, 2008 9:20 pm

I don’t believe that new brokers should be handed books.  That would be too easy.

  What is frustrating is seeing how you basically have two tiers of new recruits.  You have tier one where the odds are vastly in their favor.  You have tier two (the go it alone guys) where you face substantial odds getting out of the gate.   All firms have the politically correct game they play of acting like everyone starts from scratch.  This is just a mythology.  This mythology isn't much different than Santa Claus or the Easter bunny.  Also, twenty year vets have a irritating habit of finding ways to pat themselves on the back, at least at Jones.  I respect the 20 year guys but sometimes the tribute events get tough to stomach.    How can you compare someone who started in the 1990s with someone who has started in the last ten years?  To me, starting in the 90's seems like a cake walk compared with the last ten years.  We've had two meltdowns just in the last eight years.   We're only supposed to get this crap once every twenty to thirty years.  Twice in eight years stinks.   Don't get me wrong - it's never been easy to build a book but I think it's gotten even tougher in the last ten years.   All that being said, I think it's best to focus on your own business and try to ignore everybody else.  Brokers wash out for all kinds of reasons.    A)  Some are lousy sales people and need to find other careers.   B)  Some under estimate the financial strain during the early years and need to leave     because they can't afford to stay.  Some of these people could make it but they run out of money.   C)  Some people just burn out and find they don't enjoy the career like they thought they would.   D)  Some people get disenchanted watching the nepotism and asset handoffs and lose their original zeal.  You would think the human resource rocket scientists would study the concept of employee morale.   Nobody says you really need fairness. You need the "illusion" of a modicum of fairness.   If you have some people just getting their pockets lines and other people basically beinggiven the middle finger - it can't help but affect morale.   At Jones they idolize Peter Drucker who I also happen to like.  You don't need an MBA in management to know if you line up five people against the wall and you line four pockets - that pocket number five might have an attitude.  It's really frustrating when you hit a tough market and you see asset inheritors that you were smoking rocket ahead of you.   I guess you need the patience of Job, the work ethic of Noah, and you need to be able to turn the other cheek like the master himself.   Forums like this are great (bickering included).  We're all on a roller coaster ride right now.   God Bless You All.
Sep 30, 2008 9:54 pm

I am sorry for being a jerk.

  Don't apologize you dumb prick.  haha, jk.    Renter, 11 years in and you've never heard anything about how other companies prospect?  And why should anyone starting out be giving anything more than the proper training and a telephone?  It's good that there's a high turnover rate in this business.  If there wasn't, everyone would be making a lot less money and there would be a lot more idiots (or dumb pricks as you say) in this business.
Oct 1, 2008 1:29 am

glass man, let me respectfully disagree.  I turned 23 years old nearly 20 years ago when I started.  I got the end of the S&L Crisis.  Memories of '87 crash fresh in everyone’s mind.  CD rates were so high people would have been nuts to invest with me.  We had no “stock market” tv channel.  We had no internet trading or advertising.  Mutual Funds?  Nobody bought mutual funds.

You could argue that tv, the internet, and investment advertising today are competition.  Let me give you a perspective of someone that went through it.

These things have created more “awareness” and more “potential customers” than a lifetime of door knocking or cold calling could ever do.  If I had a time machine and I could get rid of all the online do it yourself crap I would not do it in a million years.  I may have to work harder to get the client with all the competition but atleast I have a shot.

The easiest time to start is always when SOMEONE else did.  The hardest time is always when WE did.  We are humans.  We always feel our own pain.  The current pain is always worse than the pain we felt in the past.  It does not matter if it is true or not because we are humans and we feel it now.

Old Spice, I know I can be a jerk.  My dog weighs 6 pounds and I can’t kick him after a bad day so I come here and argue for no reason.  I feel bad later.  I apologize.  My dog is smarter than me.

Oct 25, 2008 12:55 am

Jones just doesn’t prepare new/new’s for the job.  I know they say they have the best training in the industry, but realized that is for the series 7.  I didn’t “get” what needed to be done until about 6 months out, and now it might just be too late for me.

If you were never in sales, and weren't trained how to sell, how the heck can you succeed?  Who knows.  I think working in a team environment with a senior rep would really help with the new new attrition rate.    And they definitely do paint a rosey picture.  It's so bad that going back to Iraq is more tempting. Glass man you spoke right to my heart!  I have lost the passion, but will keep trying and if I am asked the leave the world doesn't end, because now I get it, and understand what needs to be done. 
Oct 25, 2008 1:16 am

Azure you are partially right.

  Jones does not have a monopoly on bad sales training. Every b/d out there has a horrendous 5yr track record on training new/new's in the business.   In part that barrior is what makes this business so desireable once you have overcome all of the road blocks, it is very satisfying as you know.  On the other hand it is one of the dark secrets of the business which makes our profession so very difficult to make a living for newbies.   I hope you are able to keep pounding away at it & you find the success you are seeking & yet many here understand the frustration you are up against.
Oct 25, 2008 4:00 pm

Jones does a fine job. It’s just that most new FA’s don’t want to do the work that it takes. It doesn’t matter how well you are trained, YOU have to do the work. Your BD can’t do it for you. When people claim the “training” is bad at their BD, what they really mean is “my BD didn’t give me an clients or assets to start with.” Therefore their training sucks. It’s the truth. If you joined a team, did a Goodknight, inherited an office or a book, you think everything is rosey. If you are new/new from scratch, you’re going to have a bitch of a time growing your book no matter how much they teach you.

Let me ask this…there are offices and brokers all over this country. How can a BD tailor their training to adapt to every market, every region, every area, every personality (of FA), etc.?? They can’t. They give you as many of the basic tools as possible, then you have to figure it out. Jones didn’t teach me how to communicate effectively with CPA’s. They gave me tons of tools, and advice, and training. But it doesn’t change the fact that I, ME, has to meet with the CPA’s. I AM THE ONE that has to develop the relationship properly, not my damn broker/dealer. And that goes the same for interacting with clients.

Too many people come on here bitching and whining about their lack of something from their BD. Well you know what, that’s life. Some get lucky, some don’t. But some people also know how to play the game of life and the game of business. Some don’t. Generally, younger people don’t quite have it figured out yet. That’s why older people tend to do better in this business. It’s life experience. No broker/dealer can teach that.

If people spent half as much time researching new opportunities in their market as they do crying on this forum, they might just be a little more successful.

Oct 25, 2008 11:03 pm
I originally answered this post because someone was asking why new/news don't make it.  I'm not done fighting yet, just giving a bit of insight, from my personal Jones story, as to why I believe new/news have attrition.   I will have to disagree with you B24.  First, don't question my work ethic without asking me what I have done and what I am doing now.  I understand the 5 critical activities very well, and understand how much can be kicked up by doing those.    When I first came to Jones I didn't understand sales in general.  And now I do, but it took some time.  Had the first few people I spoke with at Jones been a bit more open about the hardships for someone new to the business, maybe I would have more actively sought sales specific training from vets in my area.  I didn't get it then, but I get it now...and since seeking the sales advice of vets I have been more successful in meeting the standards set forth.

As far as any bitching in my post...there wasn't any.  I merely stated that there is a lack of sales training.  I never knew anything about what would be tested on the Series 7, but passed because I was trained.  I never would have been successful at doorknocking but I was because I was trained.  I never knew anything about sales....get the picture?

There are basic fundamentals to training that could have been taught across the board, and with help of vets in the area can be tailored to one's specific situation.  There is no question that in this type of business you have to be able to communicate with people from all walks of life.  As far as relationship building, I would have been out of a job long ago if I didn't have that ability coming in.    I know what it is that some people get lucky, and have things handed to them.  I never expected that from Jones, or any other place I had been before.  Nor do I want something handed to me, because I relish the fact that I have always been an underdog who ultimately comes out on top.    Sorry I couldn't reply sooner, but I was working today.  And personally, after a 65 hour work week, I like to check my email and watch a bit of TV, shoot me for letting my mind take a break.  But it seems to me that you like to take a break every once in a while as well.   If you are one of those guys who was handed an office, and you are trying to tell me what I need to do while I scratch and claw to make my numbers, while you had trails and money's do's decrease the amount of work you needed to do to make your numbers each month, then buzz off.    If you started as a new/new at Jones, and are one of the few who have been able to get through the hardships, and have some ideas to help a fellow new/new in their struggle, I am all ears.  And regardless of how you came to be a success, instead of condeming people who are frustrated maybe you could try to help alleviate those frustrations with some words of wisdom.    
Oct 25, 2008 11:31 pm

You have to be cunning and know you wont get a thing from anybody. I’ve not been given one account and made over 25,000 cold calls well over 50k calls in total. It takes that, luck and when you have a chance TAKE IT THEN!  Age training was supposed to be great. You learn to be a cold caller and a managed money drone.

Oct 26, 2008 1:58 am

Jones is great at training, but only if you count studying for the Series 7. They have the best study material, and half the questions on the test were verbatim what was in the training material from Jones.

However this is where they stop, 3 wasted trips to St Louis to learn absolutely nothing from terrible trainers(all theory, no substance, because they have never been in the field)…No product training (Sorry jones people but giving out the Investment Company of America Chart doesn’t count).

Nov 7, 2008 12:44 pm

I do agree with the fact that edj has no "real" training. If you are given assests you have never done a first appointment, let alone a second appointment with clients that may have several accounts, and varied investments. You come out of eval/grad and have never even opened an account, seen a portfolio or understand what may be a "good" stock buy other then bac or jnj.  They do not help you at all....ask any BOA that has had several brocker changes how trained they are after the "three" trips to stl.  You walk in knowing nothing, people are upset they have another "new" know nothing broker. You know you are in way over your head (if you have any sense to admit this!!!) and no one will help you....they are way too busy building there own business...( this is the other BIG lie from Jones there is no real carring culture, most of them are way too self centered to help) last but not least they market conditions are crazy!!!   You  are making very little money calling exhisting clients that you are the one who will be staying in the office..(same promise again) and they will be fine, the bull is right around the corner hiding in the bushes...Keep what you own...(even if I do not understand why you should)...lots of fun!! being  a new new first, now getting an office the 5th FA in about 7 years!!! The region acts like you are so blessed to get an office and a boa. The BOA is burned out with another broker.....the clients are very upset with EDJ and the market...TGIF

Nov 7, 2008 1:32 pm

And it’s all roses and tulips everywhere else…

  I never realized how bad I had it, and how little I knew.  Thanks for opening my eyes.
Nov 7, 2008 2:46 pm

Yes and no, monopoly and squash.
Considering they hire people like me – no sales experience or financial services experience – and give you eight weeks of training before you’re live, I think they do OK.
KYC was a good class – intense and fast-paced. Eval Grad teaches you how to make a phone call, which is the hardest skill, imo. Unfortunately, we were taught to call on product, which most people don’t seem to do, and I think they’ve moved away from that to more ‘lead with the need, rather than the investment’ calling.
I thought the individual instructors were quite good, but the big hall presentations so-so and by your third trip to St. Louis you were tired of hearing from the veteran FA who once sold a bond to Calvin Coolidge.
The in-field training is mixed. If you have a good trainer or mentor or get started in a legacy branch, you are fortunate. If not, you are all alone.
I’ve seen a lot of good people wash out or go broke in years 2 and 3 and get replaced by newbies. That seems counterproductive to me.
Sorry for the ramble – time to make some calls, set a couple of appointments and leave with a good feeling.

Dec 19, 2008 8:53 pm

Getting started is hard at every firm.  I definitely agree with that.

  It's also understandable how firms have to "blame the broker" when things don't work out.  The firms are running a business.   Making it in this business is almost like your team winning the super bowl.  It takes a lot of hard work.  I think it also takes some luck, some chemistry, and some magic.  How many teams look great on paper and then just don't get it done??   Most guys I know who haven't made it are totally burnt out, exhausted, and beat up when they leave the business.  Often times they have drained savings and pushed themselves into tough financial situations trying to "make it".   The job changes when you don't have to worry about losing your seat every day. The job also changes when your own financial situation is secure.   Good luck to all. 
Dec 20, 2008 1:16 pm

"The job changes when you don’t have to worry about losing your seat every day.

The job also changes when your own financial situation is secure."

This is very, very true. I have found it difficult to focus on service to clients, while I am still focusing on building the business. But anyone that has started from scratch runs into this.

Dec 20, 2008 5:20 pm

“The job changes when you don’t have to worry about losing your seat every day.
The job also changes when your own financial situation is secure.”

This is very, very true. I have found it difficult to focus on service to clients, while I am still focusing on building the business. But anyone that has started from scratch runs into this.

  I started from scratch in 2000 (WB).  I experienced this exact 'transformation' about 2-3 years in. 
Dec 21, 2008 4:16 pm

The training model is broken, it doesn't matter if you door knock, cold call or hammer friends and family for referrals.  When less than 10% of new producers succeed, and the average age of FA's across the board is 56....something is not working.

I've been in the business for about 8 years and back in production for nearly 1 year, I've brought in about $7mm and opened 115 accounts.  It's alright, not earth shattering.   I just look around at others in my training class, and those 2 or 3 years in....why aren't firms changing their training programs in an effort to increase success rates?
Dec 22, 2008 1:43 am

Because they don’t know any other way to do it. I mean, think about it - how exactly do hire someone you don’t know, and then expect all of them to be able to bring in investable assets. This is not selling widgits. This is trying to extract people’s life savings. There is so much mroe trust involved. And I do not think any firm has cracked the “code.” Most of the wires are now just trying to do it by buying established brokers - that just becomes a game of musical chairs and 7-year deals (think MLB free-agency). Jones is trying to do it by “Goodknighting” newbie brokers - that has been somewhat successful, but not widespread or deep enough to make a substantial difference in retention. They still hire thousands every year.

So I am not sure any firm really has the “edge” in growth/retention/development. Each firm is just doing their thing. I will say, there is going to be much more success in the established “ensemble” independant advisory firms going forward. Say a team of established advisors from a wire (maybe 4 or 5 guys) break out on their own. They build a nice 500mm firm. They don;'t need to hire TONS of new FA’s every year. They can hire one or two per year that they KNOW are going to make it, and put them through an extended training and development program. The reality is this…this business should really have a much more extended development or “apprentice” period than it does - where there are no production goals, no commissions, etc. I would say three years of solid training on everything - including working directly with clients. But as long as there is that financial burden for the firm and the FA every month, the FA will continue to struggle, the retention will be low, and burn out and turnover will be high. It’s a broken model, that was never really right to begin with.

Think about it, how many CPA’s pass their test then go off and start running audits and doing tax returns the next week? How many lawyers go to trial the month after the Bar? THAT is why we are not a profession, but rather just a career field.

Dec 22, 2008 8:45 pm

We agree the model is broken.  I think even the wires should adopt a program like you suggested.  They would need to be very selective in their hiring process, but give the new FA 100 households or $10mm in AUM to start, with a small salary....enough to make a decent living, get client experience, get investment experience.

I bet if you adopted a model like we suggested you could hire 1/10 of the newbies, and get more succeeding.
Dec 22, 2008 8:52 pm

The cost to do so is too high. You say they need to be “very selective” how do you define that in terms of hiring a new FA? Experience(doesn’t count because we are talking about new hires) So what do you base the selectivity on.

The current model is not broken. The reason for the age of the average advisor going up is because instead of choosing the financial industry, people were choosing, the internet or some other medium.

This model works, hire as many people as your budget handles and see who wants it bad enough to stay. Everyone else can find something else to do, this job should be more selective than others because your are shaping people’s lives.

Dec 22, 2008 9:58 pm


We agree the model is broken.  I think even the wires should adopt a program like you suggested.  They would need to be very selective in their hiring process, but give the new FA 100 households or $10mm in AUM to start, with a small salary…enough to make a decent living, get client experience, get investment experience.

I bet if you adopted a model like we suggested you could hire 1/10 of the newbies, and get more succeeding.[/quote]
And where, pray tell, would these gifted 100 households or $10 mm in AUM come from?  Another government bailout perhaps?  And where do you imagine these "practice" clients would come from in order to fall into line like sheep when told they were being assigned to a new FA so that said FA could "get client experience, get investment experience" and have "enough to make a decent living?"  I'm sure there are plenty of clients that would just love to be guinea pigs and have their life's earnings put at risk so you could "get investment experience."

Rail against the system all you want.  Blame the firms if it makes you feel better.  There is no magic wand to make it easier for people to survive and succeed, and no way new FAs across the board could be "given" a client base which which to start. 

If it was easy, everyone would do it. 

Dec 22, 2008 10:42 pm

One of the best posts I’ve seen on this site!  You hit the nail on the head with a sledgehammer.  To add to your final quote “…everyone would do it.”  and we would all be paid less.  Personally I hope this job never gets ANY easier.  I hope I just keep working harder than the next guy.

Dec 23, 2008 1:14 am

A couple thoughts.  You can't deny that there are some flaws when the success rates in our industry are so low...Every client a rookie brings in is a guinea pig, so if the office ponies up 100 households, what is the difference? 

As for where would the households come from?  Each broker in the office should shed his/her bottom 10/15 households, depending on the size of the office.  Veteran brokers should do that anyways, this would just help the process.  I can't think of any reason a veteran broker should work with a $50k or less client.  Barring relationships with bigger clients.  So, the "sheep" would be small, often times neglected households. I would task the training department to come up with metrics/characteristics/qualities that lead to being a successful FA.  Personally I think it has more to do with drive and ambition, than anything else.  But I'll leave that up to the experts to determine.   I'm not "railing" against the system, I've been in this business a long time, and I thing there is no greater profession.  Let's be honest, give each of us 2 minutes with a new hire and we can pretty much determine if they will make it or not.  Improving the hiring criteria and tightening up the selectivity of new hire would be a good start to righting the ship.  Instead of hunting for a diamond in the rough, why not only hire those who are highly likely to succeed....even if you only hire a few rookies per year.
Dec 23, 2008 3:03 am

[quote=bjacobus]Every client a rookie brings in is a guinea pig, so if the office ponies up 100 households, what is the difference?  [/quote]
The difference is in one case the client chooses to work with a given FA; in your alternative universe the client is assigned to a new FA for the FA’s benefit.  Ask the client if they notice any difference.

[quote=bjacobus]As for where would the households come from?  Each broker in the office should shed his/her bottom 10/15 households, depending on the size of the office.  Veteran brokers should do that anyways, this would just help the process.  [/quote]
I'd love to listen in on the conversation you would have with all the successful, established FAs - those who have made it by virtue of hard work and persistence - as you inform them that you have decided they should "shed" this client or that to "help the process" and benefit the new hires that are coming on board.  It might help a bit if you tell them with a Russian accent and call them 'comrade.'
  [quote=bjacobus] Let's be honest, give each of us 2 minutes with a new hire and we can pretty much determine if they will make it or not. [/quote]
If that were true, that must mean the thousands of BOMs are intentionally hiring losers.  I'm inclined to think it might not be quite so easy as you think it to be.  Certainly the numbers don't support your viewpoint.

[quote=bjacobus]Improving the hiring criteria and tightening up the selectivity of new hire would be a good start to righting the ship.  Instead of hunting for a diamond in the rough, why not only hire those who are highly likely to succeed....even if you only hire a few rookies per year.[/quote]
Again, I'm sure the thousands of people who struggle with this every day will be relieved to learn you find this proces so easy.  I'm sure they would welcome you proving your point by opening your own branch and recruiting and hiring those few perfect rookies each year. 

The system is far from perfect, but it would not be helped if we were to all buy into the notion that it is easy to fix by somehow making it easier to pick and hire the winners and help them succeed by taking business from those who earned and handing it to those who have not. 

Last time I checked we lived in the USA, not the Soviet Union of old.
Dec 23, 2008 6:42 am

BJ- A system similar to what you decribe already exists…It is called Edward Jones.  Of course they tell all the new folks that everybody starts out working from home etc etc, the new FA goes out gets clients and eventually opens an office.  Establishing a Jones beach-head if you will.  The FA thinks things will get easier at this point (which doesn’t happen) and then subsequently washes out.   That is okay with Jones because recruiting someone to take over an existing office is not too hard.  FA #2, blessed of course by a few experienced vets, then comes along, inherits those learner “guinea pig” accounts and runs the office for a couple of years.  FA #2 moves the chains so to speak a couple of times until, he runs out of money or his wife threatens to leave him.  At this point FA #3 steps in, again blessed by vets and possibly a relative or close friend of a RL, slides into the established office, assumes a decent book, and punches it in from the one yard line.  FA#3 then spends his free time on div trips and lecturing the new news at regional meetings on the finer points of his sales presentation and time management practices. 

  Here is an idea BJ, why don't you take the lead and offer up your 10-15 worst clients to a new guy?
Dec 23, 2008 3:22 pm

DB- I'd be happy to shed my worst 10-15 households....If the clients aren't paying me 1% or doing an equal amount of commission business...again, what is the point of having them as clients?  Does it make sense to have a client who ACATed in his/her $45k in American Funds and wont consider any ideas?

Morph- We can agree to disagree, I think the answer lies somewhere in the middle of our two opinions.  Considering the failure rate, the veterans have surely picked up assets from the branch when rookies fail.  So to ask them to pony up some households shouldn't be too much of a problem.....especially if they are small accounts.  Just my opinion.

Lastly, Morph, I don't think thousands of people struggle with the hiring process.  I think like you, they think they should just hire anyone who shows interest and there will be a diamond in the rough.  Someone on this thread said "hire as many as your budget will allow".....that doesnt sound like a system where the hiring managers are struggling with selectivity.

Dec 23, 2008 4:25 pm

[quote=bjacobus]Lastly, Morph, I don’t think thousands of people struggle with the hiring process.  I think like you, they think they should just hire anyone who shows interest and there will be a diamond in the rough. Someone on this thread said “hire as many as your budget will
allow”…that doesnt sound like a system where the hiring managers
are struggling with selectivity.[/quote]

You impute to me an opinion I never expressed.  At no time did I ever say that people “should just hire anyone who shows interest.”   I simply pointed out that your proposed cure would be worse than the illness, as it is based on two faulty assumptions:

1. That “experts” from the training department could dramatically improve the success rates of new hires by establishing new “metrics”; and,

2. That it is possible to systematically “give” a pre-existing client base to all inexperienced new hires. 

Neither of these assumptions are valid, so it should be of little surprise that suggestions based on these assumptions will not be helpful.  And the fact that “someone” may have posted something about “hiring as many as your budget will allow” can hardly be considered worthwhile evidence of anything about the current system.

Because I think your solution is unwise and unworkable does not mean
that I do not see inherent problems with the existing system.  But what you propose would be unworkable and would be worse than the current system, flawed though it is.  It’s not enough to know what we are running away from.  We must know exactly what we are running to.

Dec 23, 2008 4:34 pm

OK Morph…enough said.