Lead List from Wholesalers?

Jan 20, 2010 4:43 am

Has anyone ever been able to get a free lead list from a wholesaler? I’ve asked several with no luck, but that’s probably because Im newer and don’t have more than $500,000 with any single company. Has anyone tried getting a list from a wholesaler with success? If so, what company and how much did you have there?

Jan 20, 2010 3:24 pm

Has anyone ever been able to get a free lead list from a wholesaler? I’ve asked several with no luck, but that’s probably because Im newer and don’t have more than $500,000 with any single company. Has anyone tried getting a list from a wholesaler with success? If so, what company and how much did you have there?

Jan 20, 2010 5:56 pm

Has anyone ever been able to get a free lead list from a wholesaler? I’ve asked several with no luck, but that’s probably because Im newer and don’t have more than $500,000 with any single company. Has anyone tried getting a list from a wholesaler with success? If so, what company and how much did you have there?

  You have two ways to go about this.  First is how everyone does it.  The second way is the truth of the matter.   First:  "I'm really looking to ramp up my 2010 production.  I'd like to get more assets to Ivy/Pioneer/MFS/whoever.  Is there any way your company can get me a list of people to call.  I'd like to start calling tomorrow".   Second:  "Here's the Situation.  I need to do something...some sort of activity.  I know you can buy me a list of 1000 names with about $160 of your marketing budget that I can cold call.  The list, I know, will fail me miserably.  The list I'm requesting will be the same exact list that all other advisors in my area are asking for.  Half the numbers will be wrong numbers, disconnected, or fax machines.  Of the half that actually, 75% won't answer the phone because there are many other sales people calling the exact same list.  Of the remaining 25% of reachable people on the list, I will discover they didn't meet the criteria of $100,000 income or $250,000 investable net worth.  As a matter of fact, their only income source is disability and social security.  So, Mr. Wholesaler, can you make this happen?"   If you don't have more than $500,000 with any one company, you can still get help...unless you're putting all the money with American Funds, then you won't get help.   What companies have you used so far?  You'd be better off asking one of them to take you, a client or prospect and a couple of their friends to a happy hour or wine tasting, or beer tasting, or anything and build rapport and get them to like you.  You can casually invite someone and say, "Hey, would you and a couple people you work with (or friends) find it worth your time to have an open discussion about....................."