Law and Order - Irrelevant Politicians Unit

Jan 17, 2008 9:53 pm

Fred needs a good finish this weekend or it’s back to TV land for him.  I like Fred, not enough to ever vote for him, but as an actor. However, he would be my choice over Huckleberry.

  Edwards needs a good finish as well.   I would say my choice for prez would go: Edwards, Clinton, Guiliani, McCain, Obama, Thompson.   If it's Romney or Huckabee I'm packing my bags and moving to Sky Station 4 at the center of our galaxy. I'll be safe there, as neither of these guys believes that anything 28,000 light years away exists. The universe being only 5000 years old and all.
Jan 18, 2008 1:20 am


  I would say my choice for prez would go: Edwards, Clinton, Guiliani, McCain, Obama, Thompson.  [/quote]   Whaaaa? Bondguy, have you been doing crystal meth with Britney, again?
Jan 18, 2008 4:54 pm


  I would say my choice for prez would go: Edwards, Clinton, Guiliani, McCain, Obama, Thompson.  [/quote]   Whaaaa? Bondguy, have you been doing crystal meth with Britney, again? [/quote]   Yeah, I see your point. If Huckleberry or Romney get in 28000 light years is still too close. Probably would still be downwind of the smell. OK, off to the Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy 4 million light years distant from the flat earth. Which of course means that under a strict Biblical interpretation it doesn't exist, ah, even though we can see it. Well at least it existed 4 million years ago. You know, before time.  
Jan 18, 2008 7:36 pm

I’m scared to imagine what Huckleberry would do to our foreign relations policy… it’s already been worked over too much as is over the last 6 years.  Oh, and he doesn’t believe in the theory of evolution?  Is that true?

  Why would Fred leave his cushy job on L&O anyway?  He thinks he's the next Ronald Reagan? 
Jan 18, 2008 8:24 pm

[quote=Big Taco]I’m scared to imagine what Huckleberry would do to our foreign relations policy… it’s already been worked over too much as is over the last 6 years.  Oh, and he doesn’t believe in the theory of evolution?  Is that true?

  BT, that he is a Bible thumper who doesn't believe in evolution is the point of my post. The universe is about 13 billion years old. We know this because we now have the ability to measure things like radiation and light. That it took these night sky objects millions of years or more to attain their relative positions in the universe and the light we see from them millions of years or more to reach us is beyond the Biblical scale of time. So, I figure if he doesn't buy evolution there is no way he buys the big bang theory. Oh, and by the way, the universe you now find yourself a part of is just a theory. Even though its reality to you and me. Why would Fred leave his cushy job on L&O anyway?  He thinks he's the next Ronald Reagan?  BT, as you know every DA has to run for re-election. Arthur, ah, I mean Fred didn't run again. Seriously, Fred is a big time conservative republican with a successful career as a politician as well as being an actor. I thought i read somewhere that  he was, at one time, a Merrill Lynch broker as well. He was tapped by the conservative right to enter the race for his face recognition as well as party line views. Right now he, Huckleberry, and sometime Michigan homeboy Romney are competing for who is the furthest right. Fred is, if nothing else, the least changable of the candidates. That is, his stance doesn't change state by state or audience by audience. That's real integrity and something to like. But, he's still too far right for my tastes. Jan 29th and Feb 5th should shake things out. [/quote]
Jan 18, 2008 10:23 pm

I got the bible references with the “they think the earth is 5000 yrs old” bit, you didn’t need to explain it, but thanks for you consideration.  BG, do you ever watch “The Universe” on History Channel?  Interesting stuff.

  I couldn't agree more about how creepy Huckleberry is.  His "Season's Greetings" ad where he went on about the birth of Christ and then the slow pan to the glowing crucifix in the background was just too much (and then he tried to pretend that anyone who think's it's a cross has an overactive imagination).  Maybe Christ should run for president.  Cut out the goofy middleman.