From Wire to Ria: Is There A Place For Me

Sep 15, 2016 2:43 pm

Does anyone have any experience leaving a wire house investment firm and joining a RIA?

Recently I have had some people I respect very much break away and go independent, and it made me curious about my current situation and what the rest of the industry looks like.

My Background:

I was hired on a large firm and was given a book of assists to manage, Which I enjoy maintaining and servicing the clients however I don't enjoy the increasing demand of my time to continue adding on 3-4 clients every month at this point I manage close to 400 relationships, I would rather have a more natural and holistic process to acquire clients through relationships. Not to mention I have a hard time imagining how to deeply serve clients if constant pressure from new households is constant. I feel like I hit a wall.

Ideally I would like to be a junior advisor to a senior advisor who is looking to support my CFP and pay a salary with bonus incentive if I do bring on a new clients over time.

Is there a place for me on the independent side? If so what are typically salary ranges if I have been in industry for 4 years.

Thank you all in advance