Put trader exposes himself

Apr 24, 2005 8:45 pm






Most of the Negroes in the United States are too stupid to graduate from high school much less pass qualification exams for professional positions.

The few who are gravitate to the true professions, medicine and the law.

Since the NASD is not willing to curve or race-norm the Series 7 it is doubtful that there will ever be more than a handful of Negroes in the brokerage industry.

Well, that's not necessarily true--you don't have to pass exams to work in operations or investment banking so that' where you see them


Apr 24, 2005 10:00 pm







Most of the Negroes in the United States are too stupid to graduate from high school much less pass qualification exams for professional positions.

The few who are gravitate to the true professions, medicine and the law.

Since the NASD is not willing to curve or race-norm the Series 7 it is doubtful that there will ever be more than a handful of Negroes in the brokerage industry.

Well, that's not necessarily true--you don't have to pass exams to work in operations or investment banking so that' where you see them



What percentage of the American Negroes graduated from high school before society began to pass kids from one grade to the next regardless of their mastery of the subject matter?

Why does asking questions dealing with "difficult" topics cause so much angst?

I believe the answer to the above question is "very few."  Am I wrong in my conclusion or am I wrong to even ask the question?

If questions remain unasked does that meant that the answers to those questions are not valid?

How about this one.  It is often said that Negroes do not value education because they have not been taught to value education.

Why does somebody have to be "taught" the value of education.  Is it not prima facia evidence of stupidity to not realize that successful people are educated and unsuccessful people are not?

For years every Sunday morning I walked from my midtown apartment to 125th Street--normally through the park.  I would then hop a bus and ride back to midtown.

I was the only white person to get on the bus at 125th Street that early on a Sunday--normally there would only be a few others on the bus.  Those others were often little black ladies in white gloves and their Sunday best--they were going to Mass at St. Patricks or somewhere else along the way.

I'd sit and chat with the ladies and I REFUSE to believe that they did not understand that the way out of poverty is through the schools.  I refuse to believe that they were not telling their children and grandchildren to stay in school--and I refuse to believe that they were not heartbroken when their children and grandchildren dropped out for the same reason they and their husbands dropped out.

A basic inability to keep up as the difficulty of the work increased.

There are things that I simply cannot grasp.  I can grasp a lot more than my wife can grasp.

I full understand that society cannot allow the citizenry to believe that there are differences in the cognitive skills among the sexes and the races--but just because civil society does not want to know certain truths does not make those truths false.

What is curious is how somebody who discusses "sensitive" topics out loud is shouted down rather than debunked with facts that counter the insensitive point of view.

Classic shoot the messenger stuff.
Apr 24, 2005 11:26 pm

Put Trader is right.  He’s just a bit too blunt for most people (but not for me).

Look at the facts.  You will see that the same things we see in
America with regard to racial performance in life that we see in many
other countries.

Take a look at the black crime rates in London or large Canadian
cities.  Then take a look at academic achievement of black
students there.  There are no differences at all between other
countries and America.

Put Trader, nobody challenges with facts anymore.  The
politically correct way of doing things is just to attack the person
who says things that some group doesn’t like.

What happened when the president of Harvard suggested that there may be
differences between males and females with regard to their ability to
achieve in mathematics?  He was attacked.

Educational statistics.  IQ scores.  Prison
incarceration/crime rates.  Look at those for America then compare
them with other parts of the world that have black populations. 
There is absolutely no difference.

People may not like to admit it.  But it is true.  What’s
even more true is that people know these things and are going to tend
to be biased against blacks, even the ones who are fully
qualified.  I’m not saying it is right, but it is just the way it

However, while what Put Trader said about branch managers denying
blacks the opportunity to become financial advisors because the
probability of them succeeding is next to none may statistically be
sound, it is institutional racism nonetheless.

I don’t like discrimination at all.  But if you were to put an
Asian kid and a black kid in a room, which one would you guess would be
better at math?  Which one would statistically be more likely to
be better at math?  If you had the responsiblity to pick the one
who was better at math before they could prove their skills to you,
which one would you pick?

That’s no different than what a branch manager has to do.

Apr 24, 2005 11:55 pm

[quote=Inquisitive]However, while what Put Trader said about branch managers denying
blacks the opportunity to become financial advisors because the
probability of them succeeding is next to none may statistically be
sound, it is institutional racism nonetheless. [/quote]

As I have said several times I believe the term “racism” is cheapened
when it is used to describe somebody who decides not to hire somebody.

If that manager or client is a racist what word does this language have
to describe those guys in Texas who tied a black man to the back of
their pickup truck with chain and dragged him until his body came apart?

Apr 25, 2005 12:11 am

Another racist.

Apr 25, 2005 12:35 am


Another racist.


Yep, you mental midgets see racism everywhere–what a convenient excuse for being a failure.

Tell me, loser, if Mr. and Mrs. Jones choose a white guy to manage their money because they are white people are they racists?
Apr 25, 2005 3:26 am

[quote=Put Trader] [quote=dancethedrink]






Most of the Negroes in the United States are too stupid to graduate from high school much less pass qualification exams for professional positions.

The few who are gravitate to the true professions, medicine and the law.

Since the NASD is not willing to curve or race-norm the Series 7 it is doubtful that there will ever be more than a handful of Negroes in the brokerage industry.

Well, that's not necessarily true--you don't have to pass exams to work in operations or investment banking so that' where you see them



What percentage of the American Negroes graduated from high school before society began to pass kids from one grade to the next regardless of their mastery of the subject matter?

Why does asking questions dealing with "difficult" topics cause so much angst?

I believe the answer to the above question is "very few."  Am I wrong in my conclusion or am I wrong to even ask the question?

If questions remain unasked does that meant that the answers to those questions are not valid?

How about this one.  It is often said that Negroes do not value education because they have not been taught to value education.

Why does somebody have to be "taught" the value of education.  Is it not prima facia evidence of stupidity to not realize that successful people are educated and unsuccessful people are not?

For years every Sunday morning I walked from my midtown apartment to 125th Street--normally through the park.  I would then hop a bus and ride back to midtown.

I was the only white person to get on the bus at 125th Street that early on a Sunday--normally there would only be a few others on the bus.  Those others were often little black ladies in white gloves and their Sunday best--they were going to Mass at St. Patricks or somewhere else along the way.

I'd sit and chat with the ladies and I REFUSE to believe that they did not understand that the way out of poverty is through the schools.  I refuse to believe that they were not telling their children and grandchildren to stay in school--and I refuse to believe that they were not heartbroken when their children and grandchildren dropped out for the same reason they and their husbands dropped out.

A basic inability to keep up as the difficulty of the work increased.

There are things that I simply cannot grasp.  I can grasp a lot more than my wife can grasp.

I full understand that society cannot allow the citizenry to believe that there are differences in the cognitive skills among the sexes and the races--but just because civil society does not want to know certain truths does not make those truths false.

What is curious is how somebody who discusses "sensitive" topics out loud is shouted down rather than debunked with facts that counter the insensitive point of view.

Classic shoot the messenger stuff.

Wow....another jewel from Put Trader.

How come you grasp so much more than your wife?  Is she a Negro?  Or is it because her cognitive skills are diminished because she is a woman.  Wow....apply that logic consistently and Condoleeza Rice should be an absolute MORON!

Have you and inquisitive ever considered the possibility that the poor educational success of black Americans may also have something to do with the fact that schools in predominantly black neighborhoods often receive far less funding?  That more often black kids grow up in single parent families, and sadly famlies that are in economic distress?  That must make it a little harder for them to study when their parent(singular) is worried about putting food on the table.  For those who do get ahead in their educational careers, there are plenty of racists like you who sadly will never give them a half decent change to apply their knowledge.

You've hardly provided us with much in the way of statistics and fact, by the way.  Just conventional wisdom and your anecdotal observations, screened by your own obviously strong bias.

Then again-you have a right to your opinion, no matter how disgusting.  In this great country even racists are allowed to freely speak their mind.  Crazy as it seems, and offensive as your opinions might be, I support your freedom to share them.

Apr 25, 2005 10:13 am

Wow....another jewel from Put Trader.

How come you grasp so much more than your wife?  Is she a Negro?  Or is it because her cognitive skills are diminished because she is a woman.  Wow....apply that logic consistently and Condoleeza Rice should be an absolute MORON!

First, Dr. Rice is an example of the freaks of nature that occur--she's a black equivalent of a Stephen Hawking, and is hardly indicative of the greater population.

As for my wife, no she's not a Negro but she is a woman and I'm here to tell you that she is unable to grasp math higher than checkbook balancing.  On the other hand, she's an absolute genius at non-math intellectual exercises--verbal on the SAT.

The Larry Summers observation come to my very own home and willingly acknowledged by my wife.  One of her favorite statements is, "I'd be willing to give up my right to vote if all women were denied the right to vote."  Gotta love a girl who has her act together like that.

Have you and inquisitive ever considered the possibility that the poor educational success of black Americans may also have something to do with the fact that schools in predominantly black neighborhoods often receive far less funding?
Yep, I've considered it--considered it a lot in fact.  And I've dismissed it as grasping for excuses to deny the real truth.

If there was somewhere in the world you could point to where the Negro is excelling I might buy into the argument that our home grown versions are simply denied opportunity--but you can't.

For generations educators have been maintaining stats regarding IQ tests, SAT scores and so forth.  What they show is that among the lowest socio-economic classes Negroes score lower than Whites and Whites score lower than Asians.  That same dynamic is true among the middle classes and among the upper classes as well.

In other words, in the inner city the Negroes do the worst--but they also do the worst in the suburbs.  That tends to debunk the whine that "If we just spent more money they'd do better."

<>That more often black kids grow up in single parent families, and sadly famlies that are in economic distress?  That must make it a little harder for them to study when their parent(singular) is worried about putting food on the table.
I agree that bastards have a rougher life--but there are lots of bastards in the White and Asian communities as well but the only time we hear, "Of course they're doing bad in school they have single mothers" is when their names look like they were chosen by a random draw of Scrabble tiles.

Do you believe that Negro women are not telling their bastards that they should stay in school?  Do you believe that the mothers are actively urging their kids to engage in all of the behaviors that ensure failure?

Is the inability to grasp the importance of school, or not getting pregnant at 10 years old, or not committing crimes not a sign of stupidity in itself?

In other words does it not make more sense that poor people are poor because they are stupid rather than they're stupid because they're poor?

For those who do get ahead in their educational careers, there are plenty of racists like you who sadly will never give them a half decent change to apply their knowledge.

Is it possible--JUST POSSIBLE--that their  "educational career" is actually not that big a deal.  Is it possible--JUST POSSIBLE--that the diploma or degree that they have was awarded in spite of a lack of knowledge and skills instead of because of knowledge and skills.

A legacy of social engineering is that those who are granted special treatment carry a stigma that they are simply the receipients of special treatment and not truly qualified.

Colin Powell epitomizes that "problem."  He was a C and D student at a notoriously easy college, yet he rose to be Secretary of State?  Just how does one believe in the importance of studying hard in college with that--unless they add to the mix an incredible run of luck at being in the right place at the right time.


You've hardly provided us with much in the way of statistics and fact, by the way.  Just conventional wisdom and your anecdotal observations, screened by your own obviously strong bias.

There are plenty of statisitcs, it's just that society cannot allow them to be out there.  Can you imagine the damage done to our economy if officials actually went on TV and announced that genetic science--DNA, XY stuff--had proven beyond a doubt that there is an intellectual hierarchy among the races?

You whiners tend to have a child-like faith in government so let me explain something to you.

There are some things that are too emotionally explosive to deal with, and as such there is no reason to fund studies looking for them.

Depending on your age, and your tendency to keep up with current news, you may recall that a number of years ago it was suggested that every criminal in every prison and jail in the country should give a sample of their saliva for DNA analysis.  The study was going to determine if there is a "violence gene."

That proposal got exactly nowhere--shouted down as "racist" by those who shout things like that.  Are you intellectually curious enough to wonder if their might be a genetic code there--and if so could the code be altered and violent crime reduced if not eliminated?

What is truly sad is that the fear of identifying things like a "violence gene" causes a lack of research into genetic links to things like Sickle Cell Anemia and other diseases that only attack Negroes.

Of course there is probability--as in 100%--that science would also isolate the genetic pairings that control IQ.  What if there is a combination that is common among those who tend to sloth and laziness--you know, sitting on the stoop drinking malt liquor or taking a siesta every day.

Does it make sense to you that genetic combinations dictate just about everything about us, from the color of our eyes to the texture of our hair--but that genetics has absolutely nothing to do with tendencies to get certain diseases, tendencies to be violent, tendencies to be athletic, tendencies to be lazy, and yes cognitive skills as well.

Does that really make sense to you?  Really?

Then again-you have a right to your opinion, no matter how disgusting.  In this great country even racists are allowed to freely speak their mind.  Crazy as it seems, and offensive as your opinions might be, I support your freedom to share them.

What is disgusting about curiosity?  I am simply asking "hard questions" and giving voice to reality.  Are we simply to not talk about certain things because it makes others uncomfortable--is that it in your world?

Apr 25, 2005 3:12 pm

In case anyone thinks Put Trader as made a genuine scientific point with sickle cell anemia as a genetic disease that "only attacks Negroes"

Sickle Cell Anemia is a major health problem of black people in Africa, South America, Latin America, the West Indies and the United States. In the United States, about 1 out of every 10 black Americans has Sickle Cell Trait and about 1 out of 400 has Sickle Cell Anemia. But Sickle Cell Anemia is not confined to black people. It is also found In some racial groups who live around the Mediterranean Sea. For example, It is found in some Greeks, Italians, Sicilians and Turks. The reason African and other peoples who live in that area have sickling appears to be related to malaria. Although having Sickle Cell Anemia has always been a disadvantage, having Sickle Cell Trait is beneficial in areas where malaria is a problem. Individuals with Sickle Trait are resistant to malaria; they do not get it as often as normal individuals, but if they do get malaria they do not die as frequently.

http://www.sicklecelldisease-il.org/sections/what/parents.ht ml

Apr 25, 2005 3:21 pm

In case anyone thinks Put Trader as made a genuine scientific point
with sickle cell anemia as a genetic disease that "only attacks Negroes"

In this country Sikle Cell Anemia is a problem of the black
community.  That it appears in Mediterranean populations is
irrelevant to my point.

Tell us Stan, do you favor investigating possible genetic links to
things such as intelligence–or are you so gobbled up by political
correctness that you could not live with what it might reveal?

Apr 25, 2005 3:28 pm

"In this country Sikle Cell Anemia is a problem of the black community.  That it appears in Mediterranean populations is irrelevant to my point."<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Actually it's very relevant to your "point" in two ways. First, it proves you haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. Second, it proves than genetics  haven't been proved to be the common factor of the disease, that the "nature nurture" debate rages on.

"Tell us Stan, do you favor investigating possible genetic links to things such as intelligence--or are you so gobbled up by political correctness that you could not live with what it might reveal?"

ROFLMAO, yeah, I'm PC. That's just too funny. I suppose to a Klansman I’m a screaming PC fanatic. I'm for scientific research period. Let it lead where it leads. The "nature nurture" debate will continue, and there’s no doubt people like you will misuse the data.

Again, you've drifted from your "why I'm a good guy for not hiring minorities" mantra to Klan talking points.

Apr 25, 2005 4:30 pm

Again, you’ve drifted from your “why I’m a good guy for not hiring minorities” mantra to Klan talking points.

No I haven’t.  I am in the school of thought that believes that one should find a career that fits their situation.

The reality is that women and minorities both have a horribly difficult time in this business.

No doubt potential clients who will not do business with them are often
misguided but that does not change the reality that those attitudes are
out there.

I also believe that the attitude is as prevelant in this particular industry as it would be in choosing a doctor.

Is it wrong that a white man with cancer will not have faith in a black
doctor?  Possibly, perhaps even probably–but the reality is that
it is an emotion that is very common.

How many black oncologists are there in private practice in this
country?  I dont’ know, but I’ll bet it’s a very very very small
number of them.

I am not up to speed on the medical profession, but I’ll bet there are
discussions among black doctors as to where they are most likely to
find success–and I’ll bet that it is not in a highly specialized
private practice.

If a black guy wants to be an oncologist he will probably find himself
to be most comfortable in a public hospital environment where the
customer doesn’t really have a choice.

It’s a harsh reality of life that when given a choice white people will
choose to deal with fellow white people–and when it comes time to
choosing a professional most black people also choose to deal with
white people.

As Edith Ann would say, “…and that’s the truth!”

Apr 25, 2005 4:47 pm

Again, you've drifted from your "why I'm a good guy for not hiring minorities" mantra to Klan talking points.

"No I haven't."

Sure you have as your sidebar diatribes about "the negro" and genetics proves.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

 "I am in the school of thought that believes that one should find a career that fits their situation."

Their "situation" as described by a bigot....

"The reality is that women and minorities both have a horribly difficult time in this business."

No one's said that isn't true. What we've said to you is that there's no reason to have a blanket "minorities need not apply" sign on your office door.

"I also believe that the attitude is as prevelant in this particular industry as it would be in choosing a doctor."

Then you may want to ask a few questions of the schools that produce them and the hospitals and practices that employ them, rather than babbling about the subject without a clue.

"Is it wrong that a white man with cancer will not have faith in a black doctor?  Possibly, perhaps even probably--but the reality is that it is an emotion that is very common."

"Very common"? Again, I suspect you grossly exaggerate this and you do so from your perspective about "the negro". And it’s only “possible” that someone might be wrong for judging the skill of a doctor based on his skin color? “POSSIBLY”????

"How many black oncologists are there in private practice in this country?  I dont' know, but I'll bet it's a very very very small number of them."

And that, dear readers, is the reason why Put Trader, if he were in charge of hiring doctors, wouldn't employ any....

"If a black guy wants to be an oncologist he will probably find himself to be most comfortable in a public hospital environment where the customer doesn't really have a choice."

That's no doubt conventional wisdom at Klan meetings when this subject comes up....

"It's a harsh reality of life that when given a choice white people will choose to deal with fellow white people--and when it comes time to choosing a professional most black people also choose to deal with white people."

Wow, somebody get a calendar. Is this 1920? Or is Put Trader just  living there?

"As Edith Ann would say, "....and that's the truth!""

As the Grand Flegal would say, "we don't need none 'o them negro professionals around here. No white man would trust him and neither would any negroes, for that matter"...

Apr 25, 2005 5:23 pm

[quote=joedabrkr]Wow…another jewel from Put Trader.

How come you grasp so much more than your wife?  Is she a Negro?  Or is it because her cognitive skills are diminished because she is a woman.  Wow....apply that logic consistently and Condoleeza Rice should be an absolute MORON!

Have you and inquisitive ever considered the possibility that the poor educational success of black Americans may also have something to do with the fact that schools in predominantly black neighborhoods often receive far less funding? 


Not true!

Washington DC has almost the highest educational funding in the nation and they have the LOWEST student performance.

http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2002/05/23/school-spendi ng.htm

Other states have spending less than half of Washington DC and much higher student performance.

There is asbolutely no correlation between adacemic performance and spending.  However, there is a strong correlation between academic performance and IQ!!!


That more often black kids grow up in single parent families, and sadly famlies that are in economic distress? 


http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/2003-05-21/news/feature _print.html

"The black parents wanted an explanation. Doctors, lawyers, judges, and insurance brokers, many had come to the upscale Cleveland suburb of Shaker Heights specifically because of its stellar school district. They expected their children to succeed academically, but most were performing poorly. African-American students were lagging far behind their white classmates in every measure of academic success: grade-point average, standardized test scores, and enrollment in advanced-placement courses. On average, black students earned a 1.9 GPA while their white counterparts held down an average of 3.45. Other indicators were equally dismal. It made no sense."

"The professor and his research assistant moved to Shaker Heights for nine months in mid-1997. They reviewed data and test scores. The team observed 110 different classes, from kindergarten all the way through high school. They conducted exhaustive interviews with school personnel, black parents, and students. Their project yielded an unexpected conclusion: It wasn't socioeconomics, school funding, or racism, that accounted for the students' poor academic performance; it was their own attitudes, and those of their parents."

Interesting--a black professor called in to study dismal performance of black students concludes that neither economic status norracism was the cause.

Another good article:

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/sats/etc/gap.h tml

" The (black student achievement) gap cannot be easily explained. Contrary to what might be expected, Meredith Phillips and her colleagues suggest in The Black-White Test Score Gap that parents' income differences by themselves have almost no effect on children's test scores. Rather, they urge us to look further back in a child's family tree."

AHHH!  Look back at the family tree.  Maybe because intelligence is genetic and tends to run in families?

And do you really expect people of low intelligence to have high paying jobs like doctors and lawyers?  Or are high intelligence people more likely to be able to endure the rigors of the educational process to get into that field?


" Although significant attempts have been made over the past three decades to shrink the test score gap, including increased funding for predominantly black schools, desegregation of southern schools, and programs to alleviate poverty, the median black American still scores below 75 percent of American whites on most standardized tests. The book brings together recent evidence on some of the most controversial and puzzling aspects of the test score debate, including the role of test bias, heredity, and family background."

" The authors demonstrate that traditional explanations account for only a small part of the black-white test score gap. They argue that this is partly because traditional explanations have put too much emphasis on racial disparities in economic resources, both in homes and in schools, and on demographic factors like family structure."


That must make it a little harder for them to study when their parent(singular) is worried about putting food on the table. 


Blacks make up the largest group of welfare recipients.  Housing projects are filled with black families.  They AREN'T working to put food on the table.  Your taxes are doing that.


For those who do get ahead in their educational careers, there are plenty of racists like you who sadly will never give them a half decent change to apply their knowledge.


I would be more than willing to hire anyone if they were the best for the job, no matter what color they were.

I don't think it's right to discriminate just on the basis of skin color.  However, I am able to admit that there are difference between the races, just as there are between genders, and between individuals like you and me.

We are all different.


You've hardly provided us with much in the way of statistics and fact, by the way.  Just conventional wisdom and your anecdotal observations, screened by your own obviously strong bias.

What would you like?  SAT scores?  School district test scores?  YOU can find that information yourself if you want to.  But you realize that if you spent the time digging into it, your conclusions would be no different than what you are arguing against.


"The researchers found that certain regions of the brain were highly heritable. These included language areas, known as Broca's and Wernicke's areas, and the frontal region, which is one of the areas that plays a huge role in cognition. In identical twins, there was a 95 to 100 per cent correlation in these areas between one twin and the other - they were essentially the same. The frontal structure, says Thompson, appears to be as highly influenced by genes as fingerprints. "It's extraordinary how similar they are," he says.

The finding suggests that environment - the twins’ personal experiences, what
they learned in life, who they knew - played a negligible role in shaping
that part of the brain."


Then again-you have a right to your opinion, no matter how disgusting. 


Don't confuse opinion and fact.  It is my opinion that everybody should be treated according to their abilities.  It is fact that real diffeneces exist between groups of people.


In this great country even racists are allowed to freely speak their mind.  Crazy as it seems, and offensive as your opinions might be, I support your freedom to share them.[/quote]

Oh well, isn't that nice of joedabrkr!  My goodness, he supports our right to state fact!  Contrast him against the liberals out there who want to put people in jail for stating fact.

It is just plain silly to expect intelligence to increase because you throw more money at the schools.


Do the research yourself.  You'll see that your arguments don't hold water.


Apr 25, 2005 5:31 pm

One of your studies said;

"It wasn't socioeconomics, school funding, or racism, that accounted for the students' poor academic performance; it was their own attitudes, and those of their parents."

And another states;

" The (black student achievement) gap cannot be easily explained. Contrary to what might be expected, Meredith Phillips and her colleagues suggest in The Black-White Test Score Gap that parents' income differences by themselves have almost no effect on children's test scores. Rather, they urge us to look further back in a child's family tree."

And you conclude with; AHHH!  Look back at the family tree.  Maybe because intelligence is genetic and tends to run in families?

Notice neither of your studies said "genetic", they said "attitude", but you confused the two. Is that because you don't know any better?

Apr 25, 2005 5:38 pm

Further, your second study, in the source you provided says;

 "Jencks and Phillips, however, point out in The Black-White Test Score Gap that "despite endless speculation, no one has found genetic evidence indicating that blacks have less innate intellectual ability than whites."

It's interesting that a discussion about the hiring of qualified minorities devolves to a discussion about genetics and some poster's attempts to make this a "nature over nurture" issue. Even to the point of them distorting their own sources.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Apr 25, 2005 5:41 pm


One of your studies said;

"It wasn't socioeconomics, school funding, or racism, that accounted for the students' poor academic performance; it was their own attitudes, and those of their parents."

And another states;

" The (black student achievement) gap cannot be easily explained. Contrary to what might be expected, Meredith Phillips and her colleagues suggest in The Black-White Test Score Gap that parents' income differences by themselves have almost no effect on children's test scores. Rather, they urge us to look further back in a child's family tree."

And you conclude with; AHHH!  Look back at the family tree.  Maybe because intelligence is genetic and tends to run in families?

Notice neither of your studies said "genetic", they said "attitude", but you confused the two. Is that because you don't know any better?


A negative attitude towards education is in, and of itself, proof of stupidity.

How much effort does it take to attend a school in this country?
Apr 25, 2005 5:49 pm

"A negative attitude towards education is in, and of itself, proof of stupidity."

True, but it isn't proof that stupidity is genetic.

Obviously this is too tough for you....

"How much effort does it take to attend a school in this country?"

The question wasn't effort required, it's attitude required.

Apr 25, 2005 6:32 pm


One of your studies said;

"It wasn't socioeconomics, school funding, or racism, that accounted for the students' poor academic performance; it was their own attitudes, and those of their parents."

And another states;

" The (black student achievement) gap cannot be easily explained. Contrary to what might be expected, Meredith Phillips and her colleagues suggest in The Black-White Test Score Gap that parents' income differences by themselves have almost no effect on children's test scores. Rather, they urge us to look further back in a child's family tree."

And you conclude with; AHHH!  Look back at the family tree.  Maybe because intelligence is genetic and tends to run in families?

Notice neither of your studies said "genetic", they said "attitude", but you confused the two. Is that because you don't know any better?


They don't say genetic because that would be "politcally incorrect". 

Look at how some people are jumping all over Put Trader because of what he said.  Do you think they want people like you harassing them, calling them up at home, and throwing rocks through their windows?

Further, I also provided an article that discusses how researchers have discovered that the brain, portions of which are responsible for cognitive processing, are genetically differentiated and heritable.

"The researchers found that certain regions of the brain were highly heritable. These included language areas, known as Broca's and Wernicke's areas, and the frontal region, which is one of the areas that plays a huge role in cognition."

If from that statement you can't conclude that genetics play a large role in intelligence, then there isn't much help for you.

By the way, criminal tendencies have a genetic basis as well.  Did you know that?

If you wanted to quickly Google for some information, you could.  You don't want to because you don't want your view of the world to be upset by the facts.  A quick Google brings up:

http://info.med.yale.edu/chldstdy/plomdevelop/genetics/99j ungen.htm

Intelligence is largely heritable.

Apr 25, 2005 6:35 pm


http://info.med.yale.edu/chldstdy/plomdevelop/genetics/99j ungen.htm

Intelligence is largely heritable.


Dude, please start posting links that work.

Apr 25, 2005 6:57 pm

http://info.med.yale.edu/chldstdy/plomdevelop/genetics/99jun gen.htm

Apr 25, 2005 6:58 pm

The problem with that link is that the line on this forum only holds a
limited number of characters and puts a space where one does not belong.

Close the space at the end so it reads…/99jungen.htm

Apr 25, 2005 7:05 pm


http://info.med.yale.edu/chldstdy/plomdevelop/genetics/99jun gen.htm

Intelligence is largely heritable.


Dude, please start posting links that work.[/quote]

I DON’T put the spaces in the links.  This website does.  When I copied the link into the window, it was fine. 

Take the spaces out.  Or here, I’ve shortened the link.  It goes to the same website as above.


Apr 25, 2005 7:07 pm



http://info.med.yale.edu/chldstdy/plomdevelop/genetics/99jun gen.htm

Intelligence is largely heritable.


Dude, please start posting links that work.[/quote]

I DON’T put the spaces in the links.  This website does.  When I copied the link into the window, it was fine. 

Take the spaces out.  Or here, I’ve shortened the link.  It goes to the same website as above.



By the way, that’s what came up high in the results when I Googled for intelligence + genetic.  Or something like that.

Apr 25, 2005 7:44 pm

[quote=inquisitive] [quote=stanwbrown]

One of your studies said;

"It wasn't socioeconomics, school funding, or racism, that accounted for the students' poor academic performance; it was their own attitudes, and those of their parents."

And another states;

" The (black student achievement) gap cannot be easily explained. Contrary to what might be expected, Meredith Phillips and her colleagues suggest in The Black-White Test Score Gap that parents' income differences by themselves have almost no effect on children's test scores. Rather, they urge us to look further back in a child's family tree."

And you conclude with; AHHH!  Look back at the family tree.  Maybe because intelligence is genetic and tends to run in families?

Notice neither of your studies said "genetic", they said "attitude", but you confused the two. Is that because you don't know any better?


They don't say genetic because that would be "politcally incorrect". 

You might want to actually READ your sources before you use them as support. They both fail to use the term "genetic" because they BOTH don't believe it's genetic. Basic reading skills would have shown you where BOTH specifically say they don't support that view.

Gee, is the inability to read your own sources genetic?

Look at how some people are jumping all over Put Trader because of what he said. 


LOL, well using the term "the negro", defending racist hiring policies and claiming most blacks in America aren't smart enough to graduate from High School will get you some attention....


 Further, I also provided an article that discusses how researchers have discovered that the brain, portions of which are responsible for cognitive processing, are genetically differentiated and heritable.


Well, that's the finally authority for me....

If from that statement you can't conclude that genetics play a large role in intelligence, then there isn't much help for you.

How should I feel about the fact that your latest source is directly contradicted by your first two? Does that mean the matter's closed? LOL


If you wanted to quickly Google for some information, you could.  You don't want to because you don't want your view of the world to be upset by the facts. 


Again, your newest source is contradicted, specifically, by your first two. Tell me again how the "world view" is established on this matter?

Apr 25, 2005 9:49 pm

[quote=stanwbrown][quote=inquisitive] [quote=stanwbrown]

One of your studies said;

"It wasn't socioeconomics, school funding, or racism, that accounted for the students' poor academic performance; it was their own attitudes, and those of their parents."

And another states;

" The (black student achievement) gap cannot be easily explained. Contrary to what might be expected, Meredith Phillips and her colleagues suggest in The Black-White Test Score Gap that parents' income differences by themselves have almost no effect on children's test scores. Rather, they urge us to look further back in a child's family tree."

And you conclude with; AHHH!  Look back at the family tree.  Maybe because intelligence is genetic and tends to run in families?

Notice neither of your studies said "genetic", they said "attitude", but you confused the two. Is that because you don't know any better?


They don't say genetic because that would be "politcally incorrect". 

You might want to actually READ your sources before you use them as support. They both fail to use the term "genetic" because they BOTH don't believe it's genetic. Basic reading skills would have shown you where BOTH specifically say they don't support that view.

Gee, is the inability to read your own sources genetic?


If all the available excuses for poor black adacemic performance are refuted (poverty, racism, etc.), what other possible cause could there be other than genetics?

What happened to the Harvard president when he suggested that males may inherently be better than females at math?

It's politically charged!  Could you imagine the flack a scientist would endure from people like you if he proved conclusively that one group of people was doomed to a life of sub-standard intelligence because of their genetic makeup?

Also, if a columnist or author of a report offers his or her opinion that it is something not supported by the data that is causing the poor performance of black students, it is just that:  their opinion. 

Most sensible people look at the data and draw conclusions from it.  Those who offer opinions based upon that which they wish to be true are not offering fact.

You are going to have a hard time finding any scientist who is willing to say on the record that there are racial differences in intelligence due to genetics even if it is supported by the data because of how politically charged it is.

Not poverty.  Not racism.  Poor attitudes on the part of black students?  Even the ones who aspire to college, medical school, those who want to go to college are going to have poor attitudes that keep them from their goals? 

No.  Not everyone has poor attitudes.  You'll find plenty of college-bound black kids who don't have poor attitudes and who actually work very hard on their school work.  Yet they still don't perform as well.

If you cared to look, you'd find that black medical and law students have grades far below their white classmates.  Not only that, but black students fail the board exams at a much higher rate--as one would expect.

Now, do these med and law school students who have already graduated from college have poor attitudes?  Or is it something else like genetics to blame for their lower performance?


Look at how some people are jumping all over Put Trader because of what he said. 


LOL, well using the term "the negro", defending racist hiring policies and claiming most blacks in America aren't smart enough to graduate from High School will get you some attention....


"Negro" is a spanish word for "black".  African-Americans, or whatever you want to call them, are still described as black, aren't they? 

And as far as defending racist hiring policies, is that what he is doing?  Or is he just stating the obvious that blacks have a much more difficult time in the business and it is statistically sound to hire a non-black given a limited number of seats?  (By the way, I do not agree with discrimination of any kind, or blanket discrimination.  I'm just saying I understand what he's saying and why he's saying it.)

As far as graduating from high school:


"The achievement gap has been a pernicious problem across the country for decades. After shrinking during the 1970s and '80s, it expanded during the 1990s. Nationally, the average reading and math scores of black high school seniors equal those of 8th-grade white students."

This is well known.

Thus most blacks aren't performing at a level that should be required of those graduating from high school, now are they?  No.  They are performing at an 8th grade level.

Google to verify this for yourself.


 Further, I also provided an article that discusses how researchers have discovered that the brain, portions of which are responsible for cognitive processing, are genetically differentiated and heritable.



Well, that's the finally authority for me....


There's plenty more where that came from.  Just Google it.

If from that statement you can't conclude that genetics play a large role in intelligence, then there isn't much help for you.

How should I feel about the fact that your latest source is directly contradicted by your first two? Does that mean the matter's closed? LOL

There is absolutely no contradiction between the sources I provided.

The first sources refute the bogus claim that poor black performance is due to poverty, racism, or anything else.

The other source provides information to you that our brain composition is dictated by genetics.

If you can't put the pieces together, that's your problem.


If you wanted to quickly Google for some information, you could.  You don't want to because you don't want your view of the world to be upset by the facts. 



Again, your newest source is contradicted, specifically, by your first two. Tell me again how the "world view" is established on this matter?


Nothing is contradictory at all.  Again, it is politically charged to say the truth.  Look at how you are reacting.

Many cognitive abilities are innate.  Look at the idiot savants who can do complicated mathematical computations in their heads or can play complex musical compositions by ear and by memory.

Were they the beneficiaries of higher education spending, lack of racism, lack of poverty, etc, or are they born with a talent because their brains are wired differently?

Apr 25, 2005 10:53 pm

Now, do these med and law school students who have already graduated
from college have poor attitudes?  Or is it something else like
genetics to blame for their lower performance?

At one of the world’s premier wirehouses female sales assistants,
normally without a degree and often in the role of single mother, pass
the Series 7 exam in greater percentages than black male college

These are just plain old facts.  They do not paint a pretty picture, but reality is often not at all pretty.

If “games” such as I described in a previous comment were not played
with black new hires and their experience with Series 7 there would be
virtually none of them in the business.  At the huge wirehouses
those who know the facts can count on one hand the number of Negroes
who passed their exams on the first try.

As for the use of the word Negro–if it’s good enough for the United Negro College Fund it’s good enough for me.

You know, it’s damn difficult to keep up with the term-du-jour anyway.  When I was growing up there were Negroes.

Then one day some Negroes decided that they needed ot change their
image so they became “Coloreds” as in The National Association of
Colored People–that was good for a few years but eventually Coloreds
started getting a bad image so it was time to change.

They became “Blacks” as in “Black is Beautiful” and “Black
Power!”  That didn’t last long–mostly because there was a lot of
anger in the “Black” movement–so they changed again.  They became
"Afro Americans."

That was fine for awhile, but then hair styles changed and the "Afros"
had to go and so did Afro-Americans–so they became “African
Americans.”  On a Meet The Press one of the “leaders” was asked,
“What part of Africa are you from?” and the leader responded "Detroit."

All of a sudden the term African American became a punch line in a joke so it was time to change yet again.

Enter “People of Color”–which has lasted a few years now.  It is
possible to be truly politically correct by writing a sentence such as,
"People of color gathered at the House of White to meet the
President.  While there they enjoyed wine of red and nibbled on
some chees of bleu. 

One of these days society will get tired of the people of color and in
order to deflect criticism a new name will be adopted–maybe they’ll go
back to Negro, it’s an age old word that was perfectly acceptable to
generations of Negroes.

Apr 26, 2005 12:57 pm

"There is absolutely no contradiction between the sources I provided."

Read them. Your first two sources say, specifically, that there has been no evidence of a link to genetics. Does this line look familiar?<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

 "Jencks and Phillips, however, point out in The Black-White Test Score Gap that "despite endless speculation, no one has found genetic evidence indicating that blacks have less innate intellectual ability than whites."

They blame the attitudes of parents towards education for their children's academic performance. IOW, if it isn’t important in the kid’s home, it won’t be important to them in the classroom.

Your third source blames genetic differences.

You really should read your own sources....

Apr 26, 2005 2:55 pm

 "Jencks and Phillips, however, point out in The Black-White Test Score Gap
that "despite endless speculation, no one has found genetic evidence
indicating that blacks have less innate intellectual ability than

Nobody–as in NO BODY–has ever looked for the link. Finding it would be too explosive.

Back in the 1930s most of the world’s best and brightest were involved in studies to prove exactly things like that.

Then the Nazis became involved in their experiments with Jews and the
world was so repulsed by their activities that organizations such as
the United Nations swore off continued studies.

It has only been in the last decade or so that the human gnome has been
mapped–and even that stopped short.  They claim to know about 99%
of the genetic markers and their relationships with each other.

Does it not make sense that the reason they don’t acknowledge 100% is because the 1% is where all the explosive truths are?

There are countless studies of suburban schools that reveal that Negro
kids lag behind whites who lag behind Asians–in order to buy the
argument that it’s environmental and nurturing one has to buy into a
belief that blacks who live in suburban subdivisions are not telling
their kids to study, and that the kids are not able to grasp the
concept of homework, and that the kids are not able to grasp the idea
that the white kids are scoring better on tests and that it might just
have something to do with the fact that they’re studying.

Stan, are you prepared to tell us that the Negro kids at the most
upscale suburban high school in the country are not being made aware of
the importance of doing the work?

Apr 26, 2005 4:37 pm

 "Jencks and Phillips, however, point out in The Black-White Test Score Gap that "despite endless speculation, no one has found genetic evidence indicating that blacks have less innate intellectual ability than whites."

Nobody--as in NO BODY--has ever looked for the link. Finding it would be too explosive.

Hmm, I can believe your assertions or take the words of the researchers mentioned above who wrote in a peer reviewed professional journal. Let me take a sec as I consider which source seems more reliable….. LOL<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Apr 26, 2005 5:39 pm

"Jencks and Phillips, however, point out in The Black-White Test Score Gap
that "despite endless speculation, no one has found genetic evidence
indicating that blacks have less innate intellectual ability than

Nobody–as in NO BODY–has ever looked for the link. Finding it would be too explosive.

Hmm, I can believe your assertions or take the words of the researchers mentioned above who wrote in a peer reviewed professional journal. Let me take a sec as I consider which source seems more reliable….. LOL

Read it carefully moron.  Despite endless speculation nobody has found a link.  How about, despite endless searching or some other word that would indicate anything other than speculation?

Does it make sense to you that everything on God's earth except intelligence, is controlled by our genetic code?

Apr 26, 2005 5:52 pm

Suppose there’s a stretch of lonely road outside of town.

Every day somebody observes that there are telltale signs of drag racing out there–you know, burned rubber on the roadway.

There is endless speculation that the kids in town are out there drag
racing but nobody has ever caught them doing it because the sheriff
just doesn’t go out there to see.

In my world the fact that there is burned rubber on the road is enough
evidence–but not in Stan’s.  In his world unless the sheriff
finds the drag racing it does not exist.

It’s good that people like Stan are there–so that we have a gauge on just how dumb some people are.

Apr 26, 2005 9:27 pm


“There is absolutely no contradiction between the sources I provided.”

Read them. Your first two sources say, specifically, that there has been no evidence of a link to genetics. Does this line look familiar?

 "Jencks and Phillips, however, point out in The Black-White Test Score Gap that "despite endless speculation, no one has found genetic evidence indicating that blacks have less innate intellectual ability than whites."


It says they haven't found a link.  Because they weren't looking for one.

What other possible reasons could there be?


They blame the attitudes of parents towards education for their children's academic performance. IOW, if it isn’t important in the kid’s home, it won’t be important to them in the classroom.


So you think that education is unimportant in the homes of affluent blacks who've attended graduate school like those mentioned in the "Shaker Heights" article?

Convenient excuses.  Nothing more.  "Racism, poverty, bad weather, poor attitudes"--everything is to blame but the people themselves, huh?

Is that the way it works?

"Oh sorry I screwed up that trade and cost the branch $5000.  Racism is to blame."

Sure, sure.


Your third source blames genetic differences.

You really should read your own sources....

Again, I did read them.  Nothing contradicts.  You don't find something if you aren't looking for it or if you refuse to see it.

One question for you, Stan:

How come black students perform significantly behind their white and asian peers in other countries like Canada and Great Britain?

UK, blacks underperform:


"The gap between African-Caribbean boys' educational attainment and that of their White counterparts is ever widening. Just 27.3% 1 of Black Caribbean boys gain GCSE grades A-C, compared to the national average of 52.3%. While overall GCSE results are improving year on year, the same is not true for Black boys. Although there have been some examples of huge improvement (Tower Hamlets for Example) attainment of Pakistani and Bangladeshi pupils is also a major cause for concern. This pattern of failure destroys life-chances and perpetuates generational unemployment. In some neighbourhoods twice as many Black youth are in prison than university."

This is no different than what we see on our side of the Atlantic.  What's the common thread between these separated black populations?  Genetics.

(Canadian educational statistics cannot be found on Google.)

I think you have been brainwashed.

This this the absolute last post I'm going to make on anything racial because I am NOT a racist and if I ever have the opportunity to hire a black person who is the best person for the job I will gladly do it.  I believe in judging people for the individuals they are and not on the color of their skin.  However, if you want me to pretend that there are no differences between different groups of people I'm not going to do it because the data clearly indicates that there are.

Apr 26, 2005 9:36 pm

Convenient excuses.  Nothing more.  “Racism, poverty, bad
weather, poor attitudes”–everything is to blame but the people
themselves, huh?

Don’t forget breakfast.  We all know that black tenth graders read
at a second grade level because they didn’t have bacon and  eggs
on the morning they took the test.

Apr 26, 2005 9:37 pm


This this the absolute last post I’m going to make on anything
racial because I am NOT a racist and if I ever have the opportunity to
hire a black person who is the best person for the job I will gladly do
it.  I believe in judging people for the individuals they are and
not on the color of their skin.  However, if you want me to
pretend that there are no differences between different groups of
people I’m not going to do it because the data clearly indicates that
there are.


Just one more post I guess.  I want to say how thankful I am for
all the black soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for America and
putting their lives at risk so we can keep our homeland peaceful and
free from terrorism.

Apr 26, 2005 9:40 pm

Just one more post I guess.  I want to say how thankful I am for
all the black soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for America and
putting their lives at risk so we can keep our homeland peaceful and
free from terrorism.

Please, numbnuts, don’t bother to rerspond to inquisitive by posting
some drivel about Iraq and Afghanistan not having anythinig to do with

That argument is as vapid as your points of view regarding race.

Apr 26, 2005 10:30 pm

No one ever did a study?  Go to the library and check out "The Bell Curve".  Quite controversial in the early 90's.

This whole argument is QUITE arcane.  Are you honestly suggesting that in this age of demographic studies that if suddenly someone discovered 7% of the population that hadn't been prospected to death some BOM wouldn't have found the natural affinity brokers and hired them?  Hell, I know a broker that works with exotic dancers!  And you're suggesting that it's racism (or sexism or homophobia) that keeps brokerages from going after the various races, genders, or sexual orientations?  Why, if brokerages are "racist" organizations, do the wire houses recruit so heavily for Spanish speaking brokers and support staff for South Florida?

Jan 19, 2008 9:00 pm

Put trader did u just say that black pple like to “nibble on cheese”??

Pure ignorance. By the way … check ur DNA … I wouldnt be surprised if u had some “negro” in you!

Jan 19, 2008 11:22 pm

[quote=mrsobama]Put trader did u just say that black pple like to “nibble on cheese”??

Pure ignorance. By the way … check ur DNA … I wouldnt be surprised if u had some “negro” in you![/quote]

So are you so stupid that you don’t realize you’re resurrecting a 2 1/2 year old thread dominated by someone who is no longer on this board?

Or is this merely another attempt to boost your post count so your not so obvious as a returning troll?

Which is it?

Jan 19, 2008 11:37 pm


[quote=mrsobama]Put trader did u just say that black pple like to “nibble on cheese”??

Pure ignorance. By the way … check ur DNA … I wouldnt be surprised if u had some “negro” in you![/quote]So are you so stupid that you don’t realize you’re resurrecting a 2 1/2 year old thread dominated by someone who is no longer on this board?Or is this merely another attempt to boost your post count so your not so obvious as a returning troll?Which is it?[/quote]

And how was I supposed to know they are no longer on this board? I’m sure they still LURK!

Jan 20, 2008 1:39 am

I am now sure that mrsobama is a moron…

Jan 20, 2008 5:24 am

…what took you so long!!!

Jan 20, 2008 6:53 am

[quote=Indyone]…what took you so long!!![/quote]

I’m a little off my game…I have other things on my mind.

Jan 20, 2008 1:25 pm

[quote=joedabrkr] I am now sure that mrsobama is a moron…


I was “researching” stuff on this forum last night & I had no idea Put Trader is gone. Darn…I missed him. I should have been here to “throw him a banana” & I’m not saying he is a monkey!!

So does this guy have any published books?    

Jan 20, 2008 11:38 pm

[quote=mrsobama] [quote=joedabrkr] I am now sure that mrsobama is a moron…


I was “researching” stuff on this forum last night & I had no idea Put Trader is gone. Darn…I missed him. I should have been here to “throw him a banana” & I’m not saying he is a monkey!!

So does this guy have any published books?     [/quote]

So I guess it’s pretty boring out there in Colorado, huh?