College Funding

Jul 8, 2005 4:45 pm

Is anyone doing any college funding. I heard of company called NCF & IMS who has a great program and wondered if anyone has used them before?

Jul 12, 2005 4:04 pm

Joel…wanted to let you know that we use them. They’ve been our honey hole for quite some time now so I almost hate talking about it. NCF & IMS has a terrific college funding program. They will do everything they say and that even includes them actually trainning you one on one so you don’t mess it up. To be quite honest because of their program we primarly focus on college funding and less on annuity and insurance planning mainly because the amount of business we’ve got from using their program. One thing you’ll like about these guys is they’ll help you through the entire process to make sure your successful. Plus they don’t fee you to death. We actually bought another competitors college funding program and sent it back because NCF & IMS’s kit we felt was better and was a fraction of the price…I think we only paid like $595 or something like that, I’m not really sure what their charging now but I think it’s still the same. If you want to get into this college funding business this is the company you’ll want to work with.

Jul 12, 2005 5:59 pm

Appreciate VTRep…I was glad to hear that. I’ve seen alot of great comments about them at but sort of wanted to find out if anyone here had the same experience. I going to go ahead and do it…I’ll keep you posted on how it goes…thanks

Jul 13, 2005 1:30 pm

I noticed you mentioned $595…I actually heard it was free. Do you know anything about that?

Jul 29, 2005 2:46 pm

Joel…they do now charge $595…I’ve seen their kit and it’s worth it though. We now use them and have had unbelievable success. We basically have don’t what vtrep has done our company consists of CFP’s, CPA’s and financial planners. We now all primarily focus on financial aid planning because of the untouched market and not to mention the amount of business we’ve made from their program. We still do financial planning however this program has given us an easier into to peoples finances and planning. Yes you make a great income in financial planning alone but it’s also served to be a phenominal prospecting tool especially when no one else does it. It always amazes our organization that there’s not more financial professionals doing this program. We finally got out of the rat race of chasing the same customer for an annuity or life insurance…investments or whatever. Really got tired of going after the same dollar that everyone else is chasing…finally we’re not having to do that anymore. Hope this helps Joel…I highly recommend them and I am sure once you use their program you’ll understand why. It will be a life changing thing for you I know it has for us.

Aug 2, 2005 5:38 pm

do you have a contact number for them

Aug 2, 2005 5:40 pm

sorry I messed up the posting…their contact number is 919-479-9401 is the NC number not sure what the CA number is…hope this helps