MSSB Online Marketing

Nov 18, 2009 10:47 pm

What are the cheapest, most cost efficient ways to draw in business online?  I’m with MSSB so there are some restrictions with compliance.  I’m new but I will be setting up a website with my bio and info in the spring…so I need to route traffic to my website for free or cheap.  As I said I’m a new rep so I won’t have much money to market.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

Nov 18, 2009 10:59 pm

It’s going to be a big uphill battle with compliance. I was using an indy b/d and had major issues. Now that I am RIA and don’t need them to approve everything I have been able to get my sight listed above all the local wirehouses in Google.

I would waste my time trying it. Better to pick up the phone and dial…

Nov 19, 2009 8:02 pm

There has to be a way to drive traffic in.  Using social networking with the link, write articles, blogs, put my link on another cos website, google ad words, etc.

Nov 19, 2009 8:17 pm

There has to be a way to drive traffic in.  Using social networking with the link, write articles, blogs, put my link on another cos website, google ad words, etc.

  Yeah probably but they won't let you do that with THEIR brand.
Nov 19, 2009 8:28 pm

Here is the issue - you will need to get your adwords/blogs/etc approved by compliance. They won’t approved it -or it will take so long, the info on your blog won’t be timely.

Like Squash said -they have a brand to protect.

Plus -have you seen the MSSB FA websites - they are horrible, nobody is going to pick you with their layout.

Sorry to tell you -but marketing via the web is not going to be something MSSB will let you do. They will tell you to pick up the phone instead.

Nov 21, 2009 12:49 am

At MSSB, you’re not allowed to have your own site.  They have an arrangement with an outside firm called Subzero (or something like that), you pick from several templates, and you have your statement  automatically debited.